Chapter Fifty Eight- Colours

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  "" Tanaka asked, genuine confusion laced thick on those two words.

  (Y/n) nodded vigorously. "Yep! My dad's an artist. That's why I lived in places like Italy and Spain. Because he was always had art exhibits there."

  "Huh... that makes sense." Tanaka replied, realizing that he never did ask what her father did for a living and he had kind of forgotten that his girlfriend had studied abroad before they met.

  'Huh. I guess she did just get here at the beginning of the school year. It feels like I've known her my whole life.'

The boy was lost in his own thoughts before (Y/n) shook him out his trance. "Hello? Ryu? You in there?" She said, grabbing Tanaka's shoulders.

  Shaking his head, Tanaka came back to reality quickly. "Right!" He exclaimed. "So what exactly are we doing here again?"

  (Y/n) laughed, walking over to the corner of the large white room and setting her bag down. "Well, I thought you might be stressed out." The girl explained, walking towards the other side of the room where a large tarp was covering something.

"Y'know... with nationals and school and shit. So, I thought that throwing things would be fun, but why not make it art?" (Y/n) said, emphasizing the word 'art' with jazz hands, and with that she pulled away the tarp to reveal over a hundred water balloons that seemed to be filled with paint of different colours.

Tanaka's eyes lit up immediately. "I get to throw shit at the wall?" He exclaimed, jumping up and down like a schoolgirl that just found out she aced her test.

(Y/n) laughed before nodding. "Yes Ryu, you get to throw shit at the wall." The girl stood up from the crouching position she was in and walked over to a wire that was in the wall.

  Plugging her phone into the wire that turned out to be a USB cord, she looked up at Tanaka who was watching her curiously.

"Well, what kind of music are you thinking?" (Y/n) asked, shaking the phone in her hand slightly.

Tanaka thought for a second, before smiling mischievously. He walked over to where the girl was crouched down and took the phone from her hand.

"I'll pick something, go set up the paint stuff." He said, before sitting on the floor with his legs straight and shooing the girl away.

Confused, (Y/n) awkwardly stood up and walked over to the paint filled balloons and large roll of blank canvas that sat on the other side of the spacious studio.

She had just begun stapling the corners of the huge canvas to one of the walls, when she heard music growing in the background.

  The moment the first beat dropped, (Y/n) instantly regretted giving her boyfriend the freedom to pick a song.

  Just as the lyrics to the song started, (Y/n) turned around to see Tanaka dramatically lip synching with an insane amount of sass.

'I said certified freak, seven days a week. Wet ass pussy, make that pull out game WEAK'

  (Y/n) watched in astonishment as Tanaka performed the whole song, with dancing and everything, making sure to skip over the words he knows he shouldn't say like the respectable man he is.

As the song finished, Tanaka just randomly dropped into the splits, making (Y/n)'s eyes widen. "What the fuck was that?!" She exclaimed.

Flopping on the floor, Tanaka laughed in between deep breaths. "Hun, that's what you call five star entertainment."

  This made (Y/n) burst into a fit of laughter. "Well at least I know that if money ever runs low, you can become a stripper or some shit."

  The couple sad on the floor of the large studio, laughing like a pair of psychopaths. They laughed so hard that tears brimmed their eyes, laughing harder when they looked at each other.

  Once they finally calmed down, the got off the floor and got back to work. (Y/n) continued to staple the canvas to the wall and Tanaka turned on a different genre of music before going to help.

A few minutes later, the canvas had successfully been stapled to the wall. (Y/n) and Tanaka both stood a few feet away from the canvas and both picked up one of the water balloons filled with paint.

  "Ready?" (Y/n) asked the boy, who nodded eagerly. The couple threw the balloons at the same time, the balloons hitting the canvas and breaking open on impact.

  The blue and red paint splattered across small sections on the canvas. "Huh." (Y/n) said, slouching slightly. "That was a little anticlimactic."

However, when she looked over at her boyfriend, who's face had the biggest smile spread across it, (Y/n)'s smile grew as well.

"That was so cool!" Tanaka exclaimed, picking up two more balloons and handing one to (Y/n). "Are you ready for another one?" He asked eagerly.

(Y/n) laughed and took the balloon out of the boy's hand. They threw the balloons, pink and green paint splattering across the canvas.

  The couple continued to throw balloons at the wall, hitting every inch of the canvas until it was a huge colourful mess.

Some paint had splashed back at them, so there was paint on both (Y/n) and Tanaka's coveralls and faces.

As the paint dried, (Y/n) pulled snacks out of her backpack and the two of them sat on the floor eating while admiring their masterpiece.

  "I seriously don't know how I failed art class!" Tanaka exclaimed, throwing his arms up in exasperation, flopping onto the floor onto his back.

  (Y/n) laughed, laying down next to the boy. "Probably because you would never pay attention in class!" She said, flicking her boyfriend on the forehead.

  Rubbing his forehead, Tanaka glared at the girl. "It's not my fault you pass me notes all the time!"

  "Actually it kind of is. You're the one who wrote me a note on my first day at Karasuno." (Y/n) stated in a matter-of-factly tone.

"No it's your fault for looking cool AND pretty which made me write the note in the first place!" Tanaka huffed, sitting up and crossing his arms, turning his chin up with his eyes shut tightly.

(Y/n) blushed. She did every time Tanaka called her pretty, because she knew he meant it. 'Now he's being stubborn about it.' She thought.

  Looking up at Tanaka, who still had his eyes closed, (Y/n) noticed that his eyes weren't actually closed after all. The boy had one eye open, watching the girl's reaction.

  Noticing that (Y/n) was staring at him, Tanaka quickly shut his eyes again, resisting the urge to smile at the girls flushed face.

  (Y/n) reached up and pulled Tanaka's face closer to hers as she sat up slightly, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

  Now it was Tanaka's turn to go red as he finally opened his eyes. "Well I'm glad you wrote me that note, because I wouldn't want anyone else to be my note buddy."


I could really just end the book right here, but me being the bitch I am I'm going to make you wait for a couple more chapters 🧍🏼‍♀️

  Anyways, sorry for disappearing AGAIN. Ya girl was just busy shutting down her high school and getting swamped with online work.

  Hope you have a nice whatever the fuck time zone you're in and drink water because a dehydrated hoe is a sad hoe 😔🤚

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