🚫🕑⭐ Mirrors and Lies⏳🔯❌

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" no matter how much you want to forget...... the sins, your mistakes, and memories will stay with you.... Forever" - Domino

(Cyclock's POV)

It was hard to open my eyes but once I did.... I didn't woke up in my bed like usual, it was.... a weird world I didn't recognize at first.... "wait....no....no.....nononono.....NO! NOT THIS AGAIN-" "relax..." said a voice from afar. " .....Domino....?" "yeah.... nice to finally see you in person....Cyclock" he said... I could finally get a closer look at him unlike I did in the mirror, he was.... A lot like me or I guess you can say Clockwork..... except that he was made out of stone, I expected him to be made out of mirror instead, and he had cracks on his right arm and his eye...the same eye that I have a scar at only he doesn't have that eye. " w-why am I here?" I panic as I was standing up " well..... it's what I've been telling you..... ̴͖́y̵̛̼o̸͝ͅụ̷̓r̴̭͆ ̴͓̅r̶̬͋ú̸͉n̵̘̄n̴̳̈́i̷͚̅ṋ̴̂ǧ̸̞ ̷̻̎o̸͙͒ṳ̷͛ẗ̶͈́ ̵̛̲ǒ̵̲f̴̢̔ ̷̛̗t̶̲̓i̵͎͑m̷̭̀ė̴̻.̶̭̐.̴̤́.̴̩̈́.̴͈̌ ̶̣̊" that voice gave me goosebumps, I've never heard him say something in that.... " well, can you.... be more detailed..." "ugh....well let's just say that something big is com-" "I GET IT I'm being chased by people, for my magic or something.... I don't know...." I told him. " it's not just that, it involves the other versions of you....mostly Clockwork" I hated to speak about him.... I have my reason to ever speak about him but when it came to Domino speaking about him I knew it had to be something bad.... and not the good kind of bad or the "Bad end friends" kind of bad.

" just spit it out Domino.... I think I'd rather die like he did...." He took a deep breath and said " look at me Cyclock..... I'm slowly dying in this mirror....." I started to feel like a broken mirror just like the mirror Domino was trapped in. " no.... no... no! you-your joking right!......right?" I said worried at the news of this, he shock his head slowly as tears slowly started to form ".... how much time do you have left?" I asked. Domino looked down and said " depending how time works on your end but from what I estimate.... probably in about 3 or 4 hours....in this mirror" "no.... your not dying!" I yelled at him crying. " well what do you want to do!? I'm stuck in this mirror and that's that.... and there is no way of getting me out of here, not that you can do" He said turning his back on me, I thought about for a while now but I new that there had to be a way to get him out of there some how " Don't worry... I'll find a way..." I said standing up. "but first, can you get me out of this place?" I asked him, he turned to me and said " well for that you might want to wake up.... however you are able to come back to this place in your sleep.... not by choice of course" "wait am I asleep?" I asked. "yeah and well ..... your about to wake up" 

  I opened my eyes, it was already morning and I was sure that wasn't a dream " I need to find help quick...." I said as I grabbed the mirror and ran.

I knocked on the door softly "hello?.... Bipper you there! I kind off need you help on something" I said but one answered, then the door opened " sorry for that... I kind off fell a sleep in my desk, what would you need this time Clock Scarf?" said Bipper as he let me in. " well sorry if this is a bad time for you but I need to know if there is a way I can get somebody out of a Mirror, It's for a friend of mine" I explained as he started to look through the Journals " well I don't know about you but it depends on what creature is inside of it, like a ghost, a dragon, or even a clone of you" "does the clone have to be made out of stone?" I asked, he stayed silent " well as long as he has some connection to you then yes" He turned to a page on the journal and began to read the following: 

 " The one that shall be free shall be redeemed for there actions and mistakes throughout life. They shall be free from there pain in the circle of freedom with objects or symbols that recognize with them. They shall be the one in between there own mess and soon, be let free into our world" 

 " so it's a ritual or something?" I said " well yes, but actually no we just need to place the mirror that they are trapped in  a circle with object that have to do with him. " well I don't know what he likes or what means a lot to him but he does worry about me sometimes...." I said as Bipper started to draw a circle " well I guess we just put what we know of him so far...." I said as I placed my clock on the circle. Bipper looked down at the mirror as I placed it in the center "is there something wrong?" I asked him as he stood up and went to go get some stuff from his office "I might have an Idea of what we might need" he said as he closed the door. 

(Domino's POV) 

 It started to get a bit dark as I crawled into a ball "at least I got to do my part...." I said, I looked down as the dark particles started to come up closer. "2 hours left..... but not enough time to say sorry......." I climb up to the last high island I could get too as I watched my own world burn away from my darkest desires of my life. I slowly closed my eyes as I let all my pain wash away.... I was ready for this.... I deserved it either way ".... well the light seems brighter than I thought it would be...." I said as I felt like I blackout peacefully. 

 I opened my eyes but it wasn't what I expect to be in, I felt my self still stone as ever "Hello you awake!" I heard Cyclock's voice say "wait... Cyclock how did you-" "look at your self buddy" he said as I looked around me as I saw not my own world but Cyclock's. "did you actaully...." He shock his head, and hugged him with tears as I was free from my own cage.... but the happiness didn't last long as I saw a yellowed eye demon as I hugged Cyclock....... 

 " Bipper.....?" 


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