♠🔘🔑 THERE GONE!?🕗⚫〰

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" We all have overcome obstacles in our life's but..... this will be the biggest of them all, I'm ready to show them that I'm not weak, pathetic or a cinnamon roll..... no...... I'm more than that, I'm stronger than you think I am- MAX THE KNIFE DOWN RIGHT NOW!!!!" - Ice Finn 

 (Domino's POV) 

 I was screaming in my head as loud as I could as I sat down at the table waiting for Finn to come in, everyone else was either yelling or panicking at the table, I looked over at Cyclock which looked like he could break at any moment. Echo kept petting his cat to try to calm him down, I just kept my head down throughout all of this, I looked up and saw an ice sword that soon enough hit the table and it stayed there as Ice Finn walked in while the mess around us had stopped. He took a deep breath and then sat down like the rest of us " ..... listen" he began " I know we just lost our leader and our second in command.... but that's way there is a third, I will be taking full charge until we get Bipper and Beast Wirt Back" "but how are we-" "JUST SHUP UP!!!" he yelled. His voice echoed through the room and then he went back to speaking " most of us know here that Time baby and the outcast have caused us trouble for over a year now..... but I think it's time to end this" " what do you mean?" asked Revenged Henry. He took another deep breath and said " ...... we're going to finish this.... at war" 

 (Bipper's POV) 

 My head hurts..... everything hurts honestly, I opened up my eyes as my vision adjusted to the room and all that's around me, the room looked familiar as if it was- " ... oh no" I panicked and I tried to run but I realized I was tied up. I couldn't more even though I tried, I tried to look over to see if something was around me so I use to break these metal chains and then I saw what I feared the most "BEASTIE!" I said trying to get close to Wirt as it seems he's still unconscious. " Beast Wirt! BABE! Please wake up..... wake up" I was lucky enough to still feel a pulse in him, but I looked over the table across, the lantern was there..... but it wasn't that bright. I tried using my powers to try to light it up again but I forgot, this metal was made for us thanks to that bitch "hold on there Wirt" I tried to look around to see if there was something that I could use light it up or at least get it close to me, but then I kept still as I heard foot steps coming closer. 

 They came closer and closer until I saw the shadow of the one responsible for this " welcome back Mason...." he said "don't call me that you bitch" I told him " well that's not very nice to say to me... you should thank me that your still alive" I looked at him, I got angrier the more I look at him. " not when your killing my boyfriend!" I yelled he looked back at the lantern and then at me " if I let him live will you behave" as much as I didn't want to follow his rules wasn't going to lose him, I already lost many people I care about and Beast Wirt isn't one worth losing. I nodded towards " good.... then stay here and don't even try to move" he said " feed the lantern Axel!" he said, I looked over and just saw Alexis over there with her head down "yes sir...." she walked over and took the lantern, I didn't want to feel bad for them but I did anyways. Time Baby looked back at me and said " ..... Behave Mason..... don't even try to escape this time" I only gave him the dirty look, if I was able to use my powers oh the horrible things I would have done to him. 

 I don't know how long it has been but it feels like it's been hours, I stayed close to Beast Wirt for the meantime until he woke up, I can still see the blood stains we left which gave me back memories both good and bad. I really do hate this place even the day they nearly killed me in a open chest torture chamber, I was lucky enough to have...... Domino........ there to help me, I guess.  I felt as if Branches was waking up as I looked at him " ..... Bip?" he said " oh thank god your ok!" I yelled, I wanted to hug him but my hands were still tied so I stayed closer to him " wait, what happened!? are you ok-" he quickly looked around this place and realized where we were "are we-" "yeah......" I told him. He came closer to me as he shivered in fear "Hun, where the FUCK IS MY LANTERN!?" he yelled "they took it, they told me if I just behave they'll let you live... so they took it to feed it" I explained to him. "well that is very lovely of you Bipper but I WANT MY FUCKING LANTERN BACK YOU SON OF A-" Beast Wirt's rage was interrupted by some one crashing from the vents and into the floor "the fuck...." I said as the figure stood up. I tried backing away from it as I feared the one in front of us, they kept walking closer as there face soon shined light on them to reveal them self " wait...... Bipper?" she said. Ok now I wish time Baby was here now "oh what do you want bitch, I'm not surprised you ended up here after I told you to leave" I said towards her as she came closer " oh wait Mabel how did you get here?" asked Beast Wirt "it's a long story but I have managed to get out, I heard screaming and I wanted to see who it was and then I found you too" she explained. 

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