🔮🔪♣ He's Alive.....!? ✴✅🚫

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" I thought he was gone...... I killed him, just like the rest of them and yet your telling me he's alive........ maybe there is a chance of redemption, but I'm to far gone now..... it's about time to accept change and move on with life.... that is if I even can"- Cyclock 

(Cyclock's POV) 

 We both looked confused " what do you mean?" I asked " well let's just say that Revenged Henry was one of our experiments of life and death" explained Bipper as we were both surprised by this. "  you wouldn't mind if I experimented on him, would you?" Asked Morty as he looked at the broken robot " well, if you think you can handle him and fix him.... sure, why not" said Beast Wirt, Morty carried the robot to his room as I stayed behind. The room was silent " so Cyclock....... ummmm, how about we just-" "yeah probably.... We walked out as I toke Domino aside " hey Domino, you want to come to?" I asked as Domino coughed "oh yeah, we'll be back soon ok!" he said as we left. 

 "you said we would be here by now...." said Domino as waited up on a hill " yeah I don't know where-" we both heard something come out of the tress and flying towards us. " oh there he is" I said as Angel landed, he said " hey Cyclock, I see you brought a friend too" "yeah... wait you too?" I asked a bit confused. " yeah you won't mind if I bring my Girlfriend and Boyfriend too on this, there on there way it's just that Atlas got stuck in a branch and he told me to go ahead without them" he later explained, which I wasn't sure if I was heart broken or surprised by the fact that Atlas is dating him... and Tord and I beat the shit out him last time, this was going to be awkward. "oh I didn't know.... you and Atlas were a thing, and your Girlfriend" "yeah, her name is Alexis.... she's pretty nice if you ask me" he said as me and Domino saw Atlas and who I assume is Alexis coming out of the Bushes. " oh god, well we made it Angel" said Alexis, me and Atlas had a moment of silence once we started at each other face to face one more time " Cyclock..." "Atlas..." We said " well, this is..... interesting, how about we just beginning to go and find your "dead" boyfriend" said Angel as we all began walking up the mountain. 

 Most of the way up there was cold and quite, we soon started to see snow as we got higher up " how much long will it take get where we are?" Asked Domino shaking " well we still have to look for the Snow house, I heard that he lives there so he might be there right now" said Alexis as we kept on walking. I wasn't sure whether or not we would find him but I wasn't going to give up until I know for sure " I think it's getting a bit snowy here" said Atlas looking up at the sky, it looked like a snow storm of some sorts but that couldn't be possible since it's was Sunny outside unless it had to do with the mountain or.... " I think we're getting close-" suddenly we all heard Angel scream " WATCH OUT!!!" as a landslide of snow came towards us. We all ran away from it but it seemed to have gotten us either way as my face was covered in snow and ice, it felt as if the ice cut through my skin causing the blood from inside to freeze as I slowly closed my eyes when I heard the screams of others crying out for help.  

 " .... ugh, geez... wha-" I said as I seemed to have woken up in a warm and cozy cabin " hello?" I asked as I looked around, I started to hear Talking coming from out side so I walked aver there to see what it was. " well if you see anything let me know ok" I heard from outside as I sneaked by there to see who it was " well we should probably get going, the Heroes might get there before us..." could it be? His voice sounded familiar to me. I walked outside slowly to see a familiar figure in the snow. "...... Clockwork?" I asked, he turned around surprised " Cyclock..... I thought you died?" He said " I thought you died!" I yelled, I saw Clockwork stepping away slowly from me, he seems to be panicking just like I did when ever I look at past  memories. " Clockwork I-" but before I could finish he started to to run away from me as I yelled "CLOCKWORK WAIT!" I ran towards him as the snow hold me back from forgiveness. I tripped over a pile of snow, it was to cold outside that I could barely stand up, I tried to chase him down as the snow storm got worse and worse until I hid over a rock to see where he was going. " you ok Clockwork?" asked a familiar voice that I'd never thought I would hear ever again " yeah just some.... old memories, but don't worry about it frost bite I managed to get directions from the other you.... with this piece left I could be able to create the things that shall break this curse I call my power.... time" I heard him say from a far. They both started walking away as I tried to come down there for them to wait for me, but they didn't seem to hear me "no, don't leave yet!" I tried to stand up but I seemed to have injured my leg on the way chasing him, I felt the need to cry as old flashes of memories passes by my head once I felt as a warm feeling of comfort surrounded me. 

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