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" I have done ...so many mistakes..... just I can become a stupid f*cking villain....I pushed everybody that I cared about way.... ruined people's lives.....this is truly my fate isn't? living with those who I have d*mned....." - Cyclock 

(I know it's a fnaf song but it fits with the point of this chapter.....by the way ) 

(Cyclock's POV) 

 ......... I looked at the Mirror where Domino usually is.... I soon saw Bipper walk in " sup Clock Scarf!" he said " hey Bipper...." "you look a bit down today" "nah I'm just bored... I'm just hear waiting" I told him. He looked at me confused "for who, Tord?" "oh no he's out training today, I'm waiting for Domino" I told him, froze at that spot as if he's seen a ghost then he tillted his head down " is everything ok?....." I asked him worried. He looked back at me with a smile "oh it's fine Clock Scarf, just... I need to give you some advice" he sat down next to me, he grabbed my scarf pulled it to his face and got serious with me as if he was mad " listen here... the worst crime in both time and life you can commit, is following the person that made you this way.... you don't, and I repeat, DON'T want to become your worst enemy, the person that d*mned you the most......" I could feel the cold shoulder from him as he let go and went off. "..... what the f*ck just happened...." 

 I laid on the couch for a while until I heard Domino come in " HEY Cyclock... sorry I'm late I had some trouble with some.... eh mirror stuff like a monster... anyways that's not important right now..." I kept my head down thinking about what Bipper said, What did he mean by that? did he already know I was a Villain at some point cause I don't want Him or anybody else to find out what I did. " hey... hey... HEY TIME BEAR!!! you there! Time to Cyclock... " he yelled for the pass couple of minutes " ah oh sorry Domino... what were you saying?" I asked him, hoping he isn't mad at me for not paying attention. " dude... are you ok? is something in your mind again.. is it about your new crush-" "DOMINO I told you not to say that out loud..." I scold at him " hey I'm just messing with you  haha.... no but seriously are you ok?" he asked a bit worried. I looked down, quietly for a moment, and then said " Domino.... do you know anybody I have d*mned before.... anybody specific?" he thought about this for a moment, he looke dlike he got the answer but didn't want to tell me for some reason. "you know... if I tell you, you might get a bit.. how do I say this... emotional? it's a really... dark memory for you.... but we might have to go back to the past for this... are you ok with it? " he told me, I want to let go of things if I want to move on move on with my new life but.... 

 I can't face that dreadfull day again.... but it was all I had.... 

 "are you sure about this...?" he asked " if I want to let go of things... I need to fix them, so.... 

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