⬜🔺〰A ghostly friend↩♠🔒

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" I haven't been here since like..... forever..... but I wouldn't say this was home..... it was more like an eternal prison that I chose to stay in, so maybe being imprisoned with people like me and being tortures wasn't so bad at all....." - Beast Wirt

 (Cyclock' POV) 

 I opened the door and said " you called sir?" "ah Clock Scar! the man I wanted to see..." said Bipper as he rolled around in his chair while Domino sat there in the other chair against the wall. I walked in slowly "come, come... take a seat..." he said as he stopped " now, I here to send you on a special mission......" "wait.... special?" I asked, this somewhat surprised me. " what do you mean?" I asked, Beast Wirt soon came out of the shadows and said " you have a mission with me......" ".....wait.... but why me!?" I said as I almost jumped out of my seat surprised. Bipper soon gave me sinister smile that I didn't trust at all " I think Beast Wirt would explain along the way..... Right Branches?" ".... yeah.... come on Cyclock... we have no time to waste here" he walked out leaving the door opened as I followed. 

 (Domino's POV) 

 I turned around to look at Bipper " you sure he will do this?" I asked, he turned to to me and said "he'll be fine, maybe just go back in time or something for a while and well yeah" "no I'm talking about Beast Wirt..... Going Back to the Unknown is probably what is going to give him a panic attack...." I said.  He sighed for a moment " me and Beast Wirt already talked about this.... he said he was ready to face the business that he hadn't finished.... I told he shouldn't go but he would deny..... I know how he is and I think it might be best for him......... but I swear if anybody in that freaking forest hurts him I'm going to break there necks, rip them in half and then feed him to that Lich creature Finn has in his castle and then have him take a shit under a bridge..... and burn it" I was some what scared by this. 

 (Cyclock's POV) 

 He opened up a portal to which seemed as if it lead to a forest of some sorts " shall we go into the Unknown....?" he asked "oh yeah..... right!" I said as we started to walk into there. "Wow!" I said as I came in, The place looked...... I don't know, peaceful to me I guess " Follow me.... I know these woods like the back of my head..... " he said as he walked by me. We walked for a couple of minutes which gave me enough time to look at the place, it was difficult to tell what year was it or where we were but it was definitely not the same time as our timeline, I started to see some weird trees with creepy faces on them and I have never seen these kinds of trees before. Beast Wirt looked at me and said " come on... we're almost there" "ok then, I don't know why we're in such a hurry...." I said as I followed him through the woods, it started to get clod as the wind flew by whispering into my fluffy white and purple bear ears above my head as we walked deeper into this mysterious forest. 

 Suddenly we stopped out of nowhere " we're here......" Said Beast Wirt as we seemed to be standing close to a pile of black, either, dust or wood.... it seemed as if it was alive once before. " what is this.....?" I asked quietly, Beast Wirt walked closer to it and said " the man who cursed and took away everything I ever had..... The Beast, or at least what's left of him... hehe stupid bitch" he said as he pulled out a book from inside the dead body, that was on the cold ground dirt floor, from inside him. "Tomb of the Unknown....." I read as I got closer to him, he put the book away as he turned around and whispered "now we have to be quite before-" " OH is that The Beast of these woods I here!" we both heard something say. " I guess he must have forgot something.... maybe another CHILD so he can take there soul like the rest of us....!" They said " Beast Wirt, what or who are they....???"I asked as I was getting my spells ready for a fight with these creatures of the woods. ".....they are the children I've used to feed to lantern...." he said 'well that's good to know and I would be surprised but since your a 14 year teenager who's most likely a wendigo and a cannibal I'm not surprised...." I said, the ghost started to group up on us as Beast Wirt said "how the fuck did you know I was a wendigo?" "you have antlers... AND I know you ate all of the food that one time and had us go to rob a super market for that....." I told him. He looked at me straight in the eyes " .... Finn told you didn't he....?" "yes...." "I'm going to kill him when I get back....." he said as he pulled out his axe. 

 " you do realize these are ghost right...?" I told him " ... yeah I know.... because I killed in trees, so what do you think would work?" he said a as Edelwood roots came out of the ground and strangled the ghost. "are you saying-" " yes..." I began to cast a Grass spell that Fern showed me one time as began to wrapped around so of the ghost, I'm still surprise it's possible. "what the fuck do you want from us....!?" I yelled at them, they laughed " can't you see? he did this to us so we want our revenge!" They said, They broke from the trap. I turned to Beast Wirt " Wirt I think we need to hurry and go!" "right!" he said as we both began run back to the portal "DON'T YOU RUN AWAY FROM YOUR MISTAKES BEAST WIRT!!!" I heard them yell. We both managed to get to the portal in time " quick, are they still behind us!?" "no doesn't seem like it..." he said, we both jumped in back into the mansion. 

 "....... geez he has a record of blacking out almost every time...." was the first thing I heard when I woke up "what...?" "oh you a wake again.... Beast Wirt put the pots and pans away he's already woken up......" said Bipper as I saw Beast Wirt slowly put away the pots and pans. "you hit your head on the landing way...... what happened there?" "ghost happened...." I said "vengeful ghost" added Beast Wirt, Bipper sighed and said "well at least your both alive....... did you manage to get the book?" he asked. Beast Wirt pulled the book out of his blue cape and said " yeah.... it was a bit more harder than I thought but at least it wasn't The Outcasts...." he handed the book to Bipper " .... so what's with you guys and The Outcast... you know the one's from Time Baby's army?" I asked. The both of them stayed quite ".... how about we.... talk about this another time Clock Scarf" he said as they both walked out of the room "sup!" said Domino from the corner "AAAHH you scared me...." I yelled as I jumped out of the bed. " I'm guessing it went a bit south...." "yeah...... want to play cards?" I asked as he nodded to me "I guess..." he said. 

 (Beast Wirt's POV) 

 " was it the ghost of the children...." said Bipper " well yeah I mean... which other ghost wants to kill me...?" I said to him as he looked around for any scars on me. " Bip please stop..." I told him " well at least it's good to know your safe..." he gave me a kiss on the cheek and said " anyways I heard Demon Marco needed help with something, I think he got into a fight with Morty again, so I have to help with that... meet you up with Finn later!" He wave bye to me as he fell down the stairs to the basement like usual. I started to walk to my room until I heard " wait for me Brother!" I turned around quickly, no one was there so I continued to walk " Over here Wirt!" I heard it once again... it sounded like- " Greg! is that you!?" I yelled. I knew he was dead so it probably was just my head messing with me " stupid fucking voices...." I said as I walked. 

  "Don't worry Wirt, we'll see each other soon! just like you promised.... right?" 

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