Chapter Two- Greetings

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The first thing he noticed was that she was pretty, really pretty. She introduced herself as (L/n),(F/n) and awkwardly waved before going to her desk, which was conveniently, next to Ryunosuke, Tanaka, a delinquent looking dude that quite liked the idea of female parts, well a certain manager for his team that is.

This girl seemed different though. Sure, she was pretty, no doubt about it, but she also gave off a layed back vibe, like she was easy to talk to or some shit. 'Come on Ryu just talk to her! She seems cool, and would make an awesome friend!'  But instead of using actual words to talk to (Y/n), Tanaka quietly ripped a piece of paper from one of his notebooks, and scribbled something out before folding it up. Making sure the teacher wasn't watching, he tossed the piece of paper onto the girls desk. 'Hopefully this works' he thought, before turning back to the boring lecture that was taking place at the front of the classroom.
(Y/n) was facing the front of the classroom, trying to listen to whatever the teacher was saying, but failing. She was on the verge of zoning out when a small sound caught her attention. She looked down to see a small piece of paper folded into a small square land on her table. She looked around and saw an intimidating looking guy staring at her 'creepy much?' She thought, as she unfolded the piece of paper to reveal a short, and messy note that said:

Hi! I'm Ryunosuke, Tanaka! I'm the super cool looking guy sitting next to you

She looked over at the guy who had been staring at her. 'Pfft, is this guy serious?' She thought before she continued reading.

I just wanted to say that you look really pretty, and cool. I was wondering if you wanted to be friends?

She finished reading the note and smiled 'I don't see why we couldn't be friends' She quickly wrote an answer and sneakily passed it back to Tanaka.
'Holy shit she actually wrote back?!' Tanaka unfolded the piece of paper, excited that he may have convinced a pretty girl to be his friend.

Uhm hi! You should already know my name cause I just introduced myself. You do look pretty cool by the way.

Oh! And I would love to be your friend


Tanaka could have swore that his mind exploded in that moment. 'Finally! Someone thinks I'm cool!' He wrote down his response, asking her if he could show her around at lunch, and passed it back to (Y/n). He watched as she unfolded the note, smiled, wrote a response, and passed it back to him

Sure :)

Ok! End of chapter two! I had two teeth pulled the other day and my mouth hurts like a bitch, buuuuut that means my mom won't yell at me for being on my phone all day so maybe more uploading will happen? Idk I'm shocked if human beings other than me are reading this.

Imma go eat mashed potatoes now.

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