📜📕⏳ Battle for the Enchiridion.....❄⛄✈

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" he never left...... he never gave it back.... Now, we must take back the thing that was meant to be rightfully ours..... the Enchiridion" - Green Knight Fern & Ice Finn

(Cyclock's POV)

Me and Tord were trying to look for something interesting on TV which was a problem.....since there was nothing good to watch on TV. " OHHHHH HOW ABOUT-" "no Tord....we are not watching..... THAT!?" I said, I looked outside at the window and saw Ice Finn but he seemed....angry. I'm not sure if it was because of the ice around him or because he looked like he was training " You know what.... sure you can watch it but I need to check out something" "ok dude..." I stand up and walked out, grabbing my staff.

Despite it being warm earlier it felt cold as the inside of a refrigerator " hey Finn-" all of a sudden a sharp piece of ice was heading towards me "OH DEAR BIPPER!!!" I yelled.

(Bipper's POV)

"..... did somebody call my name... eh?"

(Cyclock's POV)

I managed to make a shield around my self as the ice shattered " OH sorry Cyclock, nice reflexes though, I'm sure Fern thought you well didn't he" "hehe.... yeah" He's lately been more, how do I say this.... more strict I guess, with me but it doesn't bother me. " so.... is it ok if I ask..." " well usually I wouldn't tell anybody, especially with the diamonds, but since you might be use for this mission-" "mission?" I asked since I've never seen the leaders go on a mission before. " yes a mission, and well basically we might need you and your Brother's help with this" " well I guess I should call him then-" "no need to" they said as Fern STRETCHED out his grassy arm, reached over to Echo's room and then placed him right next to me..... this was the most impressive thing I have seen him do. " ....hi bro...." he said with glitter on his face "what's with the glitter?" I asked confused " I've been hanging out with Mabel a lot that I've slowly turning more pastel than usual ....." he explained "well maybe that will lower down all of the dark clothes your wearing" commented Fern. "HEY!! I look Beautiful in Black" "Just because you have dark magic doesn't mean you have to wear black..." "well I didn't ask to have dark Magic, Finn" "well neither did I but look at where we are now...." said Finn. " anyways, are you going to join or not cause it's going to be a cold adventure so I suggest you strap up" "a guy who has experienced dating a guy with Ice powers....I can live with it" I said.

At this point, I kind off regret saying "yes" to this adventure cause it was COLD AS F*CK!!!! like honestly I almost got frost bite from this and my brother almost turned into an ice statue. " h-how lo-long is it-it" I stuttered " don't worry, we are almost there..." said Ice Finn who seems to be fine by the cold, which is obvious but Fern..... how is he alive? " shot! boss you might want to be careful up ahead! I think there is going to be a snow storm" he said. Finn looked up ahead at the hill " ok well..." he pulled out a green backpack and pulled out a rope and tied it around his waist. " here" he gave it to both of us, I tied it around my waist getting nervous since I've never liked climbing " are you sure about this..." asked Echo " don't worry just try to hold on the numbs" he said confidently. " if you say so..." we began climbing, I trembled during this...... I can tell Echo was trying to hold on to as much as he could " don't worry guys, we're almost there" yelled Finn as he was up high. 

 All that was in front of us was a dark, cold, ice cave " so is this it?" " yup we just have to be careful with this one now... there is a friend that lies in these caves...." Said Finn in a serious tone of voice. I wondered why he called it a "friend" it just seemed a bit.... sketchy for me " well should we go in?" asked Echo "yes, but get you weapons out and try not to attracted to much light or sound" said Fern pulling out his sword. Here goes nothing, it was even more cold inside than the outside but at least I had a coat " so what are we looking for again?" I whispered " The Enchiridion... a book I had a long time ago, back before I became..... Ice" said Finn. I was interested in this Enchiridion Book, I haven't seen it but I have heard Ice Finn talk about it and it caught me interest at the time. " shhh" said Fern " I hear something!" I heard a growl from up ahead.... it sound like something I've never heard before... it was unnatural " what was that....?" "....The Lich...." They responded softly as the "Lich" came out of the deep shadows of the cave. It look like it was a mutated beast of acid " hello Jake..." said Finn as he pulled out his ice sword, new and improved, as if he was ready to fight. 

 "RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!" Yelled the beast "... I see you want the Book as well.... well, COME AND GET IT YOU SON OF A B*TCH!!!!" Yelled Finn as he flew and swing his sword. " FERN!!! GO ABOUT LEFT OF THE TUNEL!!! GET THE BOOK, I'll Handle this" he yelled "got it boss..... be safe" said the green knight as he picked us up like PACKAGES and ran. " so... how does the book look like?" I asked so I can try to find it " well just to know it's brown and has jewels..." "like that" Echo responded pointing at a frozen brown book with Jewels "holy sh*t that's it" he put us down and went towards it. " I'm going to need you help with getting it out" he said " don't worry, I got this" said Echo, he went over there, pulled out his shadow sword, and destroyed the ice that surrounded it. " wow....your brother is awesome" "I know..." I responded, Finn came in rushing and yelled "HURRY GUYS!!!! I think I made it angry.... JUST RUN!!!" "what did you do-" I wanted to ask but then I heard a roar from up ahead as "Jake" came in out of the corner, all chopped up.... flesh coming out of its body, it's guts trying over the floor of the cold cave. I wanted to vomit as my stomach, once again, twisted as I felt a bit light headed as if I was about the faint by the sight of him " geez nobody told me the time bear was grossed out by guts, I could have gone easy on him" said Finn as we were running " So, how are we going to get out of this one boss?" said Fern. " Quick!!! we need to kill it some how!!" I thought about for a second, then I thought about it " Hold up!" I paused time real quick and called Domino here. 

 " what now....?" " Domino, remember when we caused does rocks to fall, trapping Atlas in there" I said to him "yeah why?" "well we might need to do that again" he took a deep breath and soon pieces of glass surrounded  the rocks above the cave. " there now what?" "just wait until I give you the signal, got it" I said "fine but you own me something" He said. 

 ".....how the f*ck did you do that?" asked Fern as he was confused as to what just happened "long story....you ok Finn?" I said as I looked down at him looking the pile of rocks " I'm fine...." he said softly. " well....should we go back? I'm kind off cold" said my Brother " sure.... you coming Finn?" he stand up and said " let's just go...." he said. We walked into the more warmer fields as I breathed in the fresh air "FINALLY.... home at last" Yelled my Brother, I looked over at Finn " you ok buddy? I don't know if that was your friend... but he seemed... important to you" he looked straight ahead, as he was holding the Enchiridion and said " I thought he was a friend... but you know things happen.... and well... 

           ........Sometimes you have to let things go...." 

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