Chapter Fifty Nine- Rain

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  The couple lazed on the floor for another hour, waiting for the paint on their masterpiece to dry. (Y/n) poked the paint to make sure it was dry, before walking over to the paint cart that sat in the corner of the room.

  She picked up a paintbrush and a bottle of black paint, pouring some into a paint cup and set it over by the big canvas.

   (Y/n) stood over Tanaka, who had fallen asleep on the floor and was sprawled out like a starfish. Unzipping one of her coverall pockets and pulling out her phone, the girl snapped a quick picture of her boyfriend.

  Once she was done, (Y/n) put her phone back in her pocket and zipped it up. She then nudged Tanaka with her foot, trying to wake him up, but it didn't work. Instead, Tanaka grabbed his girlfriend's foot, before rolling over.

  As she fell to the ground, (Y/n) yelped, landing on her boyfried who jolted awake. "The fuck is going on?!" He exclaimed, looking around frantically before seeing his girlfriend laying on his legs, her face flat on the floor.

  "Ow." (Y/n) said flatly without even lifting her face off the ground. "Oops. Did I do that? Sorry." Tanaka said, helping the girl sit upright. There was a red mark on her forehead, but other than that (Y/n) was fine. "Jeez Ryu. I'm not your teddy bear." The girl laughed, rubbing her forehead slightly.

  Suddenly, (Y/n) was enveloped in warmth, her boyfriend's arms around her waist, holding her close. "But you are my teddy bear!" Tanaka exclaimed, hiding his in the crook of (Y/n)'s neck.

  The girl laughed, pulling Tanaka's head off of her shoulder and squishing his face. "That was cheesy Ryu." She said, giving the boy a quick peck on the lips. "But it was cute."

(Y/n) stood up, dragging her boyfriend so that he would stand up too. The couple walked over to the canvas that they had painted together and the girl picked up the paint cup and brush she had set there earlier.

"What's that for?" Tanaka asked, giving his girlfried a puzzled look as she dipped the brush into the paint.

"The artists should always sign their work!" (Y/n) exclaimed, before writing her name in big letters on the canvas.

Tanaka's eyes lit up as he excitedly grabbed the paintbrush from the girl's hand.

Dipping the brush in the paint, the boy started to writ his name in big letters as well, the two names slightly overlapping.

After the words 'Ryu' and '(Y/n)' were clearly painted on the canvas, Tanaka dipped the paintbrush in the cup again and drew a big heart, encircling his and his girlfriend's name within it.

  Tanaka set the paintbrush into the cup that (Y/n) was holding before giving the girl a cheeky smile, which made (Y/n)'s face flush slightly.

"Do you like it (Y/n)? Now it's extra special!" The boy exclaimed, as if he were an excited child.

Letting out a small laugh, (Y/n) nodded, before putting the paint in the large sink across the room.

The couple spent the next half hour cleaning up the mess they had made. They picked up shattered water balloons, and cleaned up the paint that had splattered on the floor.

They washed their hand, faces, and arms, since they had rolled up the sleeves of their coveralls.

Once everything had been cleaned up, Tanaka and (Y/n) changed back into the clothes they were wearing before and grabbed their stuff from the corner of the room.

"I'll get my dad to stretch the painting onto a frame next time he comes in here for work." (Y/n) said as the two of them exited the building.

  It had grown dark outside, the sun setting in the distance. However, there were dark clouds coming from the other direction.

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