❄💥🔥 Ice VS Diamond 💥🔥💎

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" Each day, the crown whispers to me....I don't what it means but its making me lose my mind, my sanity, and my memories...... but if there is one thing I'll never forget, is the day he declared .....War" - Ice Finn

(Cyclock's POV)

" look, all I'm saying is that I won't, and I repeat, WON'T be calling Clockwork" "Why not? we need his help and you saw what happened to you back there.... if it wasn't for Tord, you would have been dead meat...." said Domino as I was walking through the halls. " Also we need to talk about your swearing....." "ugh...hear we go again....-" "do you really think you can get away from this!!!" we heard from across the halls. "that's coming from the living room ....... Sorry Domino we'll talk later" "fine but don't think I will forget this conver-" I hanged up and ran over there.

" what's going?" " Oh great your just in time for the civil war to begin... again....." said Spade as I came into the room. " what civil war?" "the ice vs Diamond..... it's been going on for a while, even before you and your brother came here...." I look over to see who I believe was Ice Finn and some yellow dude I've never meet before. " you know, if you want to join this go ahead but I'll warn you .....it's a death zone out there...." Said Bipper, I decided to take the risk and walk over there to see this childish drama " TAKE THAT BACK YOU SON OF A B*TCH!!!!" "DON'T CALL MY MOTHER THAT!!! SHE'S MORE POWER THAN ANYBODY ELSE... besides, at least SHE LOVES ME" Not in even in the battle field, and I can all ready hear this dude roasting the sh*t out of Ice Finn. " YOU LITTLE-" "hey, hey, break it up you two!" I yelled " you tell us what to do! and who are you anyways!" he yelled. "the new member....Cyclock" he took me as a joke.... "HAHAHA!!! and what can you? kick me? oh no I'm so scared....." "well yes but I can erase you from existence... or I can go back in time and prevent you from being born....." I said as I walked away. "was that really worth it?" asked Echo "yes, yes it was..."

"...do you really think a furry like you ca-" both me and my brother stopped and turned around, almost breaking are necks. "what. did you. call US!?" "Furries.. we are you so a fended?" I tall pink ponytail girl went up to him and said "boss, you do they are humanoids...you know, the ones we were talking about" (this was the moment Steven knew...... he f*cked up....) I can't remember much of this moment so I'll let My brother take the lead.

(Echo's POV)

My brother rushed up to him with his battle axe, almost spreading out his wings, ready to attack. I hold him back saying " Clocky, calm down I'm sure he didn't mean that..." I looked at him with deep nightmare eyes, hands came out of the ground, almost taking him to the darkness within me "RIGHT?" I said with sharp teeth sticking out. "sure.....but if your trying to look edgy your doing a cringy job at it" "who said I was trying to look edgy...It's not my fault I let my dark powers consume me...if anything I feel bad for your mother having to give birth to her first and last mistake of a diamond....." " you'll regret saying that someday" he said. "probably the day pigs fly...." He seemed to have ignored that last one as I placed the black out Cyclock down.....yes I dropped him.... on the floor......

" Great.... who let the new guys involved ...." I heard Green knight say as I turned around "sorry if I interrupted anything..." " no, no, no... if anything you did really well Echo...and I guess you too Cyclock...." "wait- really?" "yeah....but we should get your brother to an infirmary " "agreed..."

(Cyclock's POV)

I seemed to have waken up in a white but cold room.... then I heard " oh I see your awake Cyclock" I managed to lift my self up and say "what- where...am I?" "your in the ice castle..." "what ice castle?" "oh right you've never noticed" he said. " well..... let's just say that while everybody else has a room here, Ice Finn decided to make his own floating ice castle..." "how did we get up then?" "there's stairs..." he said I stand up straight and took a look around. It was cold but not as cold to kill me " hey bro!" said Echo from across the room " hey, have you seen this place... IT'S HUGE!!!" "I know right?" " well I'm glad you enjoyed it" said Ice as he came in. "well thanks Ice Finn but I was wondering, you don't have to answer if you don't want to but, who is that yellow guy we saw earlier?" "yeah and why do you guys seem to hate each other?" said my Brother as Finn turned and said "you might want to sit down for this...."

"thank for the hot Chocolate, ummm.... penguin?" "his name is Gunther..." "oh right" Gunther quacked at us as he left " sooooo... who is he?" "well....." said Finn as he started. "His name Is Yellow Steven, The son of Yellow Diamond.... and his corrupted system of his diamond colony. He is also a member of us, I don't know why Bipper would accept him but I won't lie... he is useful to us..... At first I didn't think much of it, but when he heard about my ice empire that's when things went down hill. he didn't like the fact that I had a bigger empire then he did, and so we have been rivals ever since then.... causing the first ever Bad End Friends Civil War.... Ice VS Diamond. People prefer not to get involved, which is understandable ..... but I didn't think you would join in, but then again you are new so you didn't know what was going on" he said. " well i guess you can say I've had some rivalry as well for the past couple of days...." "well I appreciate your help on the battle field but I suggest you stay away from the diamonds for a while.... they might be angry...." "well ok then... shall we get going Brother?" he said. " sure thing bro, thanks for letting us see your castle Ice Finn!" "don't worry you can come visit any time!" Yelled Ice Finn. "don't worry, Time is my middle name!" "Cyclock you don't have a middle nam-"

"HELLO!!!!!" yelled who I believe was Corrupted Gamer, "AAAAHHH-!!!" "ops... sorry, Hey Ice Prince!!! Bipper send this letter to you!!!" "oh my Ice King..... Fern get her out of here.. but bring me the letter" "yes sir- Finn!!!" I slided down the icy stairs and onto the ground. "welp... that was interesting.... you ok bro?" "yep... I think I need to lay down my head for a bit..." "do you want me to carry you?" "yes..." "ok then...." I said as I picked him up and carried him.

(Ice Finn's POV)

" so what does the letter say boss?" "well... I think we are in trouble...." I said "w-what do you mean?" "well it looks like a few of our members may have had contacted with... one of Time Baby's members...." "what does that mean..." said fern with fear. "it means....."

"they know we have him....."

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