Chapter Four- Meeting The Team

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  (Y/n) packed up her books and put them in her bag.

  The bell had just rung for lunchtime, meaning that her new friend Tanaka was going to show her around.

  "Hi (Y/n)!" Speaking of Tanaka, here he was, standing in front of her with excitement in his eyes. "Ready to go?" She nodded and got up from her seat.

  "We have to make a stop first. I have someone for you to meet!" (Y/n) just shrugged and said, "Sure. I don't mind."

They stopped in front of a classroom very similar to theirs, and walked in. "Wow Ryu! You were right!" A short guy walked up to them. He had dark spiky hair, with a bleached tuft in the front.

(Y/n) was curious as to what he was talking about, but she shrugged it off because it was obviously between the two boys.

  "(Y/n), this is Nishinoya, Yuu, my best friend and a great libero!" 'Libero? What the fuck is that? Isn't that an astrology sign or something?'

  "Uhmm... (Y/n)? You good?" (Y/n) was shaken out of her thoughts by Tanaka.

  "Yup! Sorry I kinda zoned out there! Nice to meet you!" She smiled cheerfully, hoping to make a good first impression.

Now it was Tanaka, and Noya's turn to zone out. 'Smile...pretty...shiiiit' the two boys thought simultaneously. "Uhm hello?" She waved her hands in front of their faces.

  The three of them had walked all the way around the school, Tanaka, and Noya pointing out different areas that are good for hanging out.

  The last destination was the second gym. Noya has already left because he had some work to catch up on.

  (Y/n) could hear the squeaking of shoes, and wondered what sport was going on in there. Tanaka pushes the door open to reveal about nine boys playing volleyball.

"Shit! Was there practice at lunch today?!" A silver head male walked towards them. "LANGUAGE!" He yelled before karate chopping Tanaka in the stomach.

Due to the Tanaka's outburst, everybody was crowded around (Y/n), him. (Y/n) hadn't noticed it at first though, because she was laughing at Tanaka so hard her vision was blurred with tears.

  Once the two had calmed down, the silver haired boy from before introduced himself. "I'm Sugawara, Koushi, but you can call me Suga. I'm a third year and vice captain of the boys volleyball team." He seemed nice enough, and gave off a motherly aura. (Y/n) stuck out her hand and he gladly took it. "(L/n), (F/n), second year."

  Everybody had introduced themselves to (Y/n) and now she was sitting on the bench watching them play.

  The door opened and a beautiful girl walked into the gym. "KIYOKO! You're looking beautifully beautiful today!" Tanaka pounced towards the girl only for her to duck, and him go flying out the door. (Y/n) couldn't help but burst out laughing at her friends stupidity.

  The pretty girl walked towards (Y/n). "Hello, my name is Kiyoko, Shimizu. I'm a third year and the manager of the boys volleyball club."

(Y/n stared at her with wide eyes. 'God she's pretty...WHAT AMAZING THING DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS?!' She silently thanked the gods for allowing her to be in the same room as the goddess in front of her.

  "Uhm I'm Kiyoko, Shimizu!...wait no I'm not...AHHH IM SO SORRY!" (Y/n) began to panic. Her cheeks turned bright red from embarrassment.

  "It's alright! Please just calm down!" Kiyoko tried to calm the embarrassed girl in front of her.

  Taking deep breaths, (Y/n) finally introduced herself. "M-my name is (L/n),(F/n). I'm a second year." She finished, cursing herself for stuttering.

  'Really?! A stutter?! Right now?! Way to fuck things up!'

The calm voice of Kiyoko woke (Y/n) from her thoughts. "Were you wanting to join as a manager? If that's not what your here for then that's fine."

  (Y/n) thought for a moment.

  "Uhm... I was actually just here to watch my friend know, the one that almost trampled you? Hehe...but! I wouldn't mind helping you and becoming the manager!"

  'What was that?! I'm never shy!'

  "Really?! Thank you so much! Well there's practice today after school so we can tell the boys the news then!" Kiyoko seemed...excited? (Y/n) couldn't really tell in all honest.


With that, the bell rang and everyone went to their classes.


Hell yeah! That was a decently sized chapter right?

I suck at theeeeese.

Uhmmm... so you're the manager now! Yaaaay! I know that's kinda what happens in every fanfic, but don't worry cause I have a plan! It may not be a very good one! But it exsists so that's a start!

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