🔥⬅⏬ First mission ......gone wrong Part 1: Lost .....🚫➡⏫

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" Have I ever told what to do? yes....did I want to? no.......this is a warning to you all, if you try to be the puppeteer of the puppet, your name will be drawn on the walls with your on blood... just like my brother " - Domino

( Beast Wirt's POV)

" Bip, are you sure about this? it's only been a week since he's been here. Do you really think he's ready?" " don't worry Beastie..... he's a time traveler master, and Tord's a communist who likes guns and hentai and stuff, they'll be fine...." I still didn't get why he was so relaxed about there first mission together, or maybe it's just me worried, I don't know any more. "you don't need to worry about them branches, I think you need to focus on something else" "what? like you~" I responded "well I meant the lantern but sure why not~" He said as he got closer to me. "here we go again with me being the third wheel...." I laid my finger on Ice Finn as I pushed him away and said " hush Mertens, We are having a moment here..." I can tell he got angry at that " I DON'T KNOW WHO THIS ' MERTENS' IS BUT I CAN TELL YOU THAT- MHHH" He went quiet as I wrapped branches around him. " shall we~" he said but as soon as we heard the door open we tried to pretend like everything was normal "uhhhhhhhhhh...."

"sup!" He said " uhhh... why is Ice Finn-" " don't ask.... anyways, I'm glad you made it you two!" said Bipper. "yeah...you called us for our first mission together, correct?" "yes, Tord, We have decided to let you both go on a mission, of course since it's the first we tried to give an easy one to do" I said as I went over to pull out the files. "easy come on.....I've done does so many times...." complained Tord "well maybe it's because you've had so many partners, remember Tord, If this doesn't work out with and Cyclock, we are not changing partners got it?" "yes Bipper....." "good" he said as I handed him files, while hearing Finn trying to get out.

"fine I'll let you out...." The branches started to go back into the ground as Finn yelled "FINALLY!!! ugh any ways good luck on this first mission of yours... I need to go check on Max and Frisk.... again..."Finn closed the door behind him. " well then it seems like we have to go to this forest a retrive a ....Journal?" Cyclock said as he looked at us confused "yeah it's a long story.......we just need you to get it before....they do..." said Bipper " who?" they asked "never mind that anyways you shall get going....." "alright then Wirt...." said Cyclock as they left to go. Bipper took a deep breath and layed back down on his chair " finally .....now that is done...." I went up to him and cuddled with him " babe, we are in a chair....." "don't care...." "also I can smell edelwood and coffee from you which I like it but....did you drink coffee again....? " "maybe.....did you fall down to stairs with forks again" "maybe...."

(Cyclock's POV)

"so where is it again?" asked Tord " It's somewhere near this deep dark forest on an abandoned temple of some sort...." " well great..... so how far is it?" "like about umm.....7 miles from here...." "ugh....this is going to take us a long time!!! can't you just fast forward in time or something?" "yeah, for me not for you...." "UGH" he yelled as I started to think what did Bipper meant by " before they do" was there something going on in this place that I didn't know about, what are they hiding? and most importantly of all.... "WHAT ARE YOU READING???" I asked at Tord. " well...since it's going to be a long way home so I though I'd read some Hentai and-oh......" I can he forgot I don't like sexual stuff being thrown at my face, both verbally and literally. "right...I think I'll read it back home or something" "yeah...you should!" I said trying to forget what I saw on those pages.... trust me, you don't want to know.....

At this point it was more like a jungle than a forest " so is this it?" "seems like it...." we both walked into the tunnel, not knowing what's waiting for us on the other side, and into the darkness. " Why did Bipper send US here?" "why are you asking me? I don't know the answer..." " is it me or is it dark in here?" "did you just barely notice....?" he said. I turned on my staff to see if it will make some light " there we go, now let's go ge-" I look around and don't see Tord in sight " wait, Tord? Tord! Tord, where are you?" " where are you?" I heard him say through the walls. I come closer to it and say " Tord, is that you?" "yeah it's me, and I think we're lost...." "you think?" " look listen Fred, this is no time for jokes...right now we need to figure out how get back on track, I can tell by the tunnels ahead of me are probably like a maze of some sort " I look up ahead of me as well to see 3 tunnels as well, who knows where they lead too.

" so how do we do it exactly?" I ask him "simple, we try to follow the tunnels we yell our names, if it gets louder it means we are close by" "..............so you mean plain out guessing or following the voices........ " "yes" he said. " are you sure it's going to work, Tord cause where ever you plan something there is always something bad in the way....." " don't worry Clocky.... This will be the greatest plan ever (Charles will remember that) " "the last time I heard somebody say that they crashed there helicopter on to a wall.....on purpose.... like an idiot.... (Charles will also remember that)" "come on just have faith in me this time ok...." he said. I was a bit worried that it won't work since I'm starting to get bad vibes from this place, I don't know I just don't have a good feeling about this " alright...I trust you Tord..." "well great, now let's get moving " soon enough we tried to go into the direction we heard our voices but I feel like we are going no where near each other. "Tord are you sure this is working!!" "trust me!!! I think we are getting close!!!"

(Red Leader Tord's POV)

" Fredrick, can you here me? " " kind off, it's hard to hear you over the sound of this tunnel falling apart....wait...." Suddenly I heard it too and I new it wasn't good news...." TORD BE CAREFUL-!!!" was the last thing I heard before the tunnel broke down. I ran, trying to find an exit to this place, as fast as I could, I don't remember much but I do remember waking up in aroom with a hole on it's 'roof' "finally an escape hole....wait where is-" I looked around to see if Cyclock was around, but no sign of him. " oh no....oh no oh no oh no.....Cyclock buddie are you here ?" I started looking around the room for him until I may or may not have heard his voice in one of the far away tunnels "CYCLOCK I'M COMING-" But I stopped at that moment....and look back at the hole "but if I go there I can get lost again and probably die.....but...." flashbacks started to play in my head of how I left my ..........old friends........ that day. Only to can back and end up where I am now..... " no....not this time..." I ran towards to tunnel and into the darkness I went.

"I'm not losing another Friend...."

To be continued......(in part 2)

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