To her too?

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I can't decide. Do I save myself and lose my parents or do I continue to put up with it and keep them? I pull at my hair. What do I do!?!

"You'll make the right decision, Jungkook. My dear." I hear a sweet and soothing voice of a woman say.

I look around my room. "Hello?" I say but get no response.

"Who was that?" I think to myself. She sounded familiar, but from where was the question.

"You'll find out soon, my child." The voice said again.

Who was this? And why did she call me her child? 

Jungkook POV:
I finally got off of punishment. Yugeom and my Hyungs offered to hang out at my house so that I didn't get grounded again. I thank them for that and accepted their offer.

Little did they know that I was accepting this offer to not be beaten. I could care less about being grounded, at least that never hurt.

I sighed while thinking about my last punishment. It really hurt me. Hmm? Maybe it was because I wasn't fully healed from the one before that. I don't know.

"Jungkook-ah? Are you ok?" Yugeom asked me.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Yea, I'm fine." I said with a bunny smile.

I almost forgot that we all were hanging out today. Me, Yugeom, Jimin-hyung, Hobi-hyung and Jin-hyung. We were all sitting in my room, which I'm surprised that my parents let them in the castle let alone my room.

Jin-hyung looked at me. He gave me that look that means he knows that I'm lying. I quickly looked away from him. I was fine and I knew it.

"Jungkook, do you have any training for today? I kinda want to go outside." Jimin-hyung asked.

"I don't know for sure but I'll ask." I say to him. I leave the room to find one of my parents, hopefully my mother. 

My prayers were answered because I found my mother first not my father. I take a deep breath before walking up to her.

"Excuse me, Ma?" I say hesitantly 

"Yes, sweetheart?" She says with a bright smile.

Great, she's in a good mood. "Um, do I have training or things to do today because the Hyungs wanted to go outside." I ask.

She thinks for a second. "I don't think so. So you may go out, but stay in the kingdom and be back before the sunsets. Understand?" She tells me.

"Yes, Ma." I say before walking back to my room.

"So?" Hobi-hyung asked.

"She said I had nothing to do. So let's go!" I say with a big bunny smile.

Time skip~

"Ok, Hyungs. The sun is starting to set. I need to go now." I say to them. 

"Ok, Kookie." They say to me.

"Bye Hyungs. Bye Geomie." I say before turning around.

I was about to start heading home when I felt something grab my arm. I turn and look and see Jin-hyung.

"Jungkook, what was up with you earlier?" He asked.

"What do you mean, Hyung?" I say to him.

"When Yugeom asked if you were ok. What was going through that head of yours?" He asked me with a that serious look.

"It was nothing, Hyung. Honestly." I answered.

"Ok." He said like he didn't fully believe it. "On a different note, when are you going to tell them?"

"Tell who what?" I ask.

"Tell Jimin, Hoseok and Yugeom, your friends, what your parents do to you." He said.

"What they do? They don't do anything to me." I say.

Jin-hyung stopped in his tracks and gave me a raised eyebrow. "Jungkook, they beat you." He told me.

I shake my head no "They just discipline me." I say to him.

"Jungkook, what did they do to you now?" Jin-hyung asked, very concerned.

"Nothing because they don't beat me. What you are saying isn't true." I say to him.

"Jungkook. Are you hearing yourself? You called me the other day to come look at your back because your "father" hit you. But now what I'm saying is not true?" Jin-hyung explained.

"Yes." I say to him as I look away from him.

"Ok. Fine, Jungkook. But know this, if you don't then I'll make you tell them." He said before walking away.

Once he's far enough away, I let out a sigh of relief and put my hand on my panicking heart. I started to take deep breaths to calm down myself.

I don't mean to make Hyung mad but…

Flashback 4 days ago~

I walked up upstairs to my room and saw Pa standing in there looking angry. He saw me and grabbed me by my collar and pinned me to the wall.

"Pa?" I say in fear.

He looks at me with an angry face. "What the hell is this? Whose number is this?" He asked me. His hand slowly slid around my neck, choking me.

"The council ladies who talked to me." I told him while catching my breath.

He got even angrier and dropped the number on the floor, allowing him to put both hands around my neck. "And why did she give you her number? Did you tell her a lie?"

"No. She asked me." I say while trying to breathe.

"And you said?" He asked.

"Nothing happened." I tell him.

"So why do you still have her number?" He asked as his grip got tighter.

"I forgot to throw it out. I got distracted." I say.

He tightens his grip more so now I can't breathe. "Good. Because if you told the council people one of your bullshit lies and got us in trouble, you would be in big trouble. I'll choke you until you pass out. Do you hear me?" He said loudly into my face.

I nodded at him because I wasn't able to talk anymore. My eyes started to fill with tears and my vision was getting darker as I wasn't getting any air.

Right when I felt like I was going to pass out, he let go. I fell to the ground holding my neck and breathing heavily.

"Oh stop being over dramatic. I didn't do it that hard. Get yourself, boy." He said before walking out of my room.

End of flashback~

I touched my neck after thinking back to that moment. Charlie and Dakota whimpered at me for thinking about it again. They were very shaken up by it.

Now when anyone says that they beat me, I start to panic because of that experience. That one really scarred me. It made me obedient.

I sigh as I walk into the castle. I immediately hear yelling. It's weird because the only yelling I hear in this castle is directed towards me.

I peek down the hallway where the yelling is coming from and see my parents yelling, well Pa yelling at Ma. I was shocked, I've never seen Pa yell at someone other than me. I was completely shocked when I saw…

Him slap her…

I gasp quietly and run upstairs. I sat down on my bed and think about what I just saw. Some many questions were going through my mind.

Did Pa always hit Ma? How long has this been going on? Does she get the same treatment as me? Is that why Ma just watches Pa hit me because she is scared of being hit herself? Is Ma living in fear too?

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