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 " Let us show you how truly evil we can be....~" - Cyclock & Domino 

(This was originally going to be called " Our Unforgivable Mistakes..." BUT since Wattpad couldn't take it I had to shorten it to "Unforgivable") 

(Past Cyclock's POV) 

 " CYCLOCK YOU DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!!!" He yelled Cowardly as the clock was about to piont at him. " you don't understand do you? your breaking time..... AND I'M GOING TO FIX IT!!!" I yelled at him, struggling to keep him in the spot. " you can't fix something that is supposed to be broken! you just can't, just accept your fate.... FACE YOUR MOTHER F*CKING FATE B*TCH!!!" He yelled trying to bite me, I only ignored. " well... your a lost cost.... it's shame that your me....we could have been.... 

 Friends..... " were the last words I heard him say. "WAIT I TAKE IT BACK-" but it was too late..... his body laid on the floor, lifeless, drowning in his own pool of black blood as tears ran down my dark purple checks.....

(Cyclock's POV)

I panic at the scene.... I started to breath fast as I was sweating " .... Cyclock? .... you ok...?" he asked, I looked up the mirror where he was as my breathing slowed down a bit. "yeah.... I think, I-I ... I don't know...." I told him, I looked at me with pity in his face " well, you don't look like your fine.... I can see it in your face, so don't try to lie to me" said Domino as he looked straight at me. " I guess your right...... I'm just-" "feeling regret?" "yeah I guess.... I should have listened to Clockwork....he was right, and now I f*cked everything up... it was my fault" I curled up into a ball as small as I could and cried. I could feel that same cold stone shoulder comfort me as he said "it was our fault...... you can't always control time, I mean there had to be a timeline where you listen to Clockwork and another one where you didn't....." he said calmly. " it wasn't your fault... it had to happen in a timeline... and that timeline is this one...." I started to feel a little better as I came out of my circle and into the light of day, I wiped my black tears off "thanks Domino..." I said to him. He smiled at me and said " well it's hard to see my self cry.... it's kind of why you need to move on from it, you were given a choice you messed it up and now you were given a second chance to fix things, to make your self a new and better life" He was right, but It's hard to move on from something this traumatizing, especially for some one as fragile as me.... just like time... as fragile as glass. Time.... is as fragile.... as a mirror...... 


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