Chapter Forty Eight- Out

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As the set progressed, thing we're looking good for Karasuno. They were using everything they've learned since the last tournament in the current match that was unraveling in front of them.

(Y/n) watched the boys play from above, Saeko, Yachi, on one side of her, while Shimada, and Takinoue stood on the other.

The score was 23-22, Karasuno just managing to stay in the lead. (Y/n) groaned, seeing that it was Oikawa's turn to serve again.

  "Of course when we're close to winning the set, he's up to serve." Shimada said, (Y/n) nodding in agreement.

  Once the game official blew the whistle, Oikawa threw the ball into the air, hitting it with an insane amount of power, even more than usual.

But what happened next, made the girls eyes widen.
The ball flew over the net at a substantial speed, the ball hitting the ground so hard, the ball caved before bouncing.

(Y/n), the other four people next to her, and the everyone on the court stared at the ball... that was out.

The gym was silent for a few seconds, before the whistle was blown, signalling that it was Karasuno's point.

  Staring down at the court, (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh a little too loud. "I know I shouldn't be laughing," She said through her fit of laughter, "but watching the smile being wiped off of Oikawa's face was priceless!"

  Shimada let out a slight chuckle as well. "Yeah, we got pretty lucky though. I don't even think I would've been able to receive that."

  "My arms would've been totally obliterated!" Yachi squeaked, sinking down so she could just see over the railing.

(Y/n) shook the girls shoulders slightly. "That's why you don't play volleyball Yachi." She informed her underclassmen, who squeaked again.

"I know, but what if it comes to a life, or death situation where I do?!" Yachi cried out, making (Y/n) laugh again.

"If that ever happens, let me know. I'll help you out." (Y/n) told the girl, trying her best to comfort her.

It was now set point for Karasuno, and winning the first set would them the momentum they needed.

  Luckily, it was Kageyama's serve, but unfortunately, Seijoh managed to score another point. Even so, if Karasuno could score another point, they would still take the first set.

  "Set points like these are always so nerve wracking. The pressure is high." Takinoue exclaimed. Shimada nodded, "Damn right. The pressure is especially high for Seijoh." He said.

  The next rally was about to begin, but before it could, the whistle was blown to signal a substitution. The five watching from the stands looked over to see a new Seijoh member.

  "Hey (Y/n), do you know who that is?" Saeko asked the second year. (Y/n) flipped through the program in her hand, before stopping at a specific page.

  "It says her that his name is Kentarō Kyōtani. He's a second year, and it's says that he's an opposite hitter. I noticed him on the court earlier, but that's the first time I've ever seen him." (Y/n) informed the four.

They continued to watch as Kyōtani made his way onto the court. The whistle was blown again, and Iwaizumi Hajime, Seijoh's ace, served the ball.

Daichi quickly received it, though it was a little short. Kageyama set it to Tanaka, who spiked it, the ball ricocheting off of one of the Seijoh members hands.

Their libero set the ball from the back of the court, sending it to Oikawa, who also prepared to set the ball.

He got under the ball, and went to send it to Kindaichi, but to everyone's surprise, the boy that had just entered the court came running up, pushing the onion head out of the way.

(Y/n) watched in shock as he jumped up, slamming the ball down at a lightning speed, his body contorting as he spiked.

Once again the gym was silent as the ball hit the ground. A long whistle sound broke the silence, signalling the end of the set.

"IT WAS OUT?!" The five people watching exclaimed, (Y/n) cheering due to the convenience.

Karasuno had won the first set, putting them in the lead. Takinoue, (Y/n), and Yachi were yelling, and cheering, while Shimada was clapping, and Saeko just stood there with wide eyes.

The second set was about to begin, both teams gathering around to talk about their next moves. "That last point was extreme luck. It's obvious that this Kyōtani kid is going to be a challenge." (Y/n) said, not taking her eyes off the court.

'Let the second set begin.'


Soo... I'm gonna try and shorten the next two sets into one chapter, because really all I did for this chapter was write what happened in the set, and that's kinda boring.

Apologies many for the shitty chapter. Hopefully the next one it better.

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