⏳⚠❌Friend or Foe?🔪📜✂

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" Mirror, Mirror on the my hand Who's the Baddest of them all ~ ? " - Cyclock

(Cyclock's POV)

" WHAT THE ****!!!!!" I screamed as I dropped the mirror "HOW THE **** CAN YOU TALK!?" I asked terrified. " ok first of all watch your language, their might be kids reading this book which they shouldn't if they are younger the 13..." "did you just break the fou-" "and second of all yes I can talk ok, you shouldn't be surprised" "what do you mean not be surprised THIS IS A MIRROR WHICH IS SUPPOSED TO SHOW MY REFLECTION NOT ANOTHER GUY IN THE MIRROR!!!!!" I said with a burning rage of a thousand demons. " ok, ok calm down their, Clocky, I didn't ask to be trapped in here you know.....if anything I'm you....." I stopped time, mostly because of the words he said "wh-wha-t does he mean by that?" "well if you let me explain-" "WHAT THE- HOW CAN YOU STILL TALK AND MOVE WHEN I JUST FROZE TIME!?"I yelled surprised. Now I'm pretty sure we all know how time magic works right, now.....do I need to explain how is this not normal.

" ok, I see your a little confused or surprised so let me explain..." he then proceeded " basically, I'm your past reincarnation so I'm basically you from the past. Now, I know who you are, but you probably don't know much about me..... I'm Domino, and sadly to say, the brother of THE WORST " HERO" in the entire Multiverse....!!!" I immediately knew who he was talking about " if your talking about Quarter...them yes he is a ***** ...." " I agree he is a *****, but that's not the point" he said. "the point is you need to go back to Clockwork, and-" "UUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!" I said angrily, " WHY him, out of all the people in the multiverse....why him?" "reasons..... p-ersional-al reas-ons-s...." "I'm sorry what?" "so-rry I don't th-ink you-you know where I-I am-m but the wifi here is prett-tty bad here, I'll tell you lat-er bye-...." "NO NO WAIT-" but it was to late he already cut off on me.

I walked down the stairs and sat down on the table trying to make sure I wasn't on drugs when I just saw.....what just happened a few minutes ago. " You ok there bud?" I heard a voice say, I look over to see Beast Wirt with some wood, I didn't know he was a lumber Jack... "you look a little stressed, want to talk about it?" "would you promise me you won't think I'm drunk?" "it kind of depends on the situation we're talking about here...." I took a deep breath and said "should I trust the person in the mirror?" he started to serve him self some tea "well, do you trust your self?" he said as he gave me a cup of tea " kind of?" "then that's your answer..." he said as if he wanted to end this conversation fast, it's obvious I didn't explain my self well. " no, I mean like....somebody trapped in a mirror " he took a sip of his tea and said " I don't know much about those kinds of mirrors but, I know a friend who's inside of a mirror as well....her name is mirror Lapis I can give her a call if you want" I was desperate for so of course I said yes. "oh and one more thing, what would happen if the 'mirror' told me to call me good end counter part-?" Wirt spit out his tea and said with a surprisingly calm voice "no....we don't speak about them around here so I'd keep my mouth shut if I were you..." he got left............. "AM I STILL ON DRUGS OR DID THAT JUST HAPPEN!?"

I sat by the couch waiting for this 'Mirror Lapis'..... until I saw Tord coming in "so how's you day he asked "I feel like if I'm on drugs.... how about you?" he took a deep breath "well it's kind of hard take of a daughter you kno-" "I am still on drugs because I just heard you say 'daughter' " "well ADOPTED daughter" he said "basically I was creating weird things in the lab until I made well the girl that fell out of the sky earlier.....she's kind of like a vampire expect that when she sucks blood she gains their powers....permanently. so the others found out and as punishment I had to take care of her until she's 18...." "well I mean it's not as painful as losing you arm" he looked at me with a serious face "losing my friends was more painful...." he said with a sad and serious tone. I didn't know what to do so I just gave him a hug "thanks Fred...." "it's Cyclock but ok..." I whisper to him.

" soooooo..... your Mirror lapis?" I asked " Yeah and you must be the new recruit, Cyclock correct?" she asked " yeah I guess" "so Beast Wirt told me you were having some sort of mirror problem?" "yeah you see this might sound crazy but I found this mirror in one of my boxes and next thing you know, once I fix it, it has a person stuck inside there saying that they are me in some way, and then telling me contact my alternative timeline and- I'm just confused by all of this...." I said in distress. "well even though I am now a mirror my self, I've never faced a problem like this but, from what I can recomend is that it's probably a sign that there is something big coming after you..." "what d-do me-an....?" I said worried "well if he told you contact one that's not a Bad end member.....then it might mean that he wants you to reach out for help" I was left speechless and coufused "but why my good end counter part?" she took a deep breath and said "sadly, that part I have no I idea why, but it may have something to do with the fact that both of you are time travelers." I wasn't sure if this was helpful information but it was all I had "well thanks for your help lady Lapis...." "no problem, I'll try my best to get as much info as I can."

"there is something out there coming for me....but what is it?" I said to my self as I walked out side to see the bright moon in the sky " but what do they want from me ?" A lot of thoughts where running through my head. My mind went black for a second as I thought to my self what could lead to the timeline repeating it self all over again......my whole nightmare , re-living it again.............it will be, my.... fault again.....

"are they coming after us ..............?"

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