↘❇◀ Abandoned Cyborg▶✨✖

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" .... Revenge is all I see...... death is around me..... rage and agony is all I feel inside of my mechanical body I call mine..... I'm only do what I'm told by my new leader and master.... and if what I'm told from them is correct.... I Must.... KILL.... no matter the cost I must pay in the end, cause this is my bad ending and there's nothing I can change about it other than moving on in my life... Just like the rest of us... -" - ??? 

( Cyclock's POV) 

 " When are we going to take inky a bath, Echo?" I asked my Brother as we walked through the halls " well the last time I took him a bath he-" but before he could finish his sentence, he was cut off by a girly scream form down stairs. "well... I think I should check that out..." I said "probably..." said Echo as we both ran down stairs and into the living room " what's going on over here- oh it's the bitch..." I said as I saw what it looks like to me, Morty trashing to house. Bipper and the others stood at the corner as he said "well... glad you made it Clock scarf" "great just what I needed... look to make this simple and short... I'm suppose to go on mission.... with you" said Morty as my brother, who knew what has going to happen stood against the corner with the rest of the trio. " pass me a lamp..." I said, but before that could happen Beast Wirt tangled us both with edelwood roots that came out of the ground "listen.. we all know you don't like each other... but no matter what, you two are going on this mission  TOGETHER whether you like it or not!" said Beast Wirt as he let us both go down. Domino came in to the mess with a cup of coffee "uhh... did I miss something here?" he asked very confused " oh not much, just these two..." I got up and well I don't know what told me to don't it but I led a hand to Morty, but he rejected it. 

 we both stood up "right, where is this mission at? I just want to get this over with..." said Morty, Ice Finn opened up a map or some sorts and gave it to us " we have heard of mysterious activity around this area and well we thought that whatever is there, it might be helpful for us" he said. The place seemed to be far away in the jungle, I don't know why but I got flashes of explosions happening there, My powers were getting worse weren't they " fine then.... come on Newbie, I don't want to be stuck with you all the time" said Morty as he walked at of the door. I sadly followed as well " oh and tell us what you find there!" said Bipper "we shall" I said to him, we both began walking with Evil Morty taking the lead with the map in his hands. 

 It took a while to get there since all Morty did was just complain all the way, I think I'd rather have a peaceful walk with Beast Wirt again. " Why did I have to be stuck with you?" he said as we kept walking " well I didn't ask to be with a motherfucking bitch like you ok" I told him, he got angry at me which I can tell that if it weren't for this mission he would kill me in the spot. " whatever..." we both kept walking, silently, until we finally got there, the place was a disaster as if a war happened, there was a broken airship which seemed to have crashed in this Rocket ship " what the fuck happened here?" asked Morty as we walked around there. there were many dead bodies around here, a lot with top hats, we then pass by a dead body of a guy who was clipped on to a wall of the airship... we both knew something definitely happened here and we're about to find out what it was.  " I'm getting some weird signals from over there!" said Morty as he pointed at the mountain on top, I soon got a flash of another death but this time it was of somebody climbing up that mountain and then slowly dying on the rock that they laid on. " you sure we have to go there?" I asked, he just laughed at me " what are you? scared of heights?" he said as I looked at him with and angry face and started to head up the mountain.

 It was starting to get more windy and cold as we got higher to the top, but once we got there I think we found what we came here for " is that... a-" "dead Cyborg?" we said, the Cyborg was laying on a rock from on top of the mountain dead, just like in my vision. "why is it all the way up here and not with the rest on the bottom?" asked Morty "what if he caused it and as a result died from it" I explained, he didn't seem to believe me but it was a big thing to assume. I came closer to the body, it looked like it was shot from the back, I waved to it to see is anything will happen as Morty started to look and examine it " I'm surprised that the robotic parts barely have any damage done to them... fascinating" he said as I kept waving at it. Suddenly his eyes turned red "uhhh...... why are his eyes red?" I asked Morty as he was confused as well, The cyborg started to move "must.... get my..... REVENGE!!!" he yelled out as he lashed out on both of us creating an electronic forces around him as he stood up ready for battle. "shit! look what you've done dumbass!" yelled Morty in anger "ME!? how was I suppose to know it would do that!!!" I yelled back at him as the robot started to charge at Morty "WATCH OUT!" I pushed him off the way as the robot hit me down the hill instead of Morty. 

 I tried to wrap strings around him to get him in one place as I rolled down with him " you messed with the wrong bear bitch!" I lit the strings on fire as the robot cried out in pain, this lead me to have time to get a closer look at him. He some how manage to survive that with out a scratch, he seemed to be more angry than before " OH SHOT!!! think Cyclock, THINK! ugh, if only Domino were here to help me" I felt as the thing came closer to me so I climb up the broken airship " you think you can run Toppat? after everything you did to me!" he said which I was confused since I didn't know what a Toppat was. I was losing balance of my self that I fell but lucky for me I held on to the sides of it, unfortunately I felt as if I was falling, soon the robot can closer with a ray gun ready to blast " time to end this clan once and for all" he said, I soon heard a familiar voice from behind him which I couldn't believe " HEY BITCH!!! WHY DON'T YOU PICK ON SOMEBODY WITH THE SAME POWER AS YOU!!!" yelled out what I couldn't believe was Morty. 

 The Robot looked at him with a face full of agony " I guess you can just fall to your death... but as for you....." he pointed his ray gun towards him as Morty got his ready. "there has to be something I can do... I know I'll just-" but before I could finish another version of me can through a portal and said "don't try to stop time and push him off... he can fly..." "ugh... well now that your here can you at least help me get up" I asked my self. "well I could but... you know Time and other bullshit.... I don't want to risk messing up time again" he said " oh ok... have a nice day" "you too" he soon left me hanging once more as I tried to get up.

(Morty's POV) 

 The robot shot back at my ray gun as we both blasted it, his felt stronger than mine but I wasn't willing to give up now. Cyclock soon got up and said " Morty, you might want to move out of the way for this one!" he seemed to some electric shots in his staff so I knew he was planning something, just couldn't tell what it was. I moved out of the way as some as the cyborg turned around to be shot by an electric waves of thunder through his chest and into the ground, the attack ended up pushing me of that I almost fell to my death. "I GOT YOU!" said Cyclock holding out his hand once again to catch me, I held on to it as he pulled me back up to the floor, we both looked over at the Cyborg " .... should we tell the others what we found?" he asked "only if you don't tell them about this moment.... " I told him as we carried the Cyborg back to the mansion. 

(Cyclock's POV) 

 " holy Ice King, what happened to you!?" said Ice Finn looking at us all damaged and hurt "this happened..." we placed the Cyborg on the floor which all three of them seemed to look in surprise. Bipper came close to it "HOW!?" he said "well you can thank the bitch for that" said Morty looking at me "he almost got us killed, he woke it up...." Bipper examined the thing a little closer " no I mean.... 

                 ...........how did you bring back to life Revenged Henry?" 

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