Chapter Twenty Four- Date

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When (Y/n) opened the door, her eyes widened a little bit. In front of her, was her boyfriend, wearing something other than gym clothes, or his uniform.

  He was wearing a pair of blue jeans, a black and white striped shirt, and a leather jacket to tie the look together. (I threw in the jacket because, let's be honest, it's something he'd do.) What he was wearing, fit the description of what he told (Y/n) to wear: Nice, but not too fancy.

"Uhm... hi?" He said, uncertainty layered in his tone. Him, and Noya spent so much time planning the actual date, that he never really thought about what to say.

"Hi!" (Y/n) replied cheerfully, flashing her signature bright smile. Tanaka suddenly felt very nervous, blushing when the girl smiled.

  "S-should we go then?" He asked, stepping out of the way for the girl. (Y/n) locked the door, jumping down the stairs.

  "Yup!" She said, not feeling the least bit nervous, which confused Tanaka. "What happened to the (Y/n) that was flustered at just the thought of a date?" He asked.

  (Y/n) thought about this as they walked to an unknown destination. "I don't know actually..." She said, looking over at Tanaka, who was a blushing mess. "but it seems like you're pretty nervous." She teased.

  The girl then gasped dramatically. "Don't tell me... Is this your first date?!" She asked, bursting into laughter.

  "Y-yeah it is! Stop laughing!" Tanaka yelled, slightly elbowing (Y/n) while still turning red.

  (Y/n) stopped laughing abruptly. "Wait, it actually is? I don't know how, you're pretty great." She said, speaking her mind."

  "T-thanks?" The boy said, before realizing where they were. "Oh! We're here!" He said stopping.

  Tanaka ran ahead of (Y/n), and stood like he was showing off a new car, with jazz hands, and everything. "Our first destination! The farmers market!" He yelled.

(Y/n)'s eyes lit up, because she had always loved the farmer's market, and the fact that Tanaka has made that observation, made her heart swell.

  The girl ran up to her boyfriend, kissing his cheek, before intertwined her hand with his. "Thank you!" She said, her smile growing even wider.

  "Don't thank me yet! This is only the first stop!" Tanaka said, glad that the first part of the plan was a success.

  They walked around for an hour, or so, checking out as many stands as possible. (Y/n) was wandering around, when she realized that Tanaka was no longer beside her.

  "RYU?! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?!" She yelled, receiving a collection of judgmental looks from bystanders.

  This girl then felt a tap on her shoulder, making her jump. She turned around, and saw Tanaka standing there. It was obvious he was trying not to laugh, but failed in the end.

  His laughing was cut off when he felt a fist connect with his arm. "OW!" He shouted grabbing his sore arm.

  "You fucking scared me!" (Y/n) yelled. Though she was angry, she pulled the boy into a hug. This made Tanaka feel bad, and he pulled the girl closer.

  "I'm sorry. I had an important phone call." He explained. "It's okay. Sorry for punching you." She said, pulling away.

  "Eh, it's whatever. Nothing I can't handle." He said, brushing it off. (Y/n) then raised a fist, as if she was going to punch him again. When Tanaka flinched, the girl laughed. "Right."

  "Anyways, it's time for our next destination, let's go!" The boy said, grabbing the girls hand, and practically dragged her away from the farmers market.

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