Chapter Fifty Two- Credit

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  "Now grab your stuff, and head to the gym! The meeting started two minutes ago!" Coach Ukai yelled, once everyone had groggily field off the bus.

  The team walked like a group of zombies, most of them still half asleep. A few seconds after they started walking, three girls ran up to them, the girl in the middle talking to Daichi.

(Y/n) recognized them as members of the girl's volleyball team, specifically the girl in the middle, Michimiya, Yui. Personally, (Y/n) found the third year kind of annoying. (If you like Michimiya, sorry bro)

  The two third years continued talking, until everyone heard shouting from one of the windows above.

  Everyone looked up to see all of the students, and teachers cheering for them. Apparently there was a school wide broadcast of the game, and everyone had seen their big win.

  "Look at you guys! Big school celebrities." (Y/n) said, elbowing Tanaka, and Noya in the sides. The two boys both looked at each other, before looking back at (Y/n). "But, they're cheering for you too." They said in unison.

  (Y/n) shook her head. "Nah. I just do game plan shit. You guys are the stars, and I'm more like..." (Y/n) paused, thinking for a moment. "I'm like the executive producer, or something."

  Once again, the two boys looked at each other. Suddenly, (Y/n) was lifted off the ground, and was seated on Tanaka's shoulder.

  The girl frantically grabbed the boy's head for support. "Woah, woah, woah! Ryu, what are you doing?!" She exclaimed, trying her hardest not to fall.

  Tanaka looked up, smiling at (Y/n). "Even executive producers deserve credit." He said, high fiving Noya.

(Y/n) felt her face heating up, and it only got worse when Tanaka began to yell, "THIS IS MY GIRLFRIEND (Y/N)! SHE IS AN AWESOME MANAGER ALONG WITH YACHI, AND KIYOKO! SHE HELPED WITH A BUNCH OF OUR PLAYS THAT HELPED US WIN TODAY!"

The cheering from the students intensified, (Y/n) hiding her face in embarrassment. "Ryu I'm going to Sangwoo your ankles!" She yelled over the cheering.

  After a few minutes, Tanaka gently set (Y/n) down, only for him to be punched in the stomach. "Never do that again Ryu. That was so fucking embarrassing!"

  "S-sorry." Tanaka managed to sputter out, grabbing where (Y/n) had punched him. While the boy was doubled over, the girl planted a quick kiss on his cheek.

  "Fine. You're forgiven." (Y/n) said while smiling. The two heard Michimiya gasp, exclaiming, "The news report should be starting soon!"

The whole team looked at her with wide eyes. "HUH?!" The all exclaimed.

Everyone quickly ran to the staff room, where a small television was set up.

They had made it just in time, the news report just beginning, a middle aged women appearing on the screen.

(Y/n), Tanaka, and the rest of the team crouched in front of the television, watching intently, only to be disappointed.

All the reporters talked about, were Shiratorizawa, and how Seijoh was devastated after their loss.

  "The could show a little more of us. We were the ones who won after all." Tanaka grumbled, Hinata, and Noya nodding in agreement.

  "It's Oikawa's team. He always finds a way to become the centre of attention." (Y/n) sighed, before getting up with the rest of the team to head to the gym.

  Once everyone was seated on the gym floor, Coach Ukai began speaking. "Tomorrow we go up against Shiratorizawa. Now, I'm not trying to put pressure on you guys, but in the last three years that Oikawa has been at Seijoh, they haven't beaten Shiratorizawa once. This team is no joke."

  Suddenly, Hinata stands up. "But... none of that should matter should it?" He asks, Daichi quickly standing up next to the younger boy.

  "Hinata, you shouldn't be talking back to Coach." Daichi scolded, only for Coach Ukai to tell him to stop, wanting to hear what Hinata has to say.

"It's like the match we played today. No one thought we could beat Seijoh, but we did. So why should it matter that they never beat Shiratorizawa? We're going to be the ones who win." Hinata declared.

The rest of the team stood up as well, shouting with determination. Coach Ukai chuckled. "Well alright!" He exclaimed, "We may be underdogs, but tomorrow, we're going to show them how tough we really are!"

"YEAH!" The team agreed. Takeda-sensei then stepped forward as well. "They will no longer have the right to call us 'The Flightless Crows'. I believe that right now, we can go farther than we ever have before."

After the words of inspiration we're finished, Coach Ukai dismissed everyone, telling them to get their rest for tomorrow.

(Y/n), and Tanaka began walking home together, both of them exhausted after a long day of cheering, and playing.

"(Y/n)~" Tanaka whined, resting his head on the girls shoulder from behind as they walked. The girl chuckled, knowing exactly what the boy was going to ask.

"Yes Ryu, we can have a movie night, but we can only watch one movie. You have a big day tomorrow." (Y/n) said, sounding more like Tanaka's mother than his girlfriend.

Almost instantly, Tanaka's mood brightened, and he began walking faster. "Yes! Come on, let's go!" He exclaimed, before breaking out into a full out sprint.

Before (Y/n) could even realize what was going on, Tanaka was already halfway down the street. "Hey! Wait for me!" She yelled, chasing after the boy, while her (h/c) hair trailed behind her.

  The two made it to (Y/n)'s house in record timing, both of them falling through the door the moment (Y/n) opened it.

  They laid on the floor in the girls porch for a few minutes, catching their breath. Once their breathing was controlled, they jumped up again, and began running around the house, performing their usual movie night ritual.

  Within a few minutes, the two were snuggled up on the couch, the opening for (random movie because I'm  too lazy to think of one) playing.

  (Y/n) watched the movie, while her head was on Tanaka's chest. She could feel it rise, and fall as the boy breathed, and she found it oddly comforting.

  By the time the end credits were rolling, Tanaka's breathing had become shallow, and his grip on the girl had slightly loosened, indicating that he had fallen asleep.

  The girl smiled, before turning the television off, and snuggling closer into the boy's chest. As she began to fall asleep, she couldn't help but think of something Tanaka had said earlier.

  'Even executive producers deserve credit.' Tanaka's voice replayed in her head a few times.

  'Maybe,' she thought. 'but the star's are the ones that make everything possible.'


  What the fuck did I even do today? Is my life that boring? Damn.

  Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I uh... really want more blueberries.


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