Chapter Forty Three- Unbreakable Bonds

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  Karasuno started out with the quick attack, earning an easy point. (Y/n) heard a few people exclaim "WHAT THE HELL?!" Which made her laugh evilly, along with Shimada, and Yachi.

  The game resumed, Wakutani barely batting an eye at the quick attack. "They must've been prepared for the quick attack." Shimada said, analyzing the opposing teams attitude.

  (Y/n) however, was focusing on her team. Daichi said something, and it seemed to fire Tanaka, and Hinata up.

  Kageyama serves the ball using his powerful jump serve, only for it to be received by Wakutani's captain.

  The four Karasuno supporters watched in awe as the other team did a synchronized attack, all of them moving extremely fast, and earning a point.

  As the game progressed, it was obvious that Wakutani was a difficult opponent for Karasuno, both teams scores staying extremely close  for most of the first set.

Finally, Karasuno had managed to pull ahead, and now both teams were in a rally for the next point. The ball was in the air, having just been redirected off of Tsukishima's hands by the Wakutani captain.

Daichi dove, receiving the ball, and getting it up for Noya. Tanaka, and Daichi then both went for the ball.

The ball landed on the other side of the net, gaining a point for Karasuno. (Y/n), and Yachi cheered, along with Saeko, and Shimada.

A second later however, their cheering stopped, and everyone stared wide-eyed at the court, where Daichi was laying on the court.

  "Captain?" Tanaka said, his voice ringing throughout the gym. Slowly, Daichi sat up, and (Y/n) could clearly see a mark on his face.

Yachi looked at (Y/n), both of them thinking the same thing. The two pushed their way past Saeko, and made their way down the the gym entrance, waiting there as Daichi, and Coach Ukai walked through the doors.

"Oh, girls." Coach Ukai said when he noticed the two standing there. "Yachi you can come with me, (Y/n) I want you to take my place on the bench for now, I think Tanaka needs you." He told them.

(Y/n) nodded, and headed onto the court sitting down next to Takeda, and Kiyoko.

  Ennoshita would be acting as captain for Daichi, so he made his way onto the court, instantly being bombarded with questions, and information about the other team.

  Then, Tanaka stepped forward, bowing to Ennoshita. "Hey Ennoshita, I'm sorry, but we need you." He said, still looking disheartened from before.

  Ennoshita frowned. "Why are you sorry about that? Or do you just feel bad that you knocked Daichi out of the game?" The dark haired boy asked, Tanaka looked taken aback.

  "Any one of you could've been hurt by that impact. It just so happened to be Daichi. It could've been you instead, you understand that, right," Ennoshita continued, before Asahi stepped forward as well.

  "We're just glad you didn't get hurt too, Tanaka!" The third year exclaimed, everyone nodding in agreement.

  Tanaka turned towards (Y/n) who got up and walked towards him. She then grabbed his shoulders firmly, turning the boy around.

  "Come on! You heard them. You need to focus. We already lost Daichi, we don't need to lose you too." She said pushing him towards the court.

"Thanks (Y/n)." Tanaka said, a small smile on his face. The girl stopped pushing, and gave the boy a quick hug from behind. "You're welcome. Now get back on the court. You're holding up the game." She mumbled, only loud enough for Tanaka to hear.

A few points later, Karasuno had managed to win the first set. Yamaguchi has been put in to serve, his first jump float serve just barely getting over the net.

(Y/n) watched as the boy served again, this time though, he didn't jump, which made it easier for the other team to receive. In the end Karasuno got the last point.

  By now, Coach Ukai was back, and came storming up to Yamaguchi. Ennoshita stepped in front of him, knowing that the first year already felt bad.

  "How is Daichi?" Sugawara asked once everyone in the team had gathered around. "There's no sign of a concussion, but the pain, and bleeding in his mouth is quite severe so he's going to rest." Coach Ukai informed them.

  Some of the boys looked uneasy, including Tanaka. (Y/n) could tell that her boyfriend still felt guilty. She slapped his back, along with Ennoshita, knocking the boy out of his daze.

(Y/n) began to head back to the stands since Coach Ukai was back. She then decided to go find Yachi, who was still with Daichi in the infirmary.

  When the girl arrived, Yachi was handing Daichi some pain medication, and some damp gauze. "Hey Yachi, hey Daichi." (Y/n) said waving to the two.

  Yachi turned around after handing Daichi the stuff for his mouth. "Oh! Hi (Y/n)!" The girl smiled. Daichi waved as well.

"Is Tanaka still beating himself up about the collision?" He asked, frowning slightly. (Y/n) shook her head, taking Daichi by surprise.

"No, the team whipped him in to shape. So did yours truly." The girl said, giving a slight bow, which made the other two laugh.

The three of them hung out for a while, until Daichi's pain when away, or at least it wasn't as bad as before.

"Can we go watch the rest of the game? I want to see how their doing." Daichi said to the two girls, who both agreed that that was okay.

(Y/n) helped the captain up, and the three of them began walking to the court that Karasuno was playing on.

They all stood by the door, watching the team as they played in their third set. This meant that Wakutani had won the second set, but luckily Karasuno was in the lead by one point.

Kageyama set the ball, Hinata ran up, slamming the ball down. One of the Wakutani members tried to receive it, but in the end, it was Karasuno that scored the last point.

The two managers, and Daichi cheered from where they were standing, the players on the court doing the same.

All three of them stood there, waiting for the boys. "Hey look guys! It's Daichi." Tanaka exclaimed, the team rushing over.

"Hey uhm... I'm sorry guys." Daichi said, which made Ennoshita, and Tanaka gasp slightly.

"DAICHI!" Noya yelled, while Suga ran up, and punched the captain in the stomach multiple times.

"Uh Daichi? Are you uhh..." Tanaka sputtered, not really sure what to say. (Y/n) smiled, walking up to her boyfriend. "He's fine." She assured the boy, who sighed in relief.

(Y/n) patted the boy's back, and she did the same for Noya, Hinata, and Asahi as well. "Come on you guys, you all need to rest to." She said, and began to guide them away from where Daichi was talking to Ennoshita.

  "Hey, I think our next opponent is playing right now! Can we go watch it (Y/n)?" Hinata asked, making (Y/n) smile.

  "We'll have to talk to Coach Ukai, but I don't see a problem with that." She said, making the boy cheer.

  Tanaka smiled, noticing how motherly (Y/n) acted with some of the team members. 'Our team really is just like a family. We all have an in breakable bond in some way.' He thought to himself, before snaking an arm around his girlfriends waist as they headed towards the other court.


  I don't know why, but this chapter STRESSED me out while writing it. Like... damn.

  Also turns out that an I'm practically psychic. I've never felt so cool in my life. 😎

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