Chapter Fifteen- Encouragement

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  I know that only one manager is allowed on the bench at a time, but for this story, both (Y/n), and Kiyoko will be on the bench.

The bus pulled up to the gymnasium where the Karasuno vs. Seijoh match would be taking place.

  Tanaka made sure not to fall asleep this time, so (Y/n, and his other friends couldn't pull another trick on him.

  (Y/n), and Tanaka walked inside with the rest of the team, making their way to the gym area to warm up. (Y/n) was heading to the bench when a voice behind her made her turn around reluctantly.

  "Yoohoo! (Y/n)-chan~" The voice of Oikawa Tooru rang in (Y/n)'s ears. 'Not this again' she internally groaned.

  Last time the team had been to Seijoh for a practice match, Oikawa flirted with (Y/n) while he wasn't playing, and it annoyed the fuck out of her.

  "What do you want Oikawa-san?" She said, not even trying to hide her annoyance.

Oikawa smiled, sauntering over to the (h/c) haired girl, becoming too close for comfort, making her back up. "Woah! Back it up pretty boy!" (Y/n) said pushing the boy away.

  "Come on (Y/n)~! Just go on a date with me! I promise I can make you fall in love!" Oikawa smirked, (Y/n) staring at him in disgust.

  "Uhm, how about no!" She said before walking away, only for the brunette to follow him. "(Y/n)-chan pleeeease."

  The girl was about to reject him again, but someone else did it for her.

  "Back off Oikawa! She said no already!" Tanaka said, glaring at the taller male.

  "Oh? What's this? Are you (Y/n)-chan's boyfriend?" Oikawa asked, the smirk on his face still there.

  Tanaka blushed at the thought of being (Y/n)'s boyfriend. "N-no! But I am her best friend, so leave her alone! Plus, don't you have like hundreds of fan girls?" He defended, trying to get Oikawa to leave.

  "Yeah I do, but I like when girls play hard to get." He explained, winking at (Y/n), causing the girl to roll her eyes.

  "Just leave her alone!" Tanaka repeated, the air around him becoming darker by the second.

  Oikawa raised his arms up as a sign of surrender. "Okay, okay, but I'll be back." He said, sauntering away, back to his team.

  "Thanks Ryu! I totally owe you!" (Y/n) exclaimed, pulling Tanaka into a hug. Surprisingly she didn't turn red, but for the boy she was hugging, it was a different story.

"I-it's no problem! I could tell he was annoying you!" He stuttered, though that was only half of the truth.

He could tell that Oikawa was annoying (Y/n), but he was also afraid that the Seijoh captain would take the girl away from him.

"Come on! It's almost time for the game!" The girl said, dragging him over to the rest of the team.
(Y/n) sighed in frustration, smacking herself in the head with her clipboard a few times.

The game had only just started, and the team was already falling apart.

Oikawa was targeting Tanaka, who was struggling to receive, and most of his spikes were being blocked, forcing Ukai to call two timeouts, almost back to back.

The team gathered around, Tanaka looking frustrated. Suddenly, he slapped himself in the face, and began yelling.

"I'm sorry! I didn't call the toss just now. I got scared for a second, damn it! I'll have all of my regrets after the match! There's no point in someone worthless like me bringing everyone down because I'm upset about my own mistake! I'll get it next time!"

He finished his speech, everyone looking at him in shock. Coach Ukai was the first to speak.

"You heard the man! Get back out there!" He yelled, and the team went back to the court, looking determined.

Oikawa targeted Tanaka again, the wing spiker failing again, and (Y/n)could see him doubting himself from where she sat on the bench.

'He could really use some encouragement right about now (Y/n)!' Her thoughts told her.

She stood up and yelled. "Come on Ryu! Get your head in the game! You got this you beautiful idiot!"

She sat down, seeing Tanaka's doubting face turn into one of determination. She watched him jump up, and spike through the wall of blockers.

Yelling in victory, he sent a thumb-up (Y/n)'s way, which she returned.
(Y/n) sat there, multiple emotions flowing through her at once.

  The ball hit the ground on Karasuno's side of the court, the last point Seijoh needed was gained.

Karasuno had lost.

  The team gathered their things and headed to the bus, barely uttering a word.

  Coach Ukai treated the team to food before heading back to the school, most of the boys ate with tears in their eyes.

  (Y/n) decided to walk Tanaka home, because she wanted to make an attempt at cheering her best friend up.

  "Hey, Ryu?" She said while walking. He turned his head, as a way of saying that she had his attention.

  "I... just wanted to say that you were really amazing today, and that...I'm proud of you." She finished her mini speech, not expecting an answer.

  Tanaka could've sworn that his heart exploded when those words left the girls mouth, his mood changing completely.

  He felt a sudden wave of confidence washed over him, causing him to stop dead, and turn towards the girl.

  He pulled her into a hug, her hair tickling his nose. "Thank you, for everything." He said, his voice slightly muffled.

  "Y-you're welcome!" The girl managed to spit out, her face was extremely red, and she hoped that the boy hugging her wouldn't be able to feel the heat coming off of it.

  Tanaka let go and began walking again, (Y/n) jogging slightly to catch up with him, their footsteps becoming falling into sync.

  "So," Tanaka smirked teasingly. "You think I'm beautiful?" He asked, the girl returning his smirk with a mischievous smile.

  "Of course! You're quite pretty..." She paused, making the boy think she was done. "For a donkey!" She laughed.

  Tanaka gasped dramatically, attempting to get a few tears to fall, but he just ended up making himself look constipated. "I have never been so offended in my life!" He cried, falling to his knees dramatically, making (Y/n) laugh even more.

  She helped the boy up and they spent the rest of the way home goofing off, neither of them thinking about any of the past events that had happened that day.


  Wow that's like three long chapters in a row!

  Uhmm... I don't have a whole lot to say sooo... I hope you're enjoying the story? I mean I would think you are cause you've read this far, but I could be completely wrong!

   I was gonna say goodbye in a different language but my brain decided to stop working.


  EDIT: I edited this chapter, because when I originally wrote it I put in a phrase that would be considered racist. At the time I didn't know it was racist but that's not an excuse and I should've changed it WAY sooner. I had no intent of offending anyone and if I did I am extremely sorry! I have educated myself since I wrote this chapter last year and I'm making sure not to write anything that could possibly offend anyone in my new book. I hope everyone that's reading this is having a great day :)

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