📜🔗◀First day of traning▶💥⚠

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" A great hero once told me, to be me... .and I took it too far.....now, it's my fault he's lost his mind.....I must protect him at all cost, besides...... it was my selfishness that made him this way" - Green knight Fern 

 (Cyclock's POV) 

 " WAKE THE **** UP EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I hear as I opened my eyes to the bright light on roof " NOW GET FOR READY TRAINING, IT STARTS IN A FEW MINUTES" I can tell from the voice that is Beast Wirt. " geez who pissed him off this morning?" I asked " his always like this, ever since that late party we had a year ago He hasn't gotten any sleep...." explained Tord as he was geting his weapons " anyways, I'll you outside in the back yard for traning, see ya Fred" He said as he headed out.  As lazy as I was I managed to get my self up from bed and grabed one of the bags, hoping there were clothes in there. I took some on my clothes out only to see what's on the bottom of the pile, I looked over and saw a broken mirror that seemed ......familiar to me. " I'll probably fix it later it might be important" I said to my self as I grabbed my staff and head to the closet to change. 

 This mansion was bigger than I expected that I wish there was a map around here. " OI BRO, OVER HERE!" I heard from behind me,  " CYCLOCK!!!! " I heard one of them scream as they ran up to me and huged me. I looked over to see who he was and surprise, surprise ....it was his boyfriend........ I think, " I'm so glad to meet you " he said " oh ummm........ sooooo you are-" " Spade, my boyfriend" "oh well nice to meet you Spade, I'm Cyclock.... echo's twin brother" "It's nice to finally meet you I heard a lot of things about you." "well nice meeting you but, I'm kind of running late for traning" I said as I was heading there "oh well spade has been here longer than us ,so maybe he can help us get there" "c'mon just follow me " he said as we followed him.

 " ah, Cyclock it's nice to see you here " said Tord as I ran right next to ,tired, hoping I wasn't late. "well look who finally showed up..."said a familiar voice, I look over to see Morty and some other people I haven't met yet. "running late newbie?" he asked I tried to ignore him until one of them said " Morty, stop going so ruff on HER, SHE might be sensitive..." as they stared to laugh. 






  I yelled as I pulled out my battle axe and sliced his eye....

 (Beast Wirt's POV) 

 I heard a scream from out side as I ran to the balcony and look over to see what it is. "umm...... .Bipper you might want to come to the balcony and look  outside!" " what is it beastie ,are you hurt or-" then he looks the backyard "Holly Cipher...." "do you think we should stop it?" " nah...I mean I'm pretty sure Green knight can handle it, and besides whe finally get see a taste of his powers..." he said. " are you sure I mean it kind of looks like he's going out of control...." "again like I said ....Green knight can handle it..." "ehhh well true..." I said. 

  (Cyclock's POV) 

 " Bro you might want to calm down before you get in trouble..." Said Tord "hehe...trouble is my middle name..." "wait so your name is Fredrick  Trouble Vil-" Soon Tord got cut off by a kid who looked like he was fused witha creature and had a pack on his back, creepy. The fight was cut short "ENOUGH!!!" We heard as we both look over to see a tall green figure with a green battle axe, " what.is.going.on.in.HERE!!!!" he yelled. " G-Green kn-ight....." said Morty shivering in fear, "I was just-" "save it. I don't want to here your excuses... as for you Zib, get off of Tord" "it's INVADER Zib to you..." he said as he climb of Tord. " now.....For you" he said as he looked at me, I thought he was going to say something or something he just walked away "be more careful next time kid..." I heard him mumble. 

 10 minutes later.....

 I was putting some bandages on my right arm, mostly because of the scars Morty gave me during that battle, and put my glove back on. " Alright Then, let me get through attendance real quick .... " said Green knight, I think that was his name right ?  " Red leader Tord, Spade, Evil Morty, Invader Zib, Villain Deku, Echo, Cyclock, Evil Marco, Mewberry Star, Birthday Mabel, Genocide Frisk, and.....ugh please don't tell me she's-" his sentence was cut off by a scream coming from above  and soon to be an explotion. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-" *insert oof sound* "ow..." "*sigh* .....Corrupted Gamer, your late..... again" "My BAD sir but as you can probably tell I was on a mission  " "Gamer, that's the 10'th time you've use that excuse.... DON'T be late again got it!" "yes Fern...." "anyways " he said as he went on with attendance until we finally stared. 

" alright then now that That's out of the way... we should probably get stared with traning " he said as I saw the rest getting lined up, for some reason. " so umm... what do we do exactly?" I asked "oh right I forgot, we have new members...." he said " Well since you and your Brother are new here I'm just going to explain to you this as short and simple as I can..... Basicly your here to improve your powers, each day you have different activities to do. Now today  is mostly just free time, basicly you just work on your magic or fighting skills and try to learn new moves/ spells" "so I just work on my own then...why are you here?" I asked. "I'm kind of like a life guard here and a teacher but mostly a knight....I have to sure you guys stay out off trouble- FRISK STOP TRYING TO STAB GAMER !!!!" he yelled as he ran tords her. I decided to go ahead  and train with Tord, "HEY RED LEADER!!!!" I said as I threw a Rock at him that seemed to have a weird painted face on it (Familiar?) ,They were multiple of them so I thought it was for decoration "huh wha-OW!!!" he said as he turned around " want to get stronger?" "you bet ?" "yup" I said to said to him as I pulled out my staff. 

After Traning..... 

(Green Knight's POV) 

 "Why did I signed up for this..." I said as I lay down in the cold, icy floor, in stress " OHHHHHH FERNNN~!!!!!" Yelled Ice Finn , I Stand up and headed tords him "Yes sir" " *sigh* Fern I told you to stop calling me that, just call me Finn" I stared at him quitely. "ok my prince~"  Soon his cute blue face turned even more blue than usually " Ju-Just eat your Ferncakes, I made them for you" he said as he walked away. I walked to him "Boss wait..." "Fern I told you to-!" I looked at him with 'those eyes' and said "please..... Just stay" "*sigh* alright then " he said with a smile. 

(Cyclock's POV) 

 I glued the last piece of the mirror in, but something was off " why can't I see my reflection" I said to myself. "ugh...why was I doing this in the first place anyways..." I droped the Mirror but it didn't break....instead I only heard static coming from it "What the ****? " I look closer and see a reflection ....but not of me.......he looked... Familiar .....like if I met him but didn't ....or......

I met his Brother......my enemy....


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