🔥⬅⏬ First Mission........Gone Wrong Part 2: Rivals....🚫➡⏫

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 "You either die a hero......or live long enough to see your self become a villian....." - Domino & Cyclock  

( Cyclock's POV) 

 " ugh......oh f*ck what-......" "what did I say about you cursing?" I heard a voice near me say "wha-?" "never mind, just get up!" I stood up, shaking in pain, and look down to see Domino on the floor. "oh...your back..." "yeah sorry I cut you off last week ...I had to pay my wi-fi bills...." " that was a hard fall.....where am I exactly?" I said looking around, the place looked like a green house inside of a cave. " well how do you expect me to know?" " ....How far was the fall?" "pretty far actually....I almost got hit with a rock..." I picked up Domino and said " well where ever we are...we should look Tord to make sure he isn't hurt or lost" " I don't know maybe he's dead or something...." "DOMINO!!! Don't say that....." I said to him as I started to walk into this new area. 

 As we explored more of this place it started to look less like a temple and more like a castle " I wonder what this place use too be....right, Domino?" "it's probably a funeral hall....." "......wow....great way of ruining the mood edge lord..." "shut up you one eye clock...." "Shut the F*ck up you mirror ghost...." "what did I tell you-" "I DON'T F*CKING CARE, I MEAN DO I LOOK LIKE I GIVE A-" 


We heard echo from afar " Domino....was that-" "I though it was-" A shadow came out of no where from the darkness and into the light, it didn't speak for a moment  " ummm....Domino are you seeing this? cause I want to make sure I'm not on drugs...." " I'm pretty sure we both see....." then we heard it's voice " who are you?" "that depends...who's asking?" " Atlas....Atlas is asking..." "and who is this 'Atlas' you speak of????" "me...." "oh....Domino what do I do?" I whisper to him. " ask him what is he doing here or something.... I don't know" " ummm....what are you doing here...exactly?" he looked at me with a strange face, next thing you know he pulls out a spade of some sorts a tries to attack me with it " What are you doing!" I yelled at him with rage " don't play dumb with me!!! I know your with them" " with who?" "The Bad End Friends.....or B.E.F. for short" "so like Beef?" "what no....It's-ugh...that's not the point, you are trying to get the journal as well, aren't you!" how did he know about that? and who does he think he is? " I don't know what your deal is but, I'm getting that journal and my friend back and your not going to stop me!!!" "...we'll see about that" he said. 

( Forgive me I'm not good at writing  fight scenes) 

 I pulled out my staff and started to cast spells on him " AARGG!!...well, I didn't think you could use strings to tie me down....but I guess we have to play fire with fire" and right out of no where he broke out and did the same thing to me. " what the-" "oh please, I'm smarter than I look......" "copycat magic...isn't it?" "he.... took you long enough" "well I didn't want to have to do this but-" I traveled back in time to a few minutes before I got tangled in his strings. He broke out once more and did the same move, this time I was careful " ha you thought!" I said as soon as I dogged it " Grrr....maybe a little taste of fire will help you slow down..." "how does that even-?" but before I knew it. the fire lit up the room and I was running away from it like a maniac. " AHHHH!!!! NO FOR THE LOVE OF BLACK HAT, JUST STOP!!!" " then give me the journal, I know you have it!!!" "what are you talking about!?" "don't play dumb with me, I know you have it!" "BUT I DON'T"

 "he doesn't, but I do!"  I heard from a far "Tord!" "well, well, well....if it isn't Red Leader Tord? say, how are Tom, Matt, and Edd doing? oh wait! I forgot...... hahahah...." I can tell Tord was about to kill atlas with no hesitation. "shut up, Dragon boy! I know exactly why time Baby sent you here....." did he just say A time BABY!? "HAHAHAHHAHA" I laughed  uncontrollably "YOU WORK FOR A BABY!?HAHAHAHAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" "I'm surprised that a time traveler like you doesn't know about Time Baby...." said Tord. " Tord stay out of this...I just need the journal-" "NEVER!!!!!" Tord grabbed me and started running towards anything that looks like a way out of here. "GET BACK I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!!!" I heard him scream. "quick Cyclock! do you think you can cause something to lose him?" "well there may be something I can do..." 

 " so let me get this straight....I asked you a second ago to lose him, and currently I am now seeing the cave blocked of....how did you do that?" "time magic, idiot... but it's sad that we didn't get the journal, I guess we are going empty handed on my first mission...." "not really, he said as he pulled out the journal from his jacket. " how did you-" "I may have found it while I was looking for you..." "well what are we waiting for, let's head home before anybody tries to still it" "good Idea...." as we walked and closer to there I asked "hey Tord....is this Time Baby person, trying to destroy us?" "well, long story short he is are enemy, well one of them, because of reasons. Let's just say that while your a Bad End member, you start to have new enemies and Rivals.....Time Baby is one of them....." 

 "great you got the journal!!! I kind of wondered if it got destroyed..." "well your welcome Bipper" " well, I must say Cyclock, you did a pretty good job on your first mission, and I'm pretty sure you worked well with Tord" "well, I guess you can say he is kind of like my 3rd Brother" "well I hope your like that for your other partners" "well I hope so-wait what...." did I hear him correctly or did he just say that. "oh yeah right....we don't usually stick to the same partners, we like to change since Ice finn thought it will improve socializing......" said Tord " well, I'm glad you were my first...I just hope I don't get Morty as a partner..." "can't promise anything!" said Bipper as we both walked out of the room to get some rest for the day. 

 (Atlas' POV)

 "I'm sorry Boss...I have failed to retrieve the Journal that you ask for...... how ever it seems as if they've got a new member and maybe more...." Boss' face got angry, but he tried to calm down " well at least you were honest and brave enough to tell me....but don't fail me again! got that?" "yes sir" I said as I walked away. "oh by the way, let me know of any information about these new members....." "yes sir...." he said as I opened the door and left. "hey you ok?" said Angle as he saw me leave "yeah  it's just boss yelled at me again...." "well at least he didn't hurt you like last time....come on the others are waiting..." as we walked I started to remember the fight we had. I remember him dogging that move, but how....it was like he already knew it was coming.....was it fast reflects? is he able to see the future? or maybe...it's the same person that destroyed our previous land with his time travel magic.....

                                                                 " Cyclock the Time Traveler......" 

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