Chapter Forty- Waiting

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Finally, the second round for prelims began. The Karasuno bus pulled up to the gym they would be playing at.

Hinata was practically running in circles with excitement, and wasted no time, running towards the entrance with Kageyama hot on his trail.

  "Ugh the energy radiating off of those two is giving me a headache!" (Y/n) groaned, slumping against Tanaka.

As the rest of the team made their way to the entrance as well, they noticed that the two first years had been stopped by another group of boys.

(Y/n) immediately rolled her eyes when she noticed that the person at the front of the group, was the guy who was trying to get Kiyoko's number a few months ago.

"Well, well, well. This is Karasuno huh?" The boy said, before his eyes trailed their way to (Y/n), and Kiyoko. "Hey cuties! Which one of you is going to give me your number today? The hottie, or the pretty badass?"

Tanaka, and Noya looked like they were about to explode. "HEY!" Tanaka yelled, catching the flirtatious boy's attention. "The pretty badass is my girlfriend!"

He pointed at (Y/n) who just stood there awkwardly. Tanaka, and Noya then began to charge at the boy, who was wearing a yellow jacket.

"HEY!" Daichi yelled, trying to stop them, but it was too late.

The two were mid-pounce, when a girl stepped in. "I am so sorry about that!" She exclaimed, while the two boys were literally frozen midair.

Daichi, and (Y/n) then both stepped in, Daichi pulling Noya back, and (Y/n) doing the same to Tanaka. "No! We're the sorry ones. Sometimes we have trouble containing the two." The captain, and manager apologized.

The girl nodded, before turning around, scolding the boys on her team. As the team in yellow jackets entered the gym, (Y/n) caught a glimpse of the school name.

'Johzenji? Huh.'

"We should probably head in too guys. Our first game is in just under an hour." Daichi called, leading the team of boys inside.

  Once Takeda-Sensei had everyone signed in, the team found an open area to sit until it was their turn to play.

(Y/n) sat down next to Tanaka, both of them leaning against each other. The team was surprisingly calm, despite the importance of the game.

"Hey Ryu?" (Y/n) said, Tanaka humming in response. "If you guys win this, and end up going to nationals, I'm going to take you on a date this time. Kind of like, a congratulatory celebration, or something."

  Tanaka laughed, kissing his girlfriend on the cheek. "But what if I lose?" He asked, "What will happen then?"

  The girl thought about this. "I highly doubt that will happen, but if it does..." She pauses, thinking again. "Then you have to take me on a date."

  Both of them smiled, "Aight bet." Tanaka said holding out his hand to seal the deal.

  (Y/n) grabbed the boys hand, and shook it aggressively, before they both leaned lazily against each other once again.

A few minutes passed before both of them became overwhelmed with boredom, the two of them sliding against the wall until they were laying down.

  "Waiting is so boring." (Y/n) whined, Tanaka groaning in agreement.

(Y/n) began humming a random tune, and a few seconds later, Tanaka joined in as well, both of them snapping, and Tanaka did a tiny little dance.

They did this for a few more minutes, until Tsukishima told them to shut up. "Fuck you, salt stick!" (Y/n) yelled, while Tanaka flipped the first year off.

"Watch it you two." Suga warned, making both of them apologize. The two lied back down on the ground, groaning once again.

Bored out of their minds, Tanaka, and (Y/n) could barely sit still. It got so bad that Daichi had to do something. "Why don't you two just play a game? Like the word association game or something."

  The two second years sat up straight. "Ooo. Okay, I'll go first." Tanaka said, thinking for a few seconds to think of the first word.

  "Pickle!" Tanaka exclaimed, to which (Y/n)quickly replied with, "Vinegar!"

  "Wait why didn't you just say cucumber?" Tanaka asked, which confused (Y/n). "You know, because pickles are cucumbers?"

  (Y/n) smacked her head. "Aw shit! I forgot about that!" She cried, making Tanaka, and a few other team members laugh.

  The two continued playing for half an hour, until Coach Ukai, and Takeda-Sensei came to tell the team it was their turn to play.

  "Finally!" (Y/n), and Tanaka yelled in unison, hopping up, and grabbing all of the gear they would need.

   "The match will be against Johzenji, the team we met earlier. Let's show them what we got!" Daichi yelled, the team yelling in agreement.

'We are so going to win this.' (Y/n) thought confidently as she followed the team to the court.


  Ugghhh I'm lacking INSPIRATION so if there isnt a chapter tomorrow I am extremely sorry! I didn't have time to do like, any writing at all. T-T

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