🕛🔻♠ It's Time ♠🔺🕡

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  "It was an accident, I swear! I didn't mean to chose this path ....it chose me , and there is nothing I can do about it *sigh* .....I'm sorry ..... my dear friends....." - Cyclock

(Cyclock's POV)

Everything just happened so quickly , even I  went back in time and changed my path I would still end up in the same place I am today. I remember it like it was yesterday , probably because it was yesterday.

I stared at the mess I made as I kneeled down to watch tears falling down from my face , knowing that everything and everyone I known and loved is gone thanks to my and my selfish Desiree of following my own rest and look where that got me. A blue light lighter up behind me as I wiped the tears from my face and turn around to see a portal opening up. " I wonder  who could that be " I said to my self as I walked closer to there. I slowly backed away from it because I saw a figure stepping out of the portal. All I remember from that moment is demonic laughter and his yellow demonic eyes.

"WELL,WELL,WELL, finally  I found you, just the guy I needed!" He said

" umm...who are you? " "Oh well how rude of me HAHAHA Names Bipper  Cipher ,King of the multiverse and you must be Cyclock the Time traveler" " H-How did you-? "  "nevermind that..." He said .I pause time  as I stand there so confused, trying to processes everything that has just happened . "Ok calm down Cyclock" I took some deep breaths and unpaused time. "Anyways" he said " I came here to ask you to join us! " he said joyfuly.

"What do you mean us?" I asked. "well ....you see , Clock Scarf There is-" "don't call me that" I said. "as I was saying there are other people like you and me!" he said, "what?" "ugh....do I have to repeat it to you multiple times!" said Bipper in an annoyed voice " what no, It's just that ..... Do mean....people with terrible lifes ?" I asked "kind off" he said. "anyways are you coming or not?" "well, how can I trust you that your not lying?" "Lie? why would I lie?" he said. "well you seem like the kind of demon who would trick somebody into making a deal with them ...." "true ,true ....but I'm not lying this time" he said "so is it a yes or no, Clock Scarf ?" "well ......I need to go .....look for my brother real quick." "NO NEED!" he said as he snaped his fingers, and soon my Brother pop out of no where. We both looked so confused at that moment, "oh, hey...." he said surprised. "uhhh...how did you-" "now you've got your brother now...DO WE HAVE A DEAL?" we both stared quietly at each other, not knowing what to say. " Question...did I miss something?"  said my brother as he looked at me confused "well....to make this quick, he wants us to join his edgy group of teens who are like villians..." "Hey, We're not villians, we're bad people" "what's the difference?" I asked. "we we're the cause of villians..." " I know how you feel.....-" " so are we going to make this or not?" said Echo.

 I haven't really seen my brother this happy before, which is why I stared to consider the deal, I mean if it makes my older brother this happy then I'll do it since he's done so much for me in the past, even sacrificing there own sanity just to stay by my side. I soon snaped back to reality to see my brother shaking hands with Bipper. " well its nice to have as a member here,Stitch feather!" said Bipper as he was shaking hands. He soon then look at me with a smile,as if he was waiting for something " Well? aren't you going to shake on it, this is your fate after all...." 

 I didn't know what I was doing....but, I found my self shaking Bipper's hand as he said " well then Clock Scarf....shall we get going" "how long am I going to be gone for?" I asked. "well...let's see problaby about...oh I don't know...hehe......forever" 




 Bipper then soon inturrupted me "what's wrong with that....don't you want to move on from ......this" he said as he looked at chaotic landscape I call home. "it's the only thing I have left of my memories, besides my brother" "and you see, that's whats holding you back from your true power!" "my true power?" I said confused as I watch my brother getting ready to go. "Don't worry, with the rest of us you'll learn how to turn that pain and regret into a weapon against battle" he said as he walked into the portal with my brother. "So will I become more power than ever!?" said Echo " if you put it like that sure."

 I toke a deep breathe, and stared to walk to the portal "I hope I don't regret this " I said to my self as I went to through the portal.

 And into a new adventure...... 

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