✅🔗💥Reunited once more⚠⌛❌

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" I should have left when I had the chance.... but I guess not everything can be fixed with time so..... there is no going back now" - Red Leader Tord

(Cyclock's POV)

" .... wait- you two know each other?" I asked as the atmosphere around here became a bit awkward for me " .... we knew each other..." said Bipper as he looked at Domino straight in his stones eyes while Domino tried to look away. I could tell this was something between them which I'm not sure if I want to get involved in any way " Cyclock, I think you should go.... I need to have a private talk with Domino....." "it's fine Bipper... I actually was going to meet up with Tord today so.... I'll leave you two be...." I said as I opened the door and closed it shut. " ..... let me just get Beast Wirt and Ice Finn here...... be careful not to break anything...." I heard Bipper say as I left, I guess there has been something going on between the two but it was to stressful for me to take in so I'll let this be Domino's problem since I have no idea how to help.

The city was.... ok I guess, never really been a city person but never hated it, I saw Tord inside the bar like coffee shop, the place where we were going to meet up, I waved at he through the window as he waved back. I walked through the door and said " Hey Tord... so this is the place you were talking about so much...?" "yeah I mean... where do you think I get all my liquor from?" he said as we both waited in line for our order. " ....uhhh so what would you two like?" asked the cashier, I looked at the menu which was pretty much what you would expect from a bar or a coffee shop " the usual... what about you fred?" "I guess I'll take a regular coffee along with three bonbons" I said. "that will be $7.99" Tord pulled out his wallet as I heard somebody say " BOSS!" I didn't recognize the voice at first when we both turned around and saw " PAUL! PATRyCK!!" I rushed up to hug Pat "...hey Clockwork...didn't expect you to be here, I like your new look" "thanks, but it's Cyclock now" Paul looked over at me and said "well where the fuck is my hug!?" "I right..." I said.

" so how's the Red army been?" Asked Tord " well it has been a bit of trouble trying to manage it without a leader at our place currently" "and that's why I'm telling you, we should move it to the Bad End Friends, we could use some help" "well how are we going to do that?" asked Paul. As they talked about the army I looked over at the window to admire how the city looks at night.... it was beautiful not going to lie, beautiful enough to be covered in chaos all around. " but why did you come here? I thought you were at the base..." "well you see-" but before Patryck could finish the door opened once again, ringing the bell, and came in three people that I don't recognize at all. "-that's why..." Tord kept his gun ready for anything as I was confused of what is happening here "Edd... Matt ..... Jehovah's Witness" he said in a serious voice as they both looked at each other " Hello Tord, Patryck, Paul and...... wait who the fuck are you!?" said the green, black jacket guy. "actualy, WHAT ARE YOU YOUR UGLY!!!" yelled out the orange hair cyborg "wow........ just wow......" I then leaned to Tord "Tord who the fuck are these people.... cause I swear if they are a gang coming to kill us I'm going to put Paul as sacrifice first" I said "WHAT!?" yelled out Paul. Tord stood up as he tried to calm down everybody else "ok, ok.... I guess a little explanation for both sides..... Cyclock, these are my old friends: Edd, Matt, and Tom..... Edd, Matt and Tom, meet my new friend: Cyclock the time traveler... I met him when I left the Red army for a while to go join the Bad End Friends, he's been a member since a few months ago.... Cyclock, these are my friends who I had for a while until I decided to leave to the city, join the red army and destroy our friendship with a giant robot....." He explained. "well.... at least he told the truth" said who I believe was Tom, the room was quite for a while until I decided to speak up " well... Tord already told you but..... hi I'm his friend.... it's...nice meeting you here hehe...." (me when I'm trying to socialize and make some friends-) this was the most awkward conversation I had ever in my life. "..... well... it's nice that you've managed to maintain a friend" said Edd as he turned around "come on guys... let's just go....." "Edd aren't we going to-" " we are done here Tom..." they all walked out the door. "boss, you ok?" asked Paul " yeah I'm fine.... I just want to have a one on three conversation with them... if you don't mind" he said opening the door "it's alright Tord... I know what is like to forget something this pain that just came back so... if this talk will help, then go for it" I said as he smiled and left. " ..... so what know?" asked Patryck, I soon smiled at them " Hey Pratryck... I bet you can't fit a hundred cigarettes in your mouth..." "I bet I can bitch!" he yelled out "THEN PROVE IT!!!" I yelled back.

(Domino's POV)

I hid behind the couch as I heard foot steps " is he here...." I heard what could be Ice Finn's voice " well he must be hiding then since he was here last time" I felt as if they were coming closer to me. Then I felt as I was some how pulled over by tree roots, specifically Edelwood "found him" said Beast Wirt as he dropped me down to the floor ".... h-hey guys...." I said nervously to them. "Domino....." they said, I felt if this time was my true death, even though the only thing that could kill me without having to kill Cyclock is the glitches, but instead....I felt as if three warm hugs were around me crying as they yelled " DON'T YOU EVER LEAVE US AGAIN YOU FUCKING IDIOT OF MIRRORS!!" "DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WE MISSED YOU!!!" "I'M NEVER LEAVING YOU!!!" I was so fucking confused... which you may not get now why I'm confused but it isn't important right now.

"what..... ?" <>_<>

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