Chapter Thirty One- Small Secret

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  (Y/n) had almost made it to her room, when something popped into her head. "Aw man! I forgot my clipboard!" She groaned, slowly turning back around.

She made her way back to the gym that some of the Karasuno boys were practicing in. From the looks of it, they were practicing a synchronized attack.

The girl spotted her clipboard on the bench, and made her way over to it. She grabbed the clipboard, and planned on leaving without a word. That is, until her name was called once again.

"(Y/N)!" Tanaka called, catching the girls attention. She turned around, and saw most of the people in the gym looking at her.

"You can play volleyball?" He asked. The question shocked the girl, making her wonder if he was there when she was talking to Kuroo.

"Who told you that?" She asked, to which the boy pointed at Tsukishima, who had come back to grab his knee pads.

"I heard you talking with Kuroo." Tsukishima shrugged, before leaving the gym.

  (Y/n) sighed. There was no point in keeping it to herself any longer. "Yeah, I played volleyball when I was younger, but only ever with Kenma, and Kuroo. Nothing serious."

  The boys looked at each other, and back at her. "What position would you play?" A bunch of them asked in unison, causing and outburst of laughter to echo though the gym.

  Once everyone had calmed down, (Y/n) answered the question. "I pretty much played any position the boys asked me to, so I was able to do almost everything."

  A few of the boys jaws dropped. Then, Tanaka asked what everyone was thinking. "Can you play with us sometime?"

  "Uhm, I don't know if that's a good idea." (Y/n) laughed nervously. "I haven't played for a long time."

All of the boys smiled at her, slightly creeping her out. "Please? It'll be fun!" Tanaka said, speaking for the team.

(Y/n) sighed. "Fine. We can play during individual practice tomorrow."

The team cheered. For some reason, they were extremely enthusiastic about playing with (Y/n).

"Can I go to bed now?" The girl asked, dark circles slowly growing under her eyes.

Tanaka walked up to the girl, and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Yes. Goodnight lovely." He said, making the girl giggle. "Goodnight."

(Y/n) left the gym, holding her clipboard close to her chest. Tanaka smiled as he watched her leave.

"Awwww." A bunch of the boys teased, some of them making kissing faces, and others pretending to faint, another boy catching them.

"Shut up!" Tanaka yelled, returning to practice, though there was a small smile that flashed across his face.


Bit of a filler boi right here.

It's currently 12:28 a.m when I'm writing this, and my friend and I just tried to break IMessage.

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