♣×⏳Welcome to your Fate⌛×♣

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" All that is once lost is now corrupted with madness and insanity, all pain from our past is now healed. It's Forgotten, and it stays Forgotten.... " - Beast Wirt 🌿

(Cyclock's POV)

I personaly thought it was going to be just a junk yard or a secret hide out with some edgy, emo kids.
I was wrong.....

"WELCOME!!! TO..... well your fate.. ..I don't really know what to call it..." Said Bipper as he prevented us the HUGE Mansion in the middle of probably no where. " He's like ...my age and he some how afforded a mansion!? " I thought to my self as I pause time to take a look at it. I could see that they built this on there own since it doesn't look..... well perfect let's just say. I could already see that there's a lot of more people here than I expected, plus to weirdos heading towards Bipper for something. I didn't want  to get ahead of myself so I quickly went back in place and unfroze time.

(Bipper's POV)


 I heard the voice of Ice cube right behind me and so is Branches. " Did you seriously did the introduction with out us...."  "Well you guys seemed to be running late so I did it for.. ..but hey now that your here you can show them around while I fill out there into files" " oh great, more socialization...... " said Wirt in a sarcastic voice "That's the spirit, antlers!" I said as I hugged him ( to tight) and left. 

 While I filed out the Files I noticed something strange about his Good end version is.....weird....usaly in every universe there is always a protagonist and an antagonist.  But just like every story.....the main character is a protagonist fighting against the antagonist. But that was not the case here........"I would probably need to tell this to pop cycle and Tree Gnome...." 


 (Cyclock's POV) 

 " well, this is the yard where you guys will have most of your training in" said Beast Wirt as we looked around, me and my brother were just following there lead as I was thinking "I did I do the right choice....?" I said to my self.

 " I'm sorry but did you say something you little ***** ?"

 "Excuse me!?" I yelled as I turned around to see an eye patch looking guy standing beside me. "Morty leave him alone, he's new around here " "Does it look like I care?" "ugh, can you just go mind your own business..." said ice Finn with an annoyed voice. "yeah, yeah sure....just I take a look at this" he said as he snatched  my staff away from my hands "HEY THAT'S-" "hhhmmm so how good are you with Time Magic?" he asked "how did you-" "I have my ways...but that's not the point" "oh, well I guess you can pretty good with it once you get use to it.....I think" I said. " Well then " he said as he gave me back my staff " I should probably get going, I have better things to do than hang with these newbies." "HEY!!" yelled Echo, "leave him Echo...he's always likes this when it comes to new members..." said Beast Wirt. 

"Ugh...sorry about Morty he's just...well" " It's ok" I said to Ice Finn " I've dealt with people like him before " " Well you should teach him some manners though" said Echo with an annoyed voice. anyways is most likely the end of the tour, so it's about time we give you your dorm keys so you can be ready for tomorrow " Said Beast Wirt as he gave us are keys. " WAIT-YOU MEAN WE GET ARE OWN ROOMS!!!" yelled my brother happily " Well not really.... you two will have to share dorms.... and sadly .... " "sadly what?" I asked " your going to share rooms with POSSIBLY your new partner. " ......*Sigh*

Now, when I signed up for this I DIDN'T think I would have to be partners with some PSYCHO MANIC WHO WILL PROBABLY END UP KILLING ME!!!!!!!

Me and my brother were walking to our new dorms until interrupt rd the silence with " oh bro, I forgot to tell you this earlier but you know... " " Oh well what is it? " "well..." He pulled down his hat and I saw what looked like a puddle of ink. " Uhhhh... " I said in a questionable way " oh right! " he pour the weird black stuff down to the floor and soon formed a two tailed cat "INK!!!" I yelled happily as I hugged my cat. "You might want to keep the noise down since I don't think they let pets in here...." Said Echo " it's ok, I'm just glad I didn't lose him too...... "


(Beast Wirt's POV)

" so why did you call us in here, babe? " I asked " glad you could come here branches....... Oh and you to icicle I guess" " remind me again why am I the lonely third wheel of this trio....-" Said Ice Finn in an annoyed voice. " Well I'm glad you asked...... " he said with a smirk on his face, as he pulled out Clockwork's (Cyclock's good end version) and Phantom's (Echo's good end version) files out of his desk. " ugh....... please don't tell-" "it's about the new members good end version....." "why....." I said to him "you know I like talking about....THEM!" " and you know that I don't like it when you make out in front of me...." added Ice Finn as we both stare at him with awkwardness. I broke the awkwardness by saying "well it's not MY   fault that you walked in on us while we were having some alone time~"I could tell from the moment I looked at Bipper that he was as red as Tord's old hoodie. "well it's not MY fault you kept your relationship a secret" "well it's not my fault your the third wheel of the group because your to -"   "*cough* *cough* ANYWAYS !!!!" continued Bipper " as I was saying......  their good end versions.......*sigh* .......are villains....." 

 ( Cyclock's POV) 

 "dorm 22, dorm 23, dorm 24.....Ah! dorm 27" I said to my left as I saw my dorm up ahead of me. "I wonder who could be my new roommate, Ink..." I opened to only to be greeted by an unexpected..... " leader "....... or an old friend of mine .......

 "Hello, new friend!........" 

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