🔹🔅♦New powers?🕙⭐🔻

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" His magic is like nothing I've seen before..... yet he calls it a curse..... pathetic, I would be grateful to have his magic...... or even just to have magic at all...... so I could fit in better....... CORRUPTED GAMER ARE YOU STILL RECORDING-!?" - Evil Morty (AKA Asswhole of the group)

 (Domino's POV) 

 " wait you guys don't hate me.....?" I asked as I was still trying to process everything that is happening right now " Hate you? we never hated you!" said Bipper wiping his tears off. "but you-" "Domino, just because we were mad at you and yelled at you and- holy shit we did hate you....." said Beast Wirt realizing his mistake. "WELL NOT ANYMORE!!!!" they all yelled out, I can tell they are still as loud as ever like always " ...... so you aren't mad at me?" I asked " Domino, we have learned here at the bad end friends to move on and accept change, and even if it meant a person that means a lot to us.... look, we are just glad to have you back....." Said Bipper still hugging tight as ever. I hugged back, I felt the need to cry but I couldn't since I don't have tears because I'm stone so I was just sad at this point that I spend a year believing that my own family.... hated me only to here the truth. 

(Cyclock's POV) 

 Paul lit up another one of the cigarettes and placed it with the rest in his mouth " Give up Paul.... you won't be able" I said, he only muffled "ehh do you think he should stop?" asked Pat "don't worry he's fine..... " I said as Paul tried to fit another. I was surprised of his determination it was pretty impressive, I eyes, or at least my right eye, felt a bit itchy so I scratched it but once I did had a glance of Paul chocking on one of his cigarettes which made me fear the worst. "Uhhh Paul I think you win you can stop now!" I said he muffled which I assume he said "really?" he then spat out all the cigarettes on to the table "gross...." "AHH finally... it almost felt as if I chocked on one of them...." he said. "yeah.... hehe..." I said quietly as Tord came in "Tord, your back... how did it go?" I asked, he was quite for a while but then he said " I guess you can say it went... ok..... I'm not sure about there decision though" I was left confused "what decision?" he took a deep breath " it's not important right now.... but how did it go- why is there 356 cigarettes on the table...." he said to which I was surprise he counted. Me and Patryk pointed at Paul as he got mad at us " ugh whatever.... let's clean this up and probably finish our stay here... cause the people here are giving us ..... the looks" he said as he got us a broom and began to clean up. 

 I went back to the Mansion with Tord, Paul and Patryk are on there way too, and when we opened the door I saw Domino and the Leaders just Hugging. "uhhh.... did we-" "no it's fine just pretend nothing is happening...." said Ice Finn as we walked by "help me...." whispered Domino "well if you don't mind.... I think I need to check up on something ok...." said Tord "yeah me too" I said, both of us ignoring the scene and went with our day. 

 " so where did I need to send these boxes again Marco?" I asked "oh, just go down stairs and drop them off there...." he said, as I started to head there. I opened the door for the basement and well the blood from the fight me and Angel had a few months ago was still there, I guess it's a permanent thing now, I placed the boxes down as I saw Evil Morty in the corner, he didn't seem to notice me,  he was working on some sort of project. I scrubbed it off but a flash of him being electrocuted appeared by a yellow wire, I don't know what in my right mind told me to save him but I was sure to regret it " MORTY DON'T TOUCH THAT YELLOW WIRE!" I yelled. He looked up at me in confusion "what the hell Newbie...?" he said "don't call me that.... I've been here for a few months already, I'm not that new anymore" "what ever.... but that wire was unstable... I'll probably have to ask Bipper to take it off... at least hey will electrocuted him self" he said as I got flashes of the many deaths of Bipper. "how about you just leave it alone for now...." I said as he put the project away "oh by the way Bipper said to meet him at his office later this afternoon" he said as he left to go upstairs. 

 I didn't know what was happening to me.... was I going crazy? because usually I see the future by using my magic and now it's just doing it on it's own, and I thought time travel magic couldn't get any worse. I decided to just ignore it for now and just on about my day..... 

 (Domino's POV) 

 My head started to get dizzy a bit " Diamond, are you ok?" Asked Bipper, I managed to get a hold of my head, then realized what this meant. "I guess you sure trained him well....." I said " who? what are you talking about....?" he asked confused, I sat down and laid back "well... let's just say that our dear friend Cyclock over here is finally accepting Change and moving on..... creating  a new meaning to his magic..... I'm impressed honestly...." I said relaxed. Bipper still looked confused by this information "Stone head just get to the point....." He said, I looked at him " Bipper....... 

 ............. Cyclock is starting to unlock his true power ..... just like you said he would......" 

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