⌛⏰❌War for our Good Ending... Part 2 FINALE: Showtime...🔚⚠⏳

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" All good things must come to an end......... but we are not good, so who says the fun has to stop? Believe me this is just the beginning! .... I'm losing myself in my own reflection that does not belong to me..... Help Me-" - Domino 

(Cyclock's POV) 

 I watched as the two sides got closer to each other, Flint came walking up to me, but I didn't attack " ..... the plan is coming together isn't it?" he said " .... yeah I guess it is..... you should go help them.... I'll help my side until there ready, I'll call Domino once you give the signal" I said to him. Ze teleported away as I headed down with the others, I can tell that they were all waiting for the battle to start as they both groups got closer to each other and soon stopped moving, It was quite for a while as Ice Finn started at the other group for an attack. He raised and whispered "go" and the blood shed began to raise as both side raced to each other whether it was shooting, stabbing, explosions, you name it! it happened in just about a few seconds into war. I rushed into the riot, crushing the head of one of the guards and then hitting two of them in the head, as much as I hate the sight of human organs and guts I had to be strong cause it's either win or lose now. Things can go crazy here honestly so is difficult to tell who is winning or who is not, I got shoved against by one of the soldiers which made me become back to back with Morty " .... took you long enough newbie , I'm not surprised your here.... why not show what you got if you really are strong" he said, as much as I wanted to punch his face we had to stay on the same side for this so we both began attacking in our ways from both sides. 

" your still as weak as ever but you were good enough to survive for now" I'm not surprised this came from him, we both went our separate ways as I began to burn a whole group of them alive. As I Tied one of them up ready to stab them I could see Atlas in the distance, we both looked at each other for quite a while as I killed the guy I tied up, we both walked towards each other.  We both stood there in silence for a while " so...... here we are again...." he said " .... let's finish this shall we?" I asked, he smiled and his hands lit up with fire as my staff did the same "let's do this" and we began to battle one more time. 

 (Bipper's POV) 

 Now when I wanted to go home I DIDN'T THINK I WOULD COME BACK TO A WHOLE RIOT OF A MESS- I'm getting ahead of myself with this book, shit I broke the fourth wall in the middle of a finale, god damnit Bipper! I need sleep after this. Anyways, what was I supposed to say? oh yeah, me and Beastie were heading there, he had to carry me because well let's just say the way home was a bit messy but he was glad I was ok, We both were walking onto the edge getting close to the house until we saw a literal war taking place. "oh shit" I said, I looked over and surprise, surprise I see Ice Finn right over there as he chops off one of the guys heads off " .... Bipper? Wirt?" I waved as Beast Wirt said "yeah we are fine..... but I'm not surprise that the moment we leave you in charge you start a war, I would punish after this but umm... I think they already did a great number on your eye" he said looking at the bloody side of his face. Blood dripped from Finn's left as he wiped it of him, that scar is for sure going to stick with him for the rest of his life " well, I guess I thought that we should just finish this once in for all...." he said as he froze one of the soldiers coming at him. " well Finn...... you did pretty well for once" I told him as Beastie looked at me surprised "....Really...?" said Finn "yep, just don't get ahead of your self cause next time your not doing this without us" I said to him. I began to burn some of the people there as Branches looked at me and said " Bipper you sure your going to be ok in battle..... cause I don't think you should" "do you want to new victims for your lantern?" I asked him, he dropped me and pulled out his axe and began to chop some guy in half. I smiled "I love that man" "yeah we all know that now, now KILL THESE MOTHERFUCKER!!!!" said Ice Finn as he flew up, I stood up as well and soonly enough joined the battle as well "huh... I could have sworn I had the book Alexis gave me...... probably not important" I said. 

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