Hi, Tired. I'm...

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Jungkook POV
I flop down onto my bed and lay back. I sighed. I finally got the boys to go to sleep. I felt like they cry and whine more now at 4 weeks than they did when they were newborns. Especially Taeho, he's just as greedy as his Appa is. I got back up to take a quick shower and brush my teeth before changing into PJs. 

After I'm dressed, I get into bed. I started to reach for the light switch, but I'm stopped by something, or should I say someone, getting on top of me and starting to kiss my neck. Making me squeal and giggle because it tickled.

I shift my body to fully face the handsome face with scarlet red eyes that's attached to an amazing man.

I smiled. "Hi, Taehyung," I say to him.

Taehyung smirks at me. Uh oh. Why is he smirking? What is planning?

"Hi, Baby~," He said with a deep, husky, breathy-ish voice.

My brow immediately cocked up at him. What was this all about? "Taehyung, what's wrong?" I ask him. He's acting very suspiciously.

Taehyung sits up, putting his weight on his knees and my thighs, and looks down at me with, what seemed like, a bigger smirk than before.

"What?" I say to him while looking at him in a concerning and confusing way.

He responded by chuckling a bit and grabbing my wrists. He put them on either side of my head and held them there.

I grinned and shook my head at his plans. "Taehyung~" I whined.

Taehyung leans down to me and starts to kiss the marked side of my neck.

"Ngh~" I moaned as that is sensitive because of his mark.

He continues to kiss my neck, starting to move the other side of my neck.

"Tae~" I whined. "But I'm tired." 

Taehyung stops kissing for a second. "Hi, Tired. I'm horny." He said before kissing again.

I chuckle at his little 'joke' "Taehyung~" I whined again.

Taehyung lied down onto me with his weight on me. "*sigh* I haven't properly had you in so long. And we're so horny." He said, very honestly.

"Ok, your cat in heat. What do I get out of this?" I ask him with a smirk.

Taehyung's head popped up. He had a satisfied smirk on his face. "You get to have a great time. With me." He said to me.

"Really? How great?" I ask.

"Wait and see." He said while starting to kiss my neck.

"Ok, but I better not get a baby out of this," I say sternly.

"You can't get pregnant without your heat. Can you?" Taehyung said, confused while looking at me.

"Usually no, but we never know with you. You're sometimes full of surprises and tricks." I tell him.

"I'll show you some tricks and surprises." He said before kissing my face.

I giggled at this and wrapped my arms around his neck. Taehyung stopped kissing my face and looked me in the eyes. I looked back at his.

He slowly started to lean closer to my face, looking at my lips with hunger in his eyes. I closed my eyes as he got closer and our lips were about to touch.

"Waaaahh!" The baby monitor said.

Taehyung's head hit my shoulder as he groaned. "Not even close to being a year old yet and they are already cock blockers." He said

I pat his head "Sorry, little cat, but your big dog is going to have to wait until this is done." I say to him.

Taehyung sighs. "Yea, they ruined the whole mood. I'm not feeling it anymore." He said while pouting.

"Aww. Poor Baby. Maybe next time." I say while patting his shoulders. "Now get up. Let's go see what they need."

Taehyung got up and pulled me up with him. He put his hand around my waist and started to walk like that.

"Tae, what are you doing? Why are we walking like this?" I ask while leaning back on his chest.

"Because I want to hold you for as long as possible, Jungkook." He said before kissing my head.

I smiled at that.

We got to the boys' bedroom and saw that both the boys were crying, which was unusual. I picked up Taeho and Taehyung got Jungwon. 

I started to rock Taeho in my arms but quickly realized that he was crying. He was hungry because he was rubbing his face against my chest, trying to find the milk.

I sat down in one of the chairs in the room. I sat Taeho down on my thighs, so I could unbutton my button-up pajama shirt. After that, I picked him up and started to feed him.

Taehyung had already gotten Jungwon to stop crying by picking him up. Now he was just watching me take care of Taeho. I look up at him.

"What are you looking at?" I ask in a playful tone.

"I'm looking at my beautiful and amazing mate who is currently nurturing one of my sons, so he can grow into a big, strong man." He said while coming over and kissing me on my head.

I blush at the compliment. "Why are you like this?" I say all flustered. I don't know why I'm getting flustered by that but I am.

"Like what? All I'm doing is speaking the truth." He said while talking in a tone that made me blush more.

"Stop!" I say while looking away from him. This was too much.

"Why? Do I make you flustered?" He asked, turning my face, so that I'm looking into his eyes, with his one free arm.

Taehyung smirks and leans down and kisses me. I kiss him back.

"What is this man doing to us?" I say in my thoughts.

"I don't know, but I like it." Dakota answers.

"Me too." Charlie agrees.

"Me three." I say to them.

Taehyung pulled away from my lips and stood up. "I better stop before I do something in front of the kids." He said as he put Jungwon in my lap and took the now full Taeho out of my arms.

I smiled for the millionth time today and picked up Jungwon and started to feed him. Taehyung is a great guy, mate, husband, and father. Just all around a great person.

I'm glad that I have him

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. I purple you all 💜 💜 💜

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