🔍🔅⚪Fixing our mistakes...Together ♥🔑🔓

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" I wish I could help you.... but I can't move on from the past that haunts me.... even you, so.......... how do you expect me to call you my brother if you might be lying to me...." - Birthday Mabel 

(Cyclock's POV) 

 I laid in my bed as Tord played video Games on the other side " you playing Hollow Knight again?" I asked " yeah, Gamer got me to play it.... how do you beat Hornet any ways there so fast( no seriously I'm stuck on this part help)" he said as he kept playing. I started to hear yelling coming from the living room, it sounded like " Bipper and Mabel are ditching again aren't they?" I asked " yeah it's kind off why I came here instead of overhearing the fight in like everyone else" I got my head up once I heard that. " why are they eavesdropping on it? They've been fighting at least once or twice a month" I asked, Tord looked at me " well this time it has gotten pretty bad that even Evil Morty is afraid of them" I started to get a bit worried " what is the difference between a regular fight between them and this one?" " well one thing is for sure it gets violent" he said " you can go over hear it too but I'll warn you..... I suggest you don't come between them this time, Revenged Henry already got hit with a vase.... not that he could feel it or anything but imagine if it wasn't him and it was somebody else" he said. I grabbed my staff, I use it to help me walk better, and stood up " good luck....." said Tord as I opened the door and the yelling became louder as I got closer and closer to the living room. 

 Once I finally got there I saw not exactly everyone but most of the people hiding in corner since there was no door, I'm guessing everyone else was in there rooms waiting for the fight to end as well. Ice Finn saw me coming and told me to try to be quite as I got to the corner with the rest of them " YOU KNOW THIS WOULDN'T HAVE HAPPENED IF YOU DIDN'T GIVE BILL THE JOURNAL!!!!!" I heard Bipper tell as I saw blue fire come out of his hands and his eyes turned from yellow to a bloody red. " FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, YOU ARE BILL CIPHER, I TIRED OF YOU TELLING ME YOU GOD DAMN STUPID LIES!!!!" She yelled back at him " OH SO HERE WE GO AGAIN, WHY DO I EVEN BOTHER EXPLAINING TO YOU THAT ME AND BILL ARE THE SAME PERSON NOW, GET OVER IT!!!" " THEN WHY CAN'T YOU GET OVER THE FACT THAT I GAVE THE FUCKING JOURNAL TO HIM!?"  Yelled out Mabel. Now I have heard them fight before but the mood in this environment was intense. " BECAUSE OF YOUR SELFISH NEEDS I'M NOW A FUCKING DEMON FACING MANY PROBLEMS HERE AND YOUR ONE OF THEM!!!" He yelled "OH SO I'M THE SELFISH ONE!? YOUR THE ONE WHO TRIED TO TAKE AWAY JOURNAL NUMBER 3 AWAY FROM ME WHEN I WAS ABOUT TO RETURN IT TO STANFORD!!!" " BECAUSE WE NEED IT TO PROTECT ALL OF US HERE, CAN YOU SEE I'M TRYING TO DO MY BEST TO PROTECT MY LOVED ONES, I'M TRYING TO PROTECT YOU MY TWIN SISTER!!!" He cried out loud as tears started to falls from his eyes. " WELL I DIDN'T ASK A DEMONIC EVIL TWIN BROTHER!!!" She yelled as she slapped him in the face leaving a red hand mark on the side of his cheek, all of us at the corner quietly gasped pas we all knew shit hit the fan once Mabel snapped out of her anger and realized what she had done, we all knew this was his last straw. 

 Bipper turned his face back at her as he put his hand on the side of the face that she slapped him on and mumbled something very quietly " w-what did you say.....?" Asked Mabel as she was trembling in fear. Soon Bipper snapped as his eyes turn red and the blue fire became blue as he yelled " I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!! I'VE HAD ENOUGH OF THIS SHIT, I JUST CANNOT DEAL WITH YOU ANYMORE, I'M TIRED OF YOU BEING HERE..... IF ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS BRING UP THE PAST, THEN GET OUT AND DON'T COME BACK MABEL!!!" He pointed at the door as tears fell out of her eyes when she ran out the door into the night. " shit just went down...." said Morty as he slowly backed away from his room leaving me, Ice Finn, Domino and Beast Wirt, I could hear Bipper slowly crying as his head went down while tears fell down. Beast Wirt ran up to him and hugged him tight as if he was worried about him, he hugged back as Ice Finn asked " Bipper, it's going to be fine...." " is it?" He cried holding Beast Wirt tighter " maybe we should just leave him alone for now" I suggested as a walked back to my room. 

 (Bipper's POV) 

 I felt warm as I tried to calm my self down but it was hard to " Beast Wirt....." I said as he looked at me " did I..... do the right thing?" I asked him, he sighed " well it was pretty harsh of you to do that but, you guys weren't able to fix things so I think it's for the best" he responded. He wiped the tears of me and Kissed me " do you want me stay with you for the night?" He asked " yeah, I think I just want some comfort for tonight" I cuddled with him on the couch as he wrapped me around his cape, next thing you know we slowly both fell asleep, it was probably the only time I ever slept well without having to go into anyone else's dreams for once. 

(Cyclock's POV) 

  I looked through the hall way to see if anybody was awake, I pulled open the window and tried to climb down without falling or making any noise, once I landed on land I began to run through that forest looking for Mabel, or at least I tried to run. " MABEL! MABEL ARE YOU HERE-" I stopped yelling once I heard a voice closes by " good thing we got one, not a powerful one but it will do...." one of them said. It sounded like Iris, I only met her once but I know her voice, guess Beast Wirt ripped her arm pretty badly that one time " should we take her back to the boss?" She said " of course, what do you think we came here for? I wonder why she was out here anyways...." I heard an unfamiliar voice say. They took Mabel with them, I would call them out but I wanted to find out there lair so I quietly followed them all the way " don't worry Bipper....... 

                       I'm going to fix this.........."  

How come this Chapter got uploaded sooner than the last one...? 

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