💥↘⌛ Moved on already?⏳⚠⭕

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" ..... Forgiveness doesn't solve anything..... at least nothing from the past, but it can change your future...... as long as you mean it, cause even mistakes can't always be mistakes...." -Clockwork 

(Cyclock's POV) 

 " ..... I believe he's here" said Domino, I started to step closer and closer as I heard voices getting louder and louder, I peaked around the corner which was a bit dark but still visible to see in. " so you finally got it Clockwork?" Someone said "yeah.... I think I heard the heroes were coming, you hold them off and I'll see where to hide this" he said as what looked like another version of Domino run off to one of the exits. I tried to sneak in forward but "I know someone is there! So show your self...." said Clockwork, I began to shake but I put my self together and kept walking, as I showed part off my face Clockwork was shocked "Cyclock...." I stayed Silent "....... yeah" Mirror Domino stayed behind as he waited this one out since he thought it was a problem I needed to deal with. Clockwork soon enough broke the silence as he pulled up his staff " I'm not running away from you this time!" he yelled out "wait Clockwork let me explia-" but before I could even say a word he soon let out a shock of electrical substance that almost stabbed me to death, I quickly jumped out of the way which almost hit my chest, as much as I wanted help from Domino this was a job for me to handle on my own. " Clockwork I just want to talk!" " well you've already said enough, now it's time for you to leave" I knew I had to fight back since he obviously won't listen, I took out my axe and swing it towards him but he seemed to have dogged it just in time as if he saw it coming from minutes away "don't forget, your playing time with time" he said. I knew what he was doing, I can see he has grown smarter and stronger since the last time I've seen him "you need help Cyclock?" Whispered Domino as Clockwork pinned me to the ground (get your mind out of the gutter) and was about to cut off my head with a purple shard that looked like it came from darkness of sorts. " no thanks, I'm good-" I soon kicked him in the guts and and flipped him over and then grabbing him by the scarf, I didn't want to do this but I guess I had no other choice, I tried to calm him down as I wrapped him in purple strings while he yelled "LET ME GO YOU LITTLE  PSYCHO BITCH BEAR!!!" " Clockwork calm down, just listen to me" I told him. 

  He's face expression was filled with rage of a hundred hellhounds ready to be released from hell and kill "LISTEN TO YOU!? YOU NEARLY KILLED ME AND HURT FROST BITE! AND YOU ARE TELLING ME TO LISTEN TO YOU!?..... I don't want anything to do with you are your stupid dumb fucking plan.... I have run away from many of my problems, leaving them only to come back to hold me back from my villainous future ahead of me...... NOT THIS TIME BITCH!!!!" soon a spark of purple appeared from his eyes and next thing you know his purple wings spread out like and eagle and his halo raises up like a god. I quickly moved out of the way as I can see Domino is just eating popcorn and watching this, I rolled my eyes at him and quickly got punched in the face causing my mouth to cough up blood, I looked at him with my red eyes glowing bloody red with rage " give up Cyclock....... you have gone soft haven't you" I didn't want to use this on him but rage took over me. I soon let both my wings and halo come out as I tried to hold him down from killing me " CAN YOU JUST LISTEN TO ME!!" I yelled to him " LISTEN TO YOUR WHAT!? YOUR-" I soon yelled out " I'M SORRY OK!!" Clockwork stood there, staying still ".... what?" He asked. I felt as if tears were about to fall but I sustained my self to it as I bite my teeth to make them more sharper then before and began to speak once more. " look.... I know you can't forgive me.... And I respect that.... but I felt the need to get it off my chest because I'm honestly tired of this pain and guilt holding me back from what could be a new beginning for me......... We both suffered from the same events in life.... our families death and separation...... and being brought in to a villainous group.......but mine was different" I told him, he soon raised an Eye brow "what do you mean?" He asked, I wasn't ready to face another memory but I knew I had to "I never met Domino at that time....." 

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