⚪◻🔸Day off ?⚓🗾

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 " Some things....are left to be unknown.....forever, even if they would eventually find out the truth... it is best to keep it away from them, even if it's somebody you love or care the most.... especially to a time traveler  " - Beast Wirt 

( Ice Finn's POV) 

 " FERN!!!! CAN YOU GO KILL THE CLOCK FOR ME!!!" I yelled at him as the alarm clock kept waking me up "ummm...ok?" he yelled back...but he never came here "fine I'll do it my self" I froze the clock as I woke up and headed to the kitchen. " Fern why didn't you came...?" "well you wanted my to kill the clock so I'm on its way towards his room" "yeah....kill the alarm clock in my room, that thing is annoying" "oh" he slowly went to my room as I quickly realized what he thought I meant. " ....Fern.... this is an order.... DON'T KILL THE ONLY TIME TRAVELER WE HAVE!!! we need him..." "yes boss" he said, I headed down stairs where I was greeted by a morning, cold coffee with the couple I third wheel with. 

 " nice hair pin idiot..." "hey! this hair gets messy all the time.... I can't control it" "then cut it" he said "NO!" I yelled. " so do you just...sleep with your crown?" asked Bipper "do you sleep with your boyfriend?" both spit there coffees out, with faces as red as a tomato, While I was just there calmly drinking my cold coffee. " FINN WE'RE 14 WHAT THE F*CK!?" "correction, I'm 15 your 14 and Bipper is 13...besides, I meant like sleep-sleep not..... the thing..... you dirty minded b*tches..." I told him. See this is how you third wheel, I have at least learned how to use it to my advantage until they decided to finally come out to the rest of the group...my favorite: black mailing them. " whatever, so.... any news from the other side?" asked Beast Wirt "well, they have found out better ways to catch us inside and out side of the mansion..... not much we can do, I just hope we can get all 3 journals....they might have something to help with" I honestly was just stressed by all of this, we all have our own demons to fight on our own but mine is the hardest. "... you know what.... I need a break from all of this...." I announced " your not even doing work" "no I mean, I want a break from this whole thing.... like a day off" "a day off?" asked Bipper. " a day off from what, this isn't much of a job....we don't get paid" " well  just not worry about people who might try to kill us...." they both looked at each other and then back at me. " what?" "that sounds like a death trap....." " come on... tell me, how long have we've been working?" "about a year now...." said Bipper tired. " so, wouldn't you want a break from all of this?" They both seemed to have thought of it for a while until Beast Wirt said " well I guess.... at least I don't have to be around these people anymore...." " well as long as I can bring my forks I'm ok" well I guess that's a good enough reason to go on break. 

 "you sure they won't cause a chaos while we're gone?" "It's going to be fine popsicle..." said Bipper as he ran through the field of roses..... getting spiked " his still as insane as ever isn't he" "yup" responded Wirt. " so, How's life been treating you Wirt?" I asked him, he stayed silent for s while " Honestly..... it's hard to forget all that has happened....The Unknown.... The Beast.... being lock up by Time Baby.... the torture rooms-" "Wirt it's fine.... I shouldn't have brought it up....." I said. "well if I'm being honest all of us want to forget something so badly so it's no big deal unless it's personal" I sat on a rock from a far watching the view from the hills. It was nice to see the outside world and not being caged for once. " do you guys think Cyclock will ever find out why we really recruited him?" I asked, both looked very nervous at the thought of this " We're just hoping it stays a secret for as long as we could, now that the others know about our plans with Cyclock it must stay that way...." " well so be it" I said. 

 " he Bipper look! I think it's your birth mark on the sky!" "Haha... real funny Finn, you don't know you constellations don't you" he asked " don't you think we should head back? I just have a bad feeling about leaving the mansion with idiots" 

(Cyclock's POV) 

 "GET THE FIRE PEOPLE NOW!!!!" "THE PHONE IS UP STAIRS WHERE THE FIRE IS!!!" yelled Tord as Echo came in with a bucket of water " I GOT THIS!!!" but then he spilled the water at Morty which he was coming in. "YAY MORTY'S DEAD!!!" I yelled "ouch.." "never mind..." 

(Ice Finn's POV) 

 "I'm pretty sure they are ok.... besides, we can finally have some alone time" said Bipper " oh really Bip?" "ANDDDDD this is my queue to leave for a walk!!!" I said as I flew away. " We were Joking Finn!" Yelled Beast Wirt " well I'm still stay my distance Da-" " DID YOU JUST CALL MY DAD!?" I immediately regret what I said as I came down. " NO, NO,  NO NONONONONONONONONO!!!! DON'T CONFUSED THIS I DIDN'T MEAN IT-" but then they cut me off and said " Finn if you wanted to be adopted you could have just said so..." " but... didn't you say you are 13 and 14" both look at each other. " about that ... we break the law multiple times...." " but I'm older than you guys" "yes and I'm your leader, Beast Wirt is my Right Hand Man and you are my Left Hand Man" Said Bipper, I looked at them with a face of fear. "please don't adopt me...." " don't worry We won't" I took a breath of relief "OH THANK ICE KING..." "until we get Married" "I'm sorry what...." they started to walk away. " come one Finn we should get back!" I face palmed " D*MNIT FINN!!!" 

 We went back there..... and well..... "hi!" said Corrupted Gamer as they watched the top floor get burned. "you were right..... 

            We should have never left ....." 

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