Chapter Twenty Two- Wake Up

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Tanaka woke up from the warmth of the sun peeking through the window. His eyes slowly fluttered open, and he smiled, remembering where he had fallen asleep the night before.

He looked down to see a sleeping (Y/n) in his arms, her hair slightly ruffled from sleep. Her usual fiery, and goofy expression, was replaced with a calm, and peaceful one.

Tanaka pulled the girl into his chest, hiding his face in her hair, which smelled of Lavender. He closed his eyes again, wanting to stay in this peaceful moment for a while longer.

Suddenly, (Y/n) booted upright, her eyes wide. "STEP UP YOU FUCKING DOLPHIN WHORE!" She yelled, before realizing that she was I her room.

Tanaka just stared at her, and then started to laugh. "Good morning to you too!" He said, startling the girl who had forgotten he was there.

  "Ryu!" (Y/n) yelled before tackling her boyfriend in a hug. "Good morning!" She said, cheerfully. (Y/n) wasn't  morning person, but that's because she has the tendency to fall asleep, and wake up again a few times with full energy, before actually getting up for the day, exhausted because of all the energy she had already used.

  "You're surprisingly energetic in the morning." Tanaka observed, hugging the girl on top of him. When he didn't receive an answer, he noticed that the girl had fallen asleep again.

  "Oh what the hell." He said, but decided to go with it so that he could hold the girl in his arms longer. It was Saturday, so they wouldn't have to worry about being late for school.

About twenty minutes later, the same thing happened when (Y/n) woke up again, except this time she yelled, "PISS OFF BURR!"

"Okay, what the hell is with you?" Tanaka asked, (Y/n) just looked at him in confusion. "Do you always yell random shit when you wake up, and then fall asleep again?"

"Hmm... Yup!" She answered, before pecking her boyfriend on the cheek, and stretching.

"W-well if that's how you're going to greet me in the mornings, I could get used to your random yelling." Tanaka said, blushing when (Y/n) kisses him on the cheek.

(Y/n) flopped back down on the bed, rolling so she was against Tanaka's side. "Glad to hear it." she said, her voice muffled. "What do you wanna do today?"

The boy thought for a minute, before thinking of a great idea. "Let me take you on a date." He said simply, though he was actually nervous she would say.

"Like a "date" date?" The girl asked, finally pulling her face out from Tanaka's side. When the short haired boy nodded, (Y/n) became nervous, and began to stutter.

"I-I mean i-if you w-want to we c-can." She managed to spit out, turning red throughout the process.

Tanaka let out a chuckle, seeing the girl flustered over being asked on a date by him, was something he found entertaining.

"Of course I want to! It'll be our first official date!" He announced, making the girl blush even more.

"O-okay." (Y/n) said. Shortly after, she regained her cool, and was back to her usual self.

"Let's go eat food first! (Y/n) needs some waffles, or some shit." She said, talking in third person. She finally got up, and began walking towards that door, Tanaka following behind.

After they ate, they cleaned up their mess. "So where are we going on this date?" (Y/n) asked while washing dishes.

"What?! Who said I have to plan it!?" Tanaka yelled. It had never occurred to him that he would have to plan the date, even though he asked (Y/n).

"It was your idea! Get thinking lover boy!" The girl exclaimed.

"Oh shit... Uhmm." Tanaka began slowly backing towards the door. "Wear something nice, but not too fancy, I'll be back in a couple hours."

And with that, he was gone. (Y/n) stood in the kitchen, extremely confused. 'Did it not occur to him that he's wearing old, baggy clothes, and only took his phone with him?' She thought.

She then began laughing, because it was such a Ryu thing to do. (Y/n) finished cleaning up, and headed back to her room, where she began to look for an outfit to wear on the mystery date.


It took me so long to write this chapter because there was a huge ass thunderstorm, so I watched that for an hour, and then got into an argument with my friend. (We argue on a regular basis for fun. We good.)


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