Baby Arrival

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Co-written with KookIsDaddy. Go check out his books 😊. He's an amazing writer. Thanks for your help.

Jungkook POV
I put the book I was reading away, and saw myself in the mirror. I looked and felt like a fully inflated beach ball. To think that it has already been 9 months makes me happy inside. Seriously, I love these kids, but they just love to bounce on my bladder.

My back starts to hurt, and I slowly sit back down on the couch. Come on boys, we can do this together. I grab my sketchbook and start a drawing of Taehyung. It's been quiet since he left, my fault anyways.I needed candy and forced him to get it. 

I drew a landscape, a garden. There were purple, red, pink and white flowers scattered across the picture. I smiled at it, proud of myself.

I wonder what it would be like to have a garden like this someday. I hear the door open and Taehyung comes in. He gives me a boxy smile before setting the candy on the table.

"How are you three?" Taehyung asked, caressing my bump.

"We are just fine, Tae. Although they are definitely related to you." I replied.

"Why do you say that, bun?" He asked.

"They won't stop moving around. My bladder is like a trampoline to them. You didn't tell me this would happen." I said.

"How was I supposed to know?" Taehyung asked.

"Because I said so." I responded.

"You're lucky, you're cute." Taehyung said.

"W-would you look for another mate if I wasn't…" I  asked with tears in my eyes.

"Of course not, bun. You are my only mate, no one else but you." Taehyung responded.

Taehyung pecked my lips and got up. He took the candy and hid it behind his back and I lifted up to grab it.

Taehyung held it behind him and waited. I was curious and started pouting because he took it away.

"Give me a kiss and I will give it to you." Taehyung said, smiling.

I leaned up and gave him a gentle kiss before quickly taking the candy from behind his back. He pouted before letting go. I ate the chocolate and took out my sketchbook.

He asked to see what I was drawing, so I turned it over to him. Taehyung looked at the drawing and asked what the colors represented.

"We the pinks and reds represent the colors of a heart. The purple is you, and the white represents purity." I explained.

"You are amazing." Taehyung complimented.

I closed my sketchbook and put the supplies down on the table. Taehyung walked out of the room. I decided to get a small bit of exercise because the doctor said it was good for the babies.

I stood up and felt a sharp jolt of pain in my lower back. I was pregnant after all so this is just part of getting up. But it hasn't happened before. Weird.

The second I step out of the room, the pain gets worse. It surrounds my lower back to my abdomen. Is it happening? I should know right?

The pain gets worse and worse as the time goes on, but thirty seconds later it just stops. I decided it was just a random contraction and nothing was happening.

That is until it happened again, this one was even more painful than the last. I gripped my stomach and yelled for Taehyung. I need to get to the hospital, it could be time.

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