Chapter Thirty- Evening Walk

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'God not again!' (Y/n) thought hiding her face in her clipboard.

  It was still the first day of training camp, and the team had just lost their first practice match. They had played against Fukurōdani, attempting to pull off everything they had been working on the past few weeks. In the end, Karasuno lost with only 12 points.

"Apparently the penalty for this camp is something you only see at Shinzen." Daichi explained, "A refreshing uphill dash through the forest behind the school."

The team lined up, and began running up the hill, all of them screaming at first, making (Y/n) laugh. They returned after about ten minutes all of them out of breath.

It continued like this until dark. The boys received penalties for their losses, which inconveniently happened every match.

(Y/n) walked over to her boyfriend, who was laying face down in the grass, along side the three third years.

"Ryu... you okay?" She asked, concerned that Tanaka may have died, or something. The boy rolled over a large smile on his face.

"(Y/N)!" He yelled, pulling the girl down on top of him, causing her to yelp. "I've barely been able to hug you today!"

As Tanaka pulled (Y/n) closer to his chest, the girl realized how sweaty he was, and instantly began to try and pull away. "Ew! Ryu you're sweaty!" She yelled, still struggling.

"Oh yeah! Sorry!" Tanaka exclaimed, letting go of the girl. Everyone got up, still wanting to get some individual practice in.

  It had been a long day for everyone, and (Y/n) was exhausted. She stood up, walking over to Tanaka, and wrapping her arms around his torso.

  "I'm heading to the managers room. Night night." She mumbled into the boys back. Tanaka swivelled around, so that the girls head was pressed into his chest.

  "Okay. I love you." He whispered, kissing the top of her (h/c) haired head. "I love you too." She mumbled back, before letting go.

  She started walking towards the room that she, and the other managers would be staying in, the only sounds that she heard were the pounding of volleyballs against the gym floors.

Evening walks had always been something (Y/n) enjoyed, and the different environment was oddly refreshing.

  As she passed by an open gym door, she saw a few boys come to the entrance out of the corner of her eye. She didn't pay much attention to it, until one of the figures called her name.

"Hey (Y/n)!" The girl whipped her head around when she heard her name called. In front of her were two tall boys. One of which, she recognized as her friend Kuroo.

He began to wave her over, to my to receive a suspicious glare from the girl. "There's someone I want you to meet!" He yelled.

(Y/n) hesitantly made her way over to where Kuroo, and another guy stood. She assumed that this was who Kuroo wanted her to meet.

  "(Y/n), this is Bokuto, Koutarou. He's the captain, and ace for Fukurōdani." The boy next to Kuroo waved, a wide smile on his face.

  He had black, and grey hair, as well as gold eyes. (He's also thicc as FUCK.) Not to mention he resembled an owl.

  Bokuto looked at (Y/n), before turning to Kuroo, speaking quite loud. "Wow Kuroo you're right! She is really pretty!"

  Hearing what the boy said made (Y/n)'s face heat up, but she couldn't tell if she was flattered, or angry. 'I mean... I appreciate the compliment, but wouldn't Kuroo have told him that I have a boyfriend?'

  Almost, immediately after she asked herself that question, Bokuto practically answered it for her.

  He sauntered over, and payed his arm across her shoulder, which in her opinion, was too close for comfort.

"And I don't suppose you have a boyfriend, do you?" He asked casually. Meanwhile, Kuroo was looking at Bokuto warningly, because he knew what was coming.

(Y/n) shrugged Bokuto's arm off her shoulder, and turned around so she was facing him. "Actually, I do have a boyfriend, so if you could not touch me, that would be great."

  The girl turned on her heel, walking over to Kuroo, who just sighed. Bokuto looked disheartened, slumping over with a frown on his face.

  Just then, a third boy appeared at the entrance of the gym. He had black hair, and dark blue eyes. "Hey, are we still playing? What's going on out here?" He asked, his expression remained calm at all times.

  Bokuto then began to whine to the boy, who gave minimal reaction. "Akaashi, I don't think she likes me!" He cried.

  "Why should she?" The boy named, Akaashi replied. "We'll be right there." Kuroo said, responding to Akaashi's previous question.

  The boy simply nodded, before walking back into the gym. Kuroo turned his attention to (Y/n), who was staring off into space.

"(Y/n), you want to come and play with us?" His voice drew the girl from her thoughts. She stared at him blankly, before she began to laugh.

  "Kuroo, I haven't played since before I went abroad." She explained. "You really don't want to see that shitshow."

"Come on," Kuroo pressed. "You were so good back when we were kids, and you could spike some sense into that Tsukishima kid."

The girls eyes widened. "Beanpole is doing individual practice?!" Kuroo nodded.

As tempting as hitting Tsukishima in the head with a ball was, she could feel her bed calling her. "Sorry, but maybe another time. I need sleep."

  Kuroo sighed, and began walking back to the gym. "Still lazy as ever I see. Whatever, see you tomorrow." He said, waving.

  (Y/n) waved back, before she began walking towards her room once again.


  My bisexual ass would die for Suki, Sokka, Zuko, and Mai. 😌

  Y'all... I just remembered I have a tub of ice cream in the freezer... FUCKIN YEAH!

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