Chapter Fifty Seven- Directions

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"Hey... do I look okay?"

  Tanaka turned around to see (Y/n) in grey coveralls. The two were in completely different outfits, which confused Tanaka.

    The boy just thought that (Y/n) was messing with her, but he didn't want to seem mean if she wasn't. "Umm, yeah! You look great!" He exclaimed nervously.

  Hearing the uncertainty in Tanaka's voice, (Y/n) looked up from her phone, which she had been using to look up an address.

  "Oh shit!" She exclaimed when she saw Tanaka wearing her dad's suit. "I gave you the wrong bag!"

  (Y/n) reached back into her backpack and pulled out an almost identical garbage bag. "This is the right one." She said, handing it to Tanaka.

The boy stood there for a second. "What are you waiting for?! Go change!" (Y/n) exclaimed impatiently, pushing Tanaka back towards the bathroom.

  Once he had locked himself in a stall, Tanaka untied the bag. Inside was a pair of grey coveralls, almost identical to (Y/n)'s.

Carefully taking off the suit, he placed it neatly back into the garbage bag, and quickly put on the coveralls.

He grabbed the bag and left the bathroom, making sure he didn't accidentally leave anything behind.

  Pushing the door open, Tanaka was once again standing in the street. He walked over to where (Y/n) was standing.

  "There! Now we're matching!" (Y/n) exclaimed happily, making Tanaka smile. The boy handed (Y/n) the back, which she stuffed back into her backpack.

  'So much for trying to fold it up nicely.' Tanaka thought, sweat dropping. "So where are we going exactly?" He asked, remembering that he had no idea what was actually going on.

  (Y/n) quickly looked down at her phone, before pointing down the road in front of them. "That way!" She said with determination, before she began marching, Tanaka following close behind.

A few seconds later however, (Y/n) realized they were going in the wrong direction, and the couple had to turn around

  The two walked for a while, having to turn around a few times because of (Y/n)'s poor sense of direction. Tanaka tried to take the phone away from the girl so that they wouldn't get lost, but (Y/n) refused, not wanting to ruin the surprise

(Y/n) and Tanaka shared a light conversation about how cool it would be to become an arsonist until they had run out of ideas of things that could potentially be burnt down. (I promise you I'm not insane)

  Eventually, (Y/n) told Tanaka to stop walking, informing him that they had arrived at the "mystery destination".

  They entered a large, two story building, that looked like it used to be a restaurant. All the windows that Tanaka could see were boarded up, so that you couldn't see through them.

'Oh god. She probably brought me here so she could kill me or something didn't she?!' Tanaka thought, his mind filling with anxiety.

"Uhmm (Y/n)?" The boy said, calling out to his girlfriend. "Hmm?" She hummed in response as she continued to walk closer to the building.

"Are you sure this is the right place? It seems kind of... sketchy." Tanaka said. (Y/n) noticed the worried tone that the boy carried, making her turn around to face him.

  The girl laughed slightly when she saw the boys face, which was contorted in awkward places. "Yes I'm sure, I've been here before, you'll like it."

Grabbing the handle to the heavy metal door, (Y/n) swung it open, allowing Tanaka to walk through first, before she followed behind him, the door slamming shit after her.

The inside of the building was completely different to the outside. While the outside made the building look old and abandoned, the interior was filled with bright colours, and black lights, almost looking like the inside of a spaceship.

"Woah..." Tanaka gaped, admiring the bright, glowing colours that filled the entranceway. "What is this place?" He asked.

  (Y/n) laughed at the boy's amazement, his eyes lighting up like a little kids would when they saw an ice cream truck driving down their street.

  Instead of answering Tanaka's question, (Y/n) grabbed the boy's wrist, and lead him through a door and up a flight of stares, to the second floor of the building.

  Tanaka watched as his girlfriend pull out a key, before unlocking the door at the top of the stairs.

  The door opened, Tanaka looked over (Y/n)'s shoulder and saw a spacious room, with paint splatters all over the white walls.

  "This, my dear Ryu, is my father's art studio!"



Short chapter but it's better than nothing 😌

In case any of you actually cared, yes. I am alive... well maybe on the outside but... yeah no we aren't going to get into that.

Anyways see you in a month or two because life is a fucking nightmare and I'm an asshole.

Have a nice week, day, or sleep, and drink water otherwise I'll revoke your gecko privileges 😤

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