Chapter Twenty Nine- Alarm

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A continuous, and annoying noise blasted into (Y/n)'s, causing her to wake up with a groan. "Frozen cheese soup." She mumbled, talking nonsense like when she usually woke up.

She opened her eyes, and tried to sit up to find the source of the sound, but something snake-like had her pulled tightly in a bundle of warmth.

She looked around to find that it was Tanaka holding her so tightly. "Ryu~" (Y/n) cooed, wanting to wake the boy up in a soothing way.

When he didn't wake up, (Y/n) began to poke him in the stomach, her arms still bound to her sides.

"Ryu." Poke, poke, "Ryu." poke, poke.

The girl did this continuously, for a good minute, only to stop when she was sure it was no use.

'Ryu problems, call for Ryu measures.'

(Y/n) inhaled deeply, and screamed. "RYUUU!" Her voice rang louder than the alarm that was still blaring, making the boy jump up with a start, finally letting the girl go.

  "What?! Is everything okay?!" Tanaka yelled frantically, looking around for his phone, turning off the alarm.

  The girl began to laugh, the look on her boyfriends face was nothing less than ridiculous.

  "You weren't waking up, it was a last resort." She shrugged, getting up to look for her phone as well. It was still the middle of the night, so it was pitch black in the house.

  They began getting ready, tossing on their team jackets, brushing their teeth, and grabbing something to eat.

  They were out the door within a matter of half an hour, both of their bags slung over Tanaka's shoulder. (Y/n) had insisted that she carry her own bag, but seeing how tired she still was, Tanaka refused.

  A peaceful quiet filled the air as they walked, both of them too tired to start a conversation. The two made it to the school, and saw Hinata looking excited, and awake.

  "How the fuck does he always have so much energy?" (Y/n) muttered, scowling in the boys direction. It's not that she was annoyed, she was just really tired.

  "He's never been to one of these ones remember? Him, and Kageyama came late last time." Tanaka explained, the girl making a small noise of acknowledgement.

  After helping load the last bit of equipment onto the bus, everyone clambered onto the bus, Tanaka, and (Y/n) sitting in their usual seats beside each other.

  The bus had been moving for only about five minutes, when he felt something hit his shoulder once again.

  He looked over, and smiled. Seeing the girl sleeping calmly always made him feel at ease. He snuggled up next to the girl, placing his head on top of hers.

  Within minutes, he was asleep as well.
  Tanaka woke up to a a clicking sound, and the sun hitting his face. He opened his eyes to see Noya in front of him, holding his phone up, with the camera facing the Tanaka, and (Y/n).

  "Uh... We're here?" Noya said, trying to act natural as he slowly lowered his phone, smiling nervously.

  "Noya..." Tanaka began, an annoyed look on his face that made Noya even more afraid. The short haired boys features then softened, confusing the boy in front of him. "D-do you think you could send that to me?" He asked, avoiding eye contact with the short libero.

  Noya let out a sigh of relief, agreeing that he would send the picture. He then stood up, and walked off the bus, where the rest of the team was gathered.

  Tanaka turned to the girl that was next to him, getting one last look at her before waking her up. He slowly began to shake her, her (h/c) hair moving back, and forth.

  "CHAMOMILE MURDERERS!" She yelled when she finally woke up. By now, Tanaka has become used to the girl yelling random things, but still found it entertaining.

  "Uhm right. We're here." He told the girl, standing up, and moving out of the way for her. "Oh!" (Y/n) exclaimed, seemingly full of energy.

  The two grabbed their bags, and made their way off the bus. Let the training begin.


  Ugh I love talking about random shit with my friends, I love them.
  Also, I was golfing with my family today, and my grandma hit a ball out from under a tree, and like five minutes later... THE TREE FUCKING FELL! WHAT THE HECKIE BRO? ME AND MY GRANDMA COULD'VE BEEN CRUSHED BY A FUCKIN TREE.

  There was also this jackass that told me and my cousin we couldn't drive the golf carts. Like, fuck you! I need to learn to drive at some point. And it's not like there weren't adults in the carts.

  Fuck, ranted a lil bit there. 😌

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