Chapter Fifty Six- Noodles

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After walking for what seemed like forever, (Y/n) stopped in the middle of the road, making Tanaka slingshot backwards because of their connected hands.

  "We're here!" (Y/n) exclaimed, dragging Tanaka to a small shop that was located in a strip mall.

  The two went inside, a wave of warm air washing over them. (Y/n) closed her eyes, taking in the warmth tickling her skin.

  Opening her eyes, she took in her surroundings. The building they had entered was filled with natural light from the large windows, and smelled of savoury food.

  Tanaka looked at (Y/n) with a pout, and puppy dog eyes. "Ramen?" He asked, tilting his head. The girl laughed, nodding.

"Yeah. It's not like I couldn't here your stomach the whole walk over here." (Y/n) said, giving the boy a teasing look.

Rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment, Tanaka laughed nervously. "Sorry about that. I didn't really eat breakfast."

The two were seated at a small table with red stools, next to one of the big windows that gave them a view of outside.

After ordering, (Y/n), and Tanaka talked about anything, and everything. They talked about nationals, and what that could mean for the team.

A while later, their conversion had shifted into whether or not Tanaka is bald. "Look! There's literally hair covering my whole head!" The boy exclaimed shoving his head into (Y/n)'s face like a dog desperate for head pats.

  Laughing, (Y/n) grabbed the boy's head examining it carefully. "Hmm... nope. Don't see any hair here." She said, before ruffling Tanaka's short hair, and letting go of his head.

  Tanaka let out an irritated whine. "But (Y/n), I'm not bald!" (Y/n) laughed, and the two continued to tease each other until their food arrived.

  Wasting no time, they dug into their ramen, slurping the broth, and noodles.

  (Y/n) looked up as she took a sip from her broth, and saw Tanaka with noodles hanging out of his mouth.

Broth flew out of the girl's mouth as she laughed, most of it landing back into her bowl, but some hitting Tanaka.

Tanaka began laughing as well, leaning over his bowl so none of the noodles would end up in his lap.

  The two continued to laugh, receiving weird looks from other costumers, which they ignored. It was the two of them in their own little world, and they were okay with that.

  Once the two had stopped laughing, the continued eating, occasionally making funny faces at one another.

A while later, the two had finished eating, but stayed to talk a while longer.

  They had multiple conversations that other people may find weird, or inappropriate, but they didn't really care.

"Ryu, I'm telling you, thunder is just Zeus clapping cheeks with Hera." (Y/n) suddenly exclaimed, making Tanaka choke on his water.

  The boy quickly shushed (Y/n), the couple receiving a few weird looks from people at neighbouring tables.

  A few minutes later however, Tanaka's eyes widened, as if he had made a groundbreaking discovery.

  "So theoretically," Tanaka began, "every time Noya does his rolling receive..." (Y/n) leaned across the table in anticipation. "He's really just yelling 'Rolling God Porn'?"

The couple looked each other in the eyes, before the two of them began laughing, tears brimming their eyes.

"Ryu...what the...hell?" (Y/n) said through fits of laughter. Tanaka couldn't even manage a single word because he was laughing so hard.

A few minutes later, the two still hadn't managed to calm down, laughing even harder every time they looked at each other.

It got so bad that one of the waitresses had to come over, and ask them to leave. (Y/n) quickly paid, and the two of them exited the little ramen shop.

  The two stood on the sidewalk, finally catching their breath after laughing for almost seven minutes.

  "Okay," (Y/n) sighed, "where do you want to go now?" She asked, while reaching out and intertwining her hand with Tanaka's.

  Using his free hand, the boy shook a finger in (Y/n)'s face. "Ah, ah, ah!" He said, like a mother. "The deal was that you needed to plan the whole date."

(Y/n) huffed. "Yeah I know, but I need to kill time. I'm and idiot, I didn't really plan the in between!" She exclaimed.

  Tanaka laughed, "Yeah, but your my idiot." Suddenly, the boy leaned over, and placed a light kiss on the girls cheek.

  "We can walk around the park for a while if you want." Tanaka suggested, pointing in the direction of a park nearby.

  Nodding, lightly, (Y/n) began leading the way to the park, slowly dragging the boy behind her.

  The couple spent a few hours in the park, walking around, and laying in the grass. They even had a race  which Tanaka "let" (Y/n) win.

  As the sun began to set, (Y/n) began leading Tanaka out of the park. "Where are we going now?" The boy asked, trailing behind the girl.

  "You'll see!" (Y/n) said, walking faster. The two entered a more scenic part of town, colourful lights illuminating the streets as the sky became darker.

  Walking for a few more minutes, (Y/n) finally stopped on the sidewalk. She shrugged the backpack that Tanaka had just realized she was carrying, off her shoulders.

  She pulled out two black garbage bags, shoving one of them into Tanaka's arms. "Here, go change into this." She said, before taking the second garbage bag, and her backpack, and walking into the public bathroom that they were standing beside.

  Without asking questions, Tanaka walked into the men's bathroom, and opened the bag. Inside was a nice suit, probably belonging to (Y/n)'s father.

  Putting on the suit as quick as possible, Tanaka fixed the tie, before leaving the bathroom. (Y/n) must've still been changing, because he couldn't see her anywhere.

  Tanaka pulled out his phone, and played a game for a few minutes, until he heard a familiar voice that made him turn around.

  "Hey... do I look okay?"



  Guys this took so fucking long to write I'm sorryyyy ('ρ')

  Anyways, a lot has happened in the last month, so I may make a rant book...? Maybe?

  Anyways how have you guys been because it's been way too fucking long!

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