Chapter Forty Two- Crazy Saeko

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Uhh so I fuck up a lil bit. At the end of the last chapter I said it was a few hours until their next match, but it's actually the next day. So in this chapter... it's the next day.

Oh god my sleep deprived ass fucked up so much in the last chapter I'm so sorry. ('ρ')

Once again, Karasuno's bus pulled up to the Sendai City Gymnasium. Everyone hopped off the bus, the team bursting with determination.

The team's opponent today would be Wakutani Minami High, a team with amazing receiving power. (Y/n) yawned, stretching her arms in the air.

"You better be more awake once the game starts, or when you climb the stairs." Tanaka teased the girl, who gave him a glare. "I already told you! The stairs are steep!" She snapped back.

Everyone began warming up, Yachi, and (Y/n) heading to fill water bottles for the match. (Y/n) carried two trays, while Yachi carried one.

  After the two girls dropped off the water bottles, they made their way up to the stands. They put up the banner where they would be standing.

"Hey!" A voice called, on their left. The girls turned to see Shimada, one of the players on the neighbourhood association.

"Hello Shimada." (Y/n) greeted, while Yachi waved. "Are you by yourself?" Yachi asked, looking behind the man.

Shimada nodded, "Yeah Takinoue had to work a little late today, but he said he'd try to stop by later." He informed the girls, who nodded understandingly.

Just then, a loud voice called behind them, (Y/n) recognizing it immediately. "Man, I am freaking out here! Stuff like this really gets my panties in a twist!"

(Y/n) turned around. "Saeko!" She said in excitement. The older girl waved back with both hands.

"(Y/N)! You've been taking care of Ryu for me right?!" Saeko exclaimed, introducing herself to Shimada as well, who looked a little shocked.

Without warning, Saeko pulled (Y/n) into a hug with one arm, using the other to wave to her brother, and Noya below.

  Tanaka looked up, hearing a commotion in the stands. That commotion turned out to be his sister, who was waving frantically.

  The boy also noticed that his sister had (Y/n) in a headlock, and the girl looked like she was lacking oxygen.

  "SAEKO! Let (Y/n) go!" He yelled, loud enough for his sister to hear. Saeko rolled her eyes letting (Y/n) go.

  (Y/n) gasped for air, her hands on the railing in front of her. Saeko continued yelling, and at this point, no one could tell if they were compliments, or insults.

After catching her breath, (Y/n) turned her head to the side, and noticed that Yachi was rather pale. "Yachi are you okay?" She asked her underclassmen, who nodded, though her eyes remained in one spot.

The (h/c) haired girl turned around, trying to see what Yachi was looking at. In front of her stood Saeko, who was wearing a green tank top that really showed of her cleavage, and large breasts.

"Oooooh." (Y/n) said, turning back to Yachi. 'She's a whole ass bisexual!' The girl thought to herself. She was going to say something to the younger girl, but decided against it.

  The four of them turned their attention to the court, where the game was about to begin. The game officials blew the whistle, and a member from Wakutani served the ball over the net.

   'I have a feeling that this is going to be an interesting game.' (Y/n) thought to herself, before focusing completely on the game.


  I'm sorry that was a really bad chapter. (>_<)

  I think the next one should be better, but I've been lacking inspiration and time :/

Anyways my best friend is back! Say hi best friend!... she's coming... just wait...

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