⚫🔲⚠The Ultimate Choice❎🕐▫

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" There are many things you could do in this world...... you chose the path you take, and  take that responsibility for the consequences that have to come.... not your friend, your family or your enemy..... YOU chose to be this way, YOU wanted this, YOU caused this...... and now I must pay the price of it" - Cyclock 

(Cyclock's POV) 

 I thought of this for a while now, I know for a fact that all of my choices have an affect on the future which can be either good or bad "I'll wait..." said Domino, as he stood there.  I wasn't sure, all of the choices I've made through me entire life have been for the worst so how am I going to make a choice, I'm afraid things will turn out horrible like last time " ..... I-...... I don't know Domino" I told him. I fell down to my knees " I- ..... what would happened if I leave them, or even try to tell them what to do..... even just stay were I'm at right now..." I wanted to look at the future based on these choices but I was to afraid to see what was ahead of me. " you know, I under stand why you don't like your magic that much..... and I'm sorry it had to be you" he said " I did the same thing my brother want to do with me...... control my magic..... but I told him it was mine and that I'm allowed to do what ever I want with it... it was my fault.... everything was my fault Clockwork, I forced you to take away everything that you once loved... pushing them away from you just so you can get one thing down.... we were both selfish, I was selfish...." and well he was right. 

 " who are you........" I asked in in an angry voice " that doesn't matter, I'm here to help you!" he said, I looked at him with red anger and blood in my clock eyes "why" I asked. He laughed at me " oh silly, because I'm you!" I stood back from him "what...." "you heard me, I'm you!" he said with a smile on his face. " I don't need help.... I can do it by my self!" I said as I started to walk away from them " Oh Come on dear Clockwork! I'm sure you need help on your evil plan!" he began to follow me. I tried to ignore him but his voice kept bugging so I began to listen " do you even know what I'm doing!?" I yelled at him " well the real question is: do YOU know what your doing...?" he asked, then I realized.... I have lost control of my self that I don't even know what is my evil plan any more "I-I..." "don't know? well that's ok, you can start from scratch!" he said as he pulled out three tiny mirror shards in front of me. I looked at him and he said " well chose which new path you take..... avenge your father, Break Time, or take over this world" he then smiled at me....... 

 I wasn't in the right mind set when I chose- 

 " WELL BREAK TIME OF COURSE!!! have you seen what this magic has done, it has done things beyond it's power... breaking it completely will wipe out this world... and the rest of my sanity into this hollow world of pain" I told him. " well then just follow my choices.... and you shall get your wish..." he said..... 

 But that wasn't my wish.... and he made me do things I didn't want to...... I killed my friends.... and everyone I loved. I was lucky enough to get back a few of sanity before I lost my self once we got to the final step, that's when I decided to confront him " Domino" I said as he looked at me "when we break time.... I don't want to be knowns as Clockwork any more...." I told him, he looked in shocked "oh.... then what will you like me to call you?" he asked. I took a deep breath and said "Cyclock.... call me Cyclock now...." I then looked at him with a serious face as I said "and can you tell me why do I have to do this!?" I asked Domino as he was still in my shadows " Come on Cyclock, this is the final part of breaking time! you have to do this.... you've come so far to go back now" he said.

 he was right.... 

 I stood up and looked back at Domino " I have made my choice" I told him as he looked at me "and what's it going to be?" He asked, I took a deep breath " I choose....." I knew for a fact that this choice was probably an important one, and I wasn't willing to mess it up like last time. I was silent, but only for a few seconds until I said "My way" I told him "I chose my way....." Domino looked both surprised and confused "your way?" he asked, I looked at him with a straight face " yes..... even though I might be a follower to them, a leader to you, and a loner to others, I do it because I want to..... I was controlled once..... it won't happen again" I can tell Domino wanted to smile so I just smiled at him. " ..... so Cyclock" he said "....if your going to go your way, you won't mind me following you" I turned to him with a face of confusion, why would he even want to come with me, does he need something from me "why?" ".......let's just say with all that has happened in my life I don't trust my self going forward...." I was still A bit confused until I realized what he meant by that. 

 "Your scared of the future....aren't you?" Domino tried to hide his face as he said "it's the past experiences that keep holding me back, I think it's best for the moment that I just do what some one says than take the lead" I know he has done horrible things to me and to his friends, but even I feel sympathy for him. I smiled at him as the morning sky turned day light "well if you are coming I'm going to need your help with something" I told him "what is it?" He asked, I then explained to him "I too am still a bit afraid of moving forward, I keep getting these memories running back to my head..... it's a never ending nightmare and I want them to go away.... I think for this to start I need to confront the fear holding me back from what could let me free from this torture...... but I'm afraid to see him sees I keep seeing flashes of me dying from him in many ways, but it's a risk I'm willing to take" Domino came closer to me as he grabbed my shoulder. I took a deep breath as he said "so...... you sure you want to see him" I was starting to get second thoughts on this but then I a sired my self that this is what I wanted "yes...... now, 

                                                               Take Me to Clockwork my friend" 

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