🔶🕘🔽Help us, them, and me🌟🔷🔴

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" The sound of death is satisfying but when it's coming from a friend, let's just say sometimes you would wish you would fix this very thing that you've done to end up here in you life or after life..... for me..... I don't deserve to have good friends like them after what I did to them all those years"- Domino 

(Cyclock's POV) 

 I hid behind a corner, the place was huge with a big wall blocking it and guards patrolling everywhere, I knew I had to find a way in there without getting fought by them. I saw that Iris and the other guy were about to go in so I had to create a distraction on the left side " trying to get in somewhere?" " AHH-" I covered my mouth to not make noise "what are you doing here Domino!?" I whispered. "Well I followed you here.... didn't think you were going to here, not gonna lie that was a smart plan" he said, we both looked over at the corner " do you any idea how to get there?" I asked as I looked over at the guards, I could tell that running through it would end us killed since I literally saw that happen. I looked over at Domino and could see that he had an Idea " well I guess I could show you some tricks I learned over time while I was trapped in that stupid mirror" he said. He pulled out three shards of glass and threw them at one of the sides of the big wall in front, this caused on explosion for the guards to go check it out "you can thank me later...." we both began running towards the door before it could close on us "hey Cyclock, do remember that?" he asked "yeah don't remind me.... it brings up bad memories..." I said as we both got inside. 

 I was just sitting down looking at the view of the broken world I created until I heard voices near by, I thought I was going crazy since I was the only one here. I creeped around the corner and saw two people there....... "Clockwork..." I whispered to my self, I kept my self quite until I heard the voice of the one who told me to do all the things I did. " I think I can help you with something.... we need to get rid of them once and for all" he said "how?" "just watch and learn me..." he pulled out three shards of glass and aimed at them "well where should we go Clockwork?" one of them said. "well maybe-" he threw the shards of glass at them leading an explosion to almost cause them to fall of the island, Clockwork pulled up Frost bite and then looked over at where I was " it can't be..." he said. "well, well, well......... look at what we have here..... hello Clockwork" I said as I walked closer to them while they backed away "tell me Clockwork.... how does it feel to see your self become a power and unstoppable villain.... isn't that what you wanted? to break time cause if so............ why do you want to change that?" I said as  I stood above the rocks of the broken world I lived in " and why are you trying to stop me? we're villains, isn't that what we're suppose to do?" said Clockwork as I looked down upon him.

 We both peeked around the corner to see the both of them talking to walk I can assume-"is that the Time baby they were talking about?" "yes... believe me, he's a bitch.... I'd rather not talk about him" said Domino as we started to hear there conversation. " Did you bring me a member, Flint and Iris?" he asked "well we were going to get you one of the more powerful ones but we came across this one all alone and well we decided to take here instead" they explained. "good enough, lock her up in a cage.... I'm sure you can use her for bait of sorts" "yes boss" they both dragged her away. Domino looked at me " what are we here for again?" he asked "I'll explain to you that later.....come on!" we both ran as quietly as we could through the hall way following them without trying to get caught by the guards. " there..... she should wake up in a few minutes" said Flint as we got there, we both took a look at them to see if they'll leave "I estimated a 5 minutes and 23 seconds from her walking up" "well good to know Iris because I think this was great information for Cyclock to know..." he said looking at me. I knew I was dead as he he pulled me over "shit..... I uhh-" " WOW all it took was to just get out a member and boom, we have the time traveler! Boss will be so happy" said Iris but then Flint stopped her, which left me confused. Domino came out of the corner as well saying " don't you dare hurt him Flint! I know what your capable of and out of everyone here..... your the worst of them all" Flint brushed it off like if it was nothing to him and then looked at me " nice to meet you in person.... I thought somebody was following us but I didn't know it was going to be you...." I was still confused. " what? I'm just-" "let me explain dear time traveler..... we need your help" he said. 

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