<3💙 Moving on....?💜💔

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" ..... I only loved him, he made me happy ..... he made me smile...... he help me become a villain ..... and I returned to the favor to him...... so why do I have always have feelings for the enemy....?" - Cyclock

( Cyclock's POV)

I tried to clean my room as Inky was asking me to play with him " not now Inky, I'm trying to clean from all the mess you made...." he laid on the bed waiting while I petted him "Meow" "it's ok, just as soon as I'm done we can play" I kept cleaning until I saw Tord come in. " Oh hey Fredrick, umm since your cleaning do you think you can take over my cleaning shift? it's my turn now and I have plans for tonight but Beast Wirt won't let me so do you think you can take over?" he asked. " well I guess.... you go to Echo ok inky" "meow!" he went on top of my hat " well thanks buddy remind me to return the favor, oh by the way since I'm going out would you want anything?" "I don't know, I mean I guess some more mirrors....for reasons..." I said. " ok I guess, anyways CYA!!" he closed the door as I picked up Inky from my head and said "you be a good cat to Echo ok" "Meow!" I placed him in front of Echo's dorm and went to the living room.

" why does there have to be so much dust here" I said as I sweep up everything that was left on the floor. Suddenly I bupped into what used to be the shelf that blocked the basement "I see....he's probably still in there...." I looked around to see if anybody was around, then I opened the door slowly, went in and then closed it.

"well...well......................Well...." he said while coughing out blood " look who came back....if you want a fight well let me just tell you....you already won...." "I didn't think you would have still been....alive...I'm surprise so I'll give it to you......" I said kneeling down to him. he look in real bad conditions...that I caused " so what are you going to do now...? finish me....?" he asked, I carried him gently as he asked "w-what are you doing!?" "taking you to some help" I said. I knew I couldn't take him upstairs since they might try to kill him, I decided to do something that could possibly cause me more problems than I already have....Time magic. I paused time to walk out the doors, still carrying him, and to get medical supplies "You know what your doing is going to get you killed right?" said Domino as he came. " so? I did this with Frost Bite too...." "and you still got in trouble for that...." "it happened once, I can face it twice!" "can you though?" he asked. He was right, I wasn't ready to lose what I just gained but at the same time nobody deserves to die after what I have experienced.....

" your really going to go through this trouble to help me....? the one who almost killed you?" "I have my reasons..... but be quite, just because your outside doesn't mean your safe" I said quietly as I rapped the bandages on his head. ".....you know your not safe any where...." "what from you?" " well...yes and no....I'm only going to tell you this one time got it!" he said. " everybody....is after you, even your so called friends" I was confused by this new information " why what's so special about me besides controlling Time? there is a bunch of other time travels in the multiverse...." I responded. "that's what I want to know....are boss sees you as a "god we should worship...." "well if I were still try to become a villain like I did before...then I'm down for it...but then again that's the reason I became this....CYCLOCK!!!" Angel tried to stand up, despite him having trouble. " well ...I guess thanks... no bad end friend member has ever speared there victims...they usually leave them to die" geez, I thought I was in a group not a murder gang " well..... next time don't think of getting any pity from me...." I thought he left but them he grabbed the snowflake in my head. " GIVE IT BA-" " you had a loved one too didn't you..." what did he mean by "too" .... " uh... that's- ..." "it's fine you need to tell me.... but just know your not the only one going through a grief...."

" Yes... it is.... but I don't think he's dead though" I responded " this was giving to me when I got here and it was fresh and cold so it must of have been recent...right?" he but the snowflake back on my head only to feel a warm feeling, not from the snowflake though. " well if your free any time I can help you find him, he sounds charming to leave a sign that he's alive" ".....are you flirting with my presumed dead boyfriend?" I ask. "well....." he gave me one of his red feathers and placed it under my hat "you'll find out on your own"

That night I couldn't sleep.... I don't know if it was because me and Tord got in trouble for switching jobs or Angel. " Fred ....you awake?" "does it look like I even fell asleep?" I told him " well I just want to say sorry for getting you in trouble" "it's ok...it was my fault I accepted the offer" "anyways you ok? it seems like you stressed" He said. " I'm always stressed, Tord" I told him as I rolled over my blanket over my self " well ok then, but if you need help...you know you have us" yeah....us...

The thoughts kept me up at night, the same thoughts I had when I first felt something for Frost Bite........was I....

In love with the enemy again?

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