🔪💉🔦Baby-sitting... maniacs... WITH MY ENEMY!? 🌀🍴🔌

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 " Honestly, life has gotten better ever since I got Brainwashed, I got new friends that are just like me....... however, that doesn't mean I don't want to go back to my old life.... and my old Friends...... " - Brainwashed Max 

 (Cyclock's POV) 

 " ...... excuse me... I have to WHAT!?" I yelled " Cyclock calm down-" "no you calm down!!! baby-sitting a kid is one thing.... BUT WITH HIM!?" I yelled pointing at Morty who was next to me. "yeah same goes for, I don't want to be around an idiot for the whole night!!!" " well to bad for you two cause me and Beast Wirt need to go 'attend something important'" said Bipper. "like what?" "it's a secret... and since everybody else is busy, you two need to babysit Max and the others.....cause somebody has to..." "so who is this Max Kid again?" I asked " ugh that little brat is a kid who use to went to camp, has mommy and daddy issues, and then got brainwashed by some cult weirdo and then killed that weirdo...... he's insane"  " anyways, we'll be back, hopefully~, soon" Said Bipper in an odd way while looking at Beast Wirt, me and Morty were both confused. " umm.... is there something I'm missing here?" "oh what no, Bipper over is just being weird.... like always, anyways bye!" the door closed and now I was left with the idiot, a mirror and the maniacs.

 " ...... so, what now?" I said looking at Morty " well what do you think, potato brain...." "HEY! you do realize we are in this mess together weather you like it or not...." I told him. " whatever, let's just look at does brats and get this over with before I lose more braincells by standing next to you....."  "agreed...." we look around for them for awhile, until out of no where as I turned around the corner I see a knife coming towards me. "Ahh-" I paused time real quickly and moved away from so it would hit the wall instead, the unpaused it "ugh... I missed again" said a voice from across the hall. " Anyways, what are you doing here newbie.....?" asked the white hoodie boy. " I see the newbie found max.....for once you do something useful...." "shut the f*ck up eyepatch!" "do you want me to rip out your insides and turn them into outsides?" I ignored that request and turned to max over here. " so where are the others?" I asked, he looked at me with a face of discomfort " follow me then" as he walked away into the darkness of the halls. 

 " oh god.... how many are there?" I said looking at the little brats running around, causing chaos where ever they go " just 2" said Morty as he came up to Max. " so how's it been, dumb*ss?" " HA! better than your worthless life b*tch" I was just there, staring at there conversation, wondering how the manage to keep there friendship...... " so what is your name?" said the kid in front of me. "oh I'm Cyclock" "oh so your the new member?" "from last week, yes" "well I'm Genocide Frisk... but I guess you can call me Frisk" they said, to me it was weird that they looked like they killed somebody but I wasn't surprised. 

 I thought it would be a normal baby-sitting time.....I was wrong, we played: throw the knife, drink the toxic, and my least favorite of all.....eat bears......WHAT THE FU- 

 "ugh the lights went out....." "I told we shouldn't have played any Jigsaw games....." I lighted up my staff and said "I'll turn it on" "electrical is down stairs...." "good to know...." I heard Max in the distance "BYE I HOPE YOU DIE!!!" "THANK YOU!" I said "F*cking B*tch..." "how many time do I have to you..." I heard Domino say. "do you just like to appear when I'm alone...?" "yes..." "good to know" I went down stairs and turn on the lights and once I turn around I see a red looking angel in front of me. "....uh hi?" I said " so... your the time traveler they speak of" ok am I famous or something? " ...who are you?" "isn't it obvious? Angel...and it's such a shame that you'll be having terrible time with me..." "wha-" but before I could finish the slashed a weird looking sword at me. "WHAT THE F*CK DUDE!? was the lights a distraction? cause I've seen Stick people do it better..." "well we can either fight, or you could come with me" why do these people want me exactly? I don't know, but I think it has something to do with my time magic. " for somebody with great magic, is such a coward.... just, like, his...Father..." something in me snapped, I lost control of my self that the secret came out. The power that I promise to never use after my bad ending..... " Shut up, shut up, SHUT THE F*CK UP!!!" I pushed him to the other side of the wall, almost knocking him out. Blood started to fall from his head slowly as he looked up at me, standing there with my wings opened with pride " again.... a shame with somebody with such powers... refuses to use it, every problem is your fault since you won't take the easy way out of thing!" " sometimes the easiest ways, cost you to lose more.... just like your life..." I responded as Turned back to normal and left him there to bleed, hoping he will die. "so that's how its going?" "I know .... It's pretty heartless of me to do this but, you brought this among your self.... no everybody can have a happy ending you know.... even the happiest people" I shut the door and locked him in and pushed a book shelf to the door. I knew that he could still escape but I could care less if he did. 

 "UGH I thought you died over there... I just started making Balloons...." said Max as he saw me come in through the door. "took you long enough...." yeah yeah whatever-" but before I could finish he grabbed my hair and took out a red feather from me. "what are you doing!?" "it's none of your concern, but do tell me how did you get blood on your self?" he said looking at me "I tried over the stairs" I lied to him. " HA the idiot fell down the stairs!" "... you what I'm going to the living to rest ok... I can't deal with this anymore" I said "wait for us !" frisk  and Max followed.

(Evil Morty's POV) 

 I saw Bipper  and Beast Wirt walking in, he was talking to Bipper but I honestly couldn't give a sh*t about what they said. " Bip, we talked about this... you really got to stop harming your self, your going to make me worried..." "but I'm Immortal can't die" "STILL ...." he sighed. " I just care about you Bipper...ok..." "Branches, I don't need you to tell me that you care about me.. I already know...." I coughed a little to get there attention, cause AGAIN I didn't care. " oh.... hey Morty, I see Cyclock, Max, and Frisk fell a sleep early" said Beast Wirt "yeah, yeah, that's not the point just take a look at this feather, doesn't it look familiar?" I asked. "...please don't tell me that belongs to-" "Angel?... I pretty sure it does, I found it in Cyclock's hair...." "what exectly happened?" he asked. "well the lights got cut of and Cyclock went to fix it ...it him a while and he came back with blood and feathers...." "something happened .....didn't?" "well we heard nothing apart from an thud coming for down stairs..." I told them. We went to were the basement door was blocked of a book shelf, but out no where Beast took the book shelf and pushed it down like nothing.....dang...... 

 " Tree Gnome is there anything there?" asked Bipper, Beast Wirt look down the stairs blocking the view for me and Bipper. "so?" I asked "I think it's best if we leave him here..." "leave who?-" "Cyclock already took care of it, he's not dead..... but he will come in use.." he said walking away. We both look over to see Angel bleeding to his, possible, death... we closed the door the immediately. At this point, and don't tell this to anybody, I fear the power that bear has, I don't know what he did but.... just by taking a look by this purple feather, that does't come from one time Baby's members........ 

                       "it's not normal time travel magic......" 

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