🍕🍖🍫 food problem🍰🍪🍟

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" we ran out of food........" - everyone

(Cyclock's POV)

I opened the fridge and well ....you all know what happened next...... yep.... and I thought it was going to be a some what normal day( not that they were normal anyways) but.... the one thing you need to survive.... is gone... like barely anything is left. " what....!?" " well yeah I opened the fridge and saw barely any food and-" " we need you to get food...." said Bipper. "but I-" "don't worry..." he grabs Beast Wirt and Ice Finn and says " WE ARE COMING WITH YOU!!!" "what ..." both of them said. " ....my I ask why?" I asked "well, let's just say that there are dangers out of the border...." "border? " "yes.... if you didn't notice....we had a border, because of our enemies can get us...unfortunately, we see that they have gotten smarter soooo..... we might stop by to get more.... "materials"" he said. I was a bit suspicious about this but I didn't think about it too much since even though we were just going for food, it felt honored to go with the main leader trio " so do we search the forest or...... buy food" "we steal food" said Wirt quickly. " I'm sorry what!?" "we're broke so we have to do what we have to do...." they said, this didn't surprise me as much as it should.......but

THIS DID!!! Bipper begins to shot somebody with bow and arrow " BIPPER WHAT THE F*CK WAS THAT!?" " well we were getting food didn't we?" he said, calmly..... " WOIGDFGHIUYFHDRCFGUYJTCFXDGSCVCYFXTDHEYCYVHJ HUMANS ARE NOT FOOD THEY AREN'T FOR EATING- unless.....your-" "well what do you think you've been eating this whole time...?" my stomach started to twist as I vomited in my mouth. "HAHAHHA just messing with you...." "OH thank Bipper-" "it's for Wirt..." The smile on my face froze as I look over at Beast Wirt.....

" Beast Wirt....... what in the actual the f*ck is wrong with you......"

" so what's the plan?" I asked to them as we looked across the super market " well first of all: we need to just TRY to act normal.... and then go wild" "that doesn't sound like a good plan...." "well what do you got!?" he asked. I didn't had a plan but I wasn't going to go with that plan so I just came up with the best I got " shoplifting......" I said " ....how?" "well simple we....." I began to whisper it making sure nobody heard. " that doesn't sound to bad...." "mines better...." said Bipper " so when do we go?" "just wait....."

we waited for a while until I said " ok I'll go calmly and you stay here until I turn off the lights" "fine but if that fails we're going with Bipper's plan" I came out of the bushes and trying my best not to look sus .....yes I said. It was weird for my that nobody questioned why some creature is walking awkwardly to the store, but it helped " alright you got this Cyclock..." I walked my way tried to find to light switch which I new it was going to be in the "employees room only" kind of door. " don't mind if I do" I snatched one of the uniforms and headed towards there "light switch, light switch....where is it-" "HEY" I startled by the sound of that, I thought they caught me in the act. He handed my a pile of boxes "go take these to down stairs to Drake, he'll take care of the rest of it" I could care less on who this Drake is and headed down stairs hoping the lights were there.

It was a bit dark but I couldn't use my magic, I looked around as I dropped the boxes on the floor, the place was dusty enough to have an actual Dust bunnies hopping around here. " well better look for it here then, I hope I don't get lost again like last time...." It was hard to tell if time has passed or not, I know it's Ironic for a time traveler like me to say that..... " AHA! there it is" I said as me voice echoed through the room. " shot got to make this quick!" I quickly pulled down the lever up to the point where it broke and ran up stairs.

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