🐷🍭🌸 Sibling Relationships... 🔪📚🍴

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 " Sometimes, pain is the key to ignore your problems... I wish I died instead of becoming a demon... but I'm glad to have met people just like me" -Bipper 

(Cyclock's POV) 

 " OH MY F*CKING GOD!!! I TOLD WE SHOULDN'T HAVE GONE FOR IT CLOCKY!!!" yelled my Brother as I tried to get my energy back up. " I well it's not like we had any other choice...." "true anyways you take Journal #2 to Bipper... cause I'm about to-" but before he could finish he fainted right at the spot. I walked over him and headed to Bipper's office when a heard a sound of..... crying...? 

 I slowly opened to the door to see only a mess in the office " hello?" The crying stopped, I looked over at the desk and saw Bipper underneath it "  wha-? OH SH*T CYCLOCK!!" he said he was wiping the tears of his face, hiding his fork, and pretending it's fine. " I see you have to 2nd journal-" "you wern't... crying were you?" I asked "WHAT!? ME!? an evil destructive force who can create a second Weirdmageddon if he wanted to??? NO!!! never ever in my immortal life- yes....." he said crubling to the floor once more. " .... I'm not sure if it's personal... but may I ask?" " ....I don't feel like talking about" he said going back underneath the desk. I grabbed the fork he hid and gave it him " you were hurting your self were you?" he stayed silent " it's ok... I've done it once too...." I took of my glove of my right hand, showing of old bloody bandages revealing scars I had. " ever since the death... or at least presume death, of an old lover I still have till this day..... I thought it will help me cope with pain... it did for a while.... but it becomes an addiction, I couldn't stop, that's why I mostly use magic instead of weapons... I'm afraid of hurting me self again...." I told him. Bipper, still holding the fork, procced to stand up and say " if you want to figure out what happened... just ask Beast Wirt or Ice Finn.... or her...." I was confused of what he meant by "her" but I thought it was personal so I didn't ask. 

 " IS HE OK!? OH THAT'S IT I'M KILLING THAT B*TCH RIGHT NO-!!!" "calm down Wirt, I'm sorry you had to see  Bipper like that.... it's been... going on for a while now.... thanks for letting us know anyways... " said ice Finn. " yeah I'm just wondering... do you know who could have done this.... I mean he said something about a "her"  they both stayed quite for a while. " Birthday Mabel.... if you must know, she's Bipper's sister... a lot of conflict happened between them that lead them to here"  I didn't ask any questions other than "where can I find her?" "she's at the 2nd floor across one of the halls on the left, she might be in her doorm- WAIT BEAST WIRT BUT THE AXE DOWN!!!" "NO I'VE HAD IT WITH HER, SHE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND THAT'S NOT BILL, SHE NEEDS TO KNOW IT'S ACTUALLY DIPPER-" "why are you so over protective about this?" " NO REASON, I'M JUST...." "you know what, I won't ask..." I stand up and left. "oh by the way can you tell your brother to get off the floor please...." I look down to Echo still on the floor " Bro... get up, your going to help me with something..." "NOOOOO-" he said as I dragged him. 

 " 418, 419, 420, AH 421 this must be her's...." I said still dragging Echo " can you stop dragging me...." "ugh.. fine..." I said dropping him. I knocked on the door to an answer of " come in, unless it's you Bipper..." "uhh no it's ....Cyclock and Echo...I'm not sure if we met in tranning but-" The door opened quickly "NEW BOYS!?" yelled a weird mutated looking butterfly. " HEY LADY BACK OF MY AND MY BROTHER, HE HAS A BOYFRIEND AND I'M NOT INTERESTED IN PEOPLE THAT WAY!!!" I said trying to push her off " Star, didn't we talk about this..." "oh right.... sorry I got a little carried away... " she said. My brother laid on the floor and said " well he dragged me here so go ahead and do your thing..." "oh right, listen umm Mabel was it?" "oh yeah that's me!" "oh ok cool, well I would like to speak with you... in private...." she looked at me confused. "ok sure....." 

  " so what is it about?" "well... you don't have to answer but... you wouldn't happen to have a ... conflict with, your broth-" " ...listen... I don't know what you heard but.... I do care about him... but I can't believe that he's telling the truth, I'm not sure if you met Bill Cipher but he possessed my brother and he says that it's him Dipper but...... how can I know, Bill has tricked us so many times...." she explained. I was surprised to hear this, but also expected... I knew Bill back in the days, before the "accident" you could say I made a deal with him as well..... This...may have been my fault.....and going to fix it. " well have you tried working things out?" "....if anything I tried... but he seems happy to how his life is.... I don't want to take that away but I also want things to be back to normal...." I wished that to Mabel. " well, you don't have to work it out right away, but I guess my advice for you is to just..... accept it.....move on....with your-" I stopped, I have been acting the same way and yet I'm telling her to move on when I can't even do that.... "just take your time in things...I'm sure you'll work it, I mean me and my brother get into fights sometimes and in the end it's over..." she stayed quite but then she looked up at me. "I guess I'll try..." "speaking of my brother where is he?" I said looking out side the door. "oh he might be in training today..." "OH SH*T I FORGOT!!! THANKS FOR LISTENING MABEL BYE!!!" I Yelled running to get to training.  

 (Angel's POV) 

 My view adjusted to the surroundings as I looked above " ...looks like I'm going to be here for a while" I said to my self. I looked at my phone to see text messages for the others: they we're wondering  where I was.... " at least they care about me...." I tried to stand up but it felt like something was holding my back so I stayed down. " that Cyclock guy was.... interesting.... very interesting, not only him self but his.....magic..... they're one lucky group to have this member.... but that doesn't mean he is no match for me..." I tried to heal my self with the energy I have left in me. 

 " we'll see each other again some time Cyclock and Domino, don't think I didn't know about you too..... just you wait...." 

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