⌛⏰❌War for our Good Ending... Part 3 FINALE: Time's out.... it's over🔚⚠⏳

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" Face Your Fate "  - Cyclock 

(Cyclock's POV) 

 I didn't distract myself, I didn't hesitate to stop what I was doing no matter who or what is holding me back, I had to finish this once and for all " Циклок покончит с тобой Время, детка, независимо от того, какую судьбу ты выбрал, он больше не позволит тебе причинить им боль ..." I said to myself. I kicked and destroyed anything in my path as I walked closer to the big baby himself " Time Baby...." I said as he turned around towards my voice " .... I know your just here for something, so come on spit it out before I kill you right at the spot!" he yelled. I looked at him with death in my eyes with a bloody rage or a thousand hell hounds " .... where is he?" I asked and as soon as he was about to ask who I let out my wings in anger and yelled " YOU KNOW WHO I'M TALKING ABOUT BITCH!!! WHERE. IS. DOMINO!?" He managed to keep a straight face some how. " .... he's none of your concern" I knew I was wasn't going to get an answer from him but it was worth a try " well I just want to know what have you done to this place?" I asked and he only smiled " .... well as king of the multiverse-" "your not the king" I told him but he ignored " I had to.... delete this place, the ruler didn't let me so I trapped them.... in there black, red, and cyan crown of there's.... I haven't seen them after the person who they called 'The Creator' got mad at me..... and I killed her too (excuse me but I'm a they/them-)..... I haven't seen any of them, but at least I get to take over what I deserve" I couldn't believe I'm saying this but he is even worse than Quarter, and Quarter was heartless for all I know. 

 "you truly are a monster" I told him but he shrugged it off, I took a deep breath for this one " .... Why did you go after my family?" he looked at me confused "isn't most of your family dead?" he asked "you know which family I'm talking about" I told him. He was silent for a moment ".... they are imperfect for this world, there is no room in the multiverse for them.... that's why I need to fix them, take them back to there past and normalize them" he's words disgusted me were I actually felt like vomiting. I snapped at him "if anything the imperfect being is you" He yelled "excuse me!?" "you heard me! you don't want to fix them, you want to make them weak by taking away everything they have made, they have learned to move on from trauma and start something new from it .... but you! you just want them to hold on to it making them weak and helpless so you can control them!!!" I could sense the fear in him from afar. " I my have time travel powers but you can't change the past or the future..... cause that's what makes us, us! but you don't like that.... maybe you can't accept the fact that somebody has to take your place? HAHA ok I have been a villain once and this is honestly the stupidest evil plan I have ever heard of..... and the fact that you think that 'fixing' us would be ok? them your the insane one here!!!" Time Baby soon broke the rock I stood upon but I flew up as fast as I could, knowing that I made him mad. 

 I pulled out my staff and began to attack him, I Jumped from one rock to another trying to slow him down as I tried to figure out a way to destroy him for good. I could feel him getting closer and closer no matter what spell or magic I threw at him, I was feeling stressed that I couldn't even pause time to think because since he is some how a master of time magic as well, point is my time travel magic is useless on him. "Think Cyclock, Think!" I said to my self as I kept running, I tried to look for something on my that I could use and then I pulled out the three shards of mirrors Domino gave me, before he left. I knew what these would do, I wasn't sure if it would have any affect on him but it was worth a try at this point, I turned to him, aimed, and before he got another inch closer to me I shot them right in his four head. He started to scream in pain as blood dripped through his face, he looked at me in anger only to discover I have already left that spot and no where to be seen. 

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