So Mean

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I started to cry and quickly spiraled into a server panic attack. I feel myself start to shake in fear and sweat. I start to think of the things they could do to me.

"Baby? Are you ok?" I heard Taehyung say as he walked up to me.

He put a hand on my shoulder and my vision went completely black. I heard him call my name, but then everything goes numb.

Taehyung POV
I quickly catch Jungkook as he passes out. I look at him for a second before completely starting to freak out. Artemis and Teagan were freaking out too. My mate just passed out because we marked. We're so stupid.

I picked Jungkook up, bridal style. Then I focus my panicking mind, so I can take us to Jin-hyung. After 2 minutes, I got focused enough and teleported us to Jin-hyung's family hospital.

"Jin-hyung!" I screamed once I arrived.

He comes running as quickly as he could to me. He gasped when he saw Jungkook in my arms looking like a rag doll.

"What the hell happened?" He asked me as he pulled us into a room.

"He had a panic-attack and passed out." I tell him while setting Jungkook on the bed ever so gently.

"Did he hit his head?" Jin-hyung asked.

"No, I caught him when we passed out." I tell him.

"Do you know what caused this?" He asked while putting some oxygen onto Jungkook's face.

"I think it's because I marked him." I say while looking down in shame.

Jin-hyung stops everything he was doing. "You marked him?" He said calmly.

"Yes, he's my mate, Hyung." I say.

"Why the hell would you do that?!?" He screamed at me.

"I don't know!" I say while getting my hair "He told me about his parents beating him and how his father killed our baby. And after that I got angry and just reacted. I just lost control."

"Baby? He's pregnant?" Jin-hyung said shocked.

"No. At least not anymore. His father punched our baby to death." I say, sadly.

"Ok, so let me get this straight. You guys are mates and you marked him. But also he lost your guys' baby because of the punishments that were happening?" Jin-hyung asked.

"Yep. That's right." I agree with him.

Jin-hyung gets angry "I'm going to kill that man." He said while connecting Jungkook to an IV.

"Yeah, well get in line." I say to him.

"Well, about Jungkook. He'll be ok. Just needs some fluids and some oxygen (OxyJin lol ok I'm sorry). Let me know when he wakes up, ok? I have other duties to perform" Jin-hyung said before walking out of the room. 

"Oh, can you call and tell that guard friend of Jungkook's? So he doesn't freak out." I asked.

"Sure, Taehyung." He said while continuing on his way.

"Thanks, Hyung. For everything." I say to him. He nods and walks out.

I grabbed a chair and pulled it up beside his bed. I slowly sit down in it before grabbing Jungkook's hand. I slowly caressed the back of his hand. Then I bring it up to my lips and then kiss it gently before caressing it again.

"Baby, I'm sorry. I just lost control for a second and did some things that I regret and I'm sorry. Please wake up." I beg.

I lay my head down and soon fall asleep while holding his hand still.

Jungkook POV
I wake out in a place that's not my room. Where am I? As my head and eyesight clears, I realize that I'm in a hospital bed. I slowly take the oxygen off of my face and go to stretch out, but something is holding my left hand down.

I look down and see Taehyung there sleeping while holding my hand. I smiled at him, it was cute. Even though he marked me without permission, I still can't be mad at him.

He just lost control. I mean he just found out that my parents beat me and that they killed our baby. So I see where he's coming from. I'm actually surprised that he didn't go and find my parents and kill them. But even with the fear of my parents, I'm still very happy he marked me. I smiled thinking about it.

I start to caress his very soft hair. I look at his face, he's so cute when sleeping. I mean he's cute awake too, but it's overshadowed by his handsomeness.

He shifts in his sleep and then opens his eyes. He makes eye contact with me and then immediately wraps his arms around me, hugging me tightly.

He pulls away and looks at me "Jungkook, Baby, I'm sorry. I just lost control. I didn't mean to mark you without permission. I swear I'm not like that. Just please don't hate me. But if you do, I will understand completely. You can leave me, but I won't be able to go on without you in my l-mmm."

I cut him off by connecting our lips. How could he think that I would leave him? I love him way too much to do that, let alone hate him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him deeper into the kiss. He's my mate, my world.

I pull away "How could you say such mean things?" I say to him while feeling hurt.

"Eh?" Taehyung said, confused.

"You think that I hate you and that I would leave you for doing something that comes with nature? No I would never. I love you so much and it hurts for you to even think that about me. Taehyung, you are my mate of life and beyond. Nothing is going to change that." I say while starting to cry.

Taehyung grabbed me and pulled me into another hug "I'm sorry. Just by the way you reacted, I thought you really didn't want this. So, I thought you'd hate me because of this." He said while squeezing me tighter.

I shook my head no. "You marking me was not why I reacted like that. I was very happy that you marked me, but it's just… when my parents find out I don't know if they are going to be happy or not." I tell him honestly.

"It'll be ok, Jungkook. No matter what they do, they can't separate me from you. We'll always be together. Forever." He tells me.

I just squeezed him tighter, really not wanting to let go.

Time skip~

Today's the day. The day my parents come back from their little trip. I was scared to see their reactions to Taehhung's mark, but I know that even if they hated me, I would still have Taehyung and all that matters.

I didn't even know they had arrived until Pa bursted through my door with Ma in tow.

"Jungkook, what's this I hear about you going to the hospital?" Pa asked me.

"Oh" I say while quickly coming up with a lie "I hurt myself and ended up needing to get my head checked out."

"Oh, honey." Ma says "You need to be more careful next time."

"Yes, Ma." I say.

Pa looks at me weirdly. Oh gosh, he noticed the mark! I'm dead.

"Jungkook, what's that on your neck?" He said while grabbing my face and turned to the side to see the mark. 

"*gasp* Jungkook, is that a mark? Did you find your mate?" Ma said excitedly.

"Y-yeah, we bumped into each other at the hospital." I say, lying again. 

"Oh son, I'm so happy for you." Pa said while still looking at my neck. "Wait a minute. *I gulp* Is this a Tiger-Demon mark?"

Ma gasped again.

"Y-yes…" I say, very scared.

Pa slowly stepped away from me, looking very angry.

I gulp again. This is not going to end well.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Please stay safe and healthy. I purple you all 💜 💜 💜

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