💣📔♦"Hello, Old Friend...."♦📑🔪

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" I was forced to do this quote by Gamer so........ .all I have to say is that Cyclock is a good friend/Ally , his brother is annoying as **** and Join the Red army...please cause Paul and Patryk are idiots ......send help PLEASE!!!!!- " - Red leader Tord 💣

(Red leader Tord's POV)

I was surprised of how much stuff Fredrick brought to his dorm "hey Fred, is this the last box from out side ?" I asked " *sigh* Tord .... .I told you to stop calling me that...." "oh righty then... Cyclock." I only met Cyclock once, or should I say Clockwork a few months when I left my ....."old Friends".......


I was at the Red Army base Planing schemes, training my soldiers , ect When I heard an explosion from out side. " What the **** was that!?" I yelled. I heard my soldiers yelling over something outside so I rushed over there, only to see two People who for some reason..... I have the feeling of them being .....a danger to society .....LIKE ME. "For the last time.... drop your weapons!" yelled Paul " Fine ...but only if you-" " NOW WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE!!!???" I asked. " Well you see sir we've got some intruders here......" I took a closer look at them and they seemed to be. ..... Not human let's just say " so....who are you and what are you? " I asked angrily.

" Well how rude of me " said one one of them as he was putting his arms down " My name is Clockwork and this is my twin brother, Phantom and as for the What are we? question ......to put it short we're humaniods but with magic.... " (note : this is the closest I can get to naming there species) " what do you mean "magic"? I asked as I was getting closer to them. " brother, would you like to .....demenstraight? " " if you say so" he said as a black circle appeared around him, soon clouds stared to become darker as phantom spread out his dark, angel , wings. I really ,REALY, didn't want to see where this was going, so I yelled " ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT I get it your powerful and evil there's no need to show it... " " ugh....fine" said phantom as the surroundings stared to turn back to normal, " but the real question is ....why are you here? I asked.

" You see fellow..... .uhhhh" " Tord , the name is Tord, or red leader..... " "well....I am sometimes called be my real name, Fredrik but that's not the point" he said " We are here because we need to ste- borrow some of your weapons." "excuse me!?" I yelled surprisingly " I know It seems like a lot but we really need to borrow some weapons and we thought this was the best place to find them." Now in short explanation he afford me... Many things so he can get them. It took a while to find to weapons he needed, but in that time we got to know each other. We first bonded over the fact that we had dads, or his case foster dad, who thought us how to use weapon and be dangerous to society and I guess you can say we did became good friends.

He ended up staying for at least a week or so and then he left, we didn't really see each other again after that.....


(Cyclock's POV)

" Welp.... That's the last box" I said as I placed it down, I looked over to tord just silently staring into the void of nothing. " umm... .Tord? " I asked, he soon snaped back into reality and then look back at me " You ok buddie ? " " yeah... it's just...... I never thought I'd see you again. " I can tell from the look of his grey eye that he has been through A LOT when I was gone " how's your brother doing? " he asked " well we are doing fine, funny enough he has a boyfriend now" " wow, I didn't your brother was gay" " Bisexual, he's bisexual.... " I told him. " Well let me know when I can meet him.. ..I need love advice aswell" I laughed a bit " don't worry I can give you advice" he stared at me silently " but your Asexual..... " he said " that doesn't mean I can't give you love advice. "

" well , we can unpack tomorrow we need some rest for your first training day" " yeah I know... " I said as I went to go out on my pajamas and hed to sleep. I opened the box with my pajamas until I saw a bright blue snowflake as soon as I opened the box. " What is that ? " I asked to my self, I noticed a note attached to it with hearts on it. It felt cold when I grabbed it, it said

it's a gift for you,I don't know if you'll like but it's the best I could do, love -

  I stopped reading it, I couldn't believe it, how was he still alive..... he died in my arms!..... .why...I hid in my blackest so Tord couldn't notice me crying...... I placed the snowflake inside my clock necklace and then closed it.

  How is Frost Bite alive?

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